Home Orthopedics One nostril is smaller than the other. What to do if one nostril is constantly blocked without a runny nose One nostril is larger than the other - ways to correct the defect

One nostril is smaller than the other. What to do if one nostril is constantly blocked without a runny nose One nostril is larger than the other - ways to correct the defect

Difficulty in nasal breathing indicates the presence of health problems that need to be addressed urgently. Typically, this condition appears due to a cold or other illness that negatively affects the ability to breathe deeply through the olfactory organ. Many patients come to see doctors complaining that they can’t breathe in just one nostril.

An unpleasant condition occurs when various reasons. It is very important to identify the factor that led to the development of this ailment. Only in this case will the doctor be able to choose the right treatment.

Causes of nasal congestion on one side of the nose

There are a huge number of factors that can cause difficulty breathing through one side of the nose. If this symptom is accompanied copious discharge snot, then the cause of the ailment will be clear even without consulting a doctor. A person simply suffers from a runny nose. Things are a little different when difficulty breathing is not caused by the accumulation of fluid in the nasal cavity.

The right or left nostril may become blocked due to the following factors:

  • Severe hypothermia of the body. This is caused by prolonged exposure to a cool place or outside wearing too light clothing.
  • Being in a room with dry air.
  • Development side effect caused by taking a medication that is inappropriate for the body.
  • An allergic reaction to an external irritant.
  • Consequences of colds or flu.
  • Frequent smoking and alcohol abuse.
  • The presence of growths in the nasal cavity, for example, polyps.

As a rule, the problem most often worries people at night. It does not pose any particular danger to human health. However, it is still worth trying to get rid of it in order to improve the quality of your own life. To do this, it is enough to eliminate the factors that cause discomfort. Usually these measures are enough to forget about the obstructed passage of air through one nostril.

Under no circumstances should you trigger a painful condition. Doctors have repeatedly said that in the absence of proper treatment, a person may completely lose his sense of smell. He will no longer be able to recognize odors using one side of his nose.

Common pathologies

If the right or left nostril is breathing poorly and there are no signs of a runny nose, then the cause of this phenomenon may be a pathology of the nose, which can be eliminated surgically. Difficulty breathing through one side of the olfactory organ can be caused by:


They are usually found in adult male patients. They occur against the background of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, which has a chronic form. Polyps grow very slowly. Initially, they block the upper part of the passages of the olfactory organ. Afterwards they increase in size and close the breathing holes.

If polyps develop along with infectious infection, then the person is at risk of developing bronchial asthma.


This disease is diagnosed mainly in young children who have not reached preschool age. Adenoids negatively affect not only the respiratory function, but also the quality of hearing in the child. With this problem, the patient constantly has a stuffy nose, which is why his mouth is slightly open.

Mouth breathing is not advisable, as it has a lot of unpleasant consequences for the body. There are situations when growths disappear on their own over time. If this does not happen, then surgery is required. It is worth noting that after removal, adenoids may reappear.

Deviated nasal septum

Due to this pathology, air cannot naturally penetrate into one half of the nose. This ailment can be suspected by signs such as shortness of breath and constant congestion in the nostrils.


One should not exclude the possibility of a benign or malignant neoplasm which interferes with the passage of air masses through the respiratory tract. Such growths must be removed as soon as possible. in a safe way. This is especially true for cancer tumors.

Doctors identify several types of benign and oncological tumors, which, in the presence of appropriate factors, can form in the nasal cavity and block one of the nostrils. With such respiratory dysfunction, doctors diagnose osteoma, sarcoma, glandular cancer or hemangioma. Fortunately, such diagnoses are extremely rare in specialist practice.

Danger of permanent congestion

Difficulty breathing, which occurs due to one blocked nostril, is not dangerous when a person is treating the unpleasant symptom. If this condition is chronic, then it may well cause complications that threaten not only health, but also life.

As a result of chronic illness, the following painful conditions develop:

Such complications are difficult to ignore. They influence daily life person in the worst possible way. That is why it is necessary to begin treatment of the pathological process immediately after the problem appears.

At an early stage, in the absence of complications, it is much easier to cope with. Otherwise, the patient will have to undergo long-term and painful therapy, which does not provide a 100% guarantee of complete recovery.

Drug treatment of chronic congestion

An otolaryngologist can diagnose a disease that causes one nostril to be blocked. He will identify the factor that provoked the illness and select effective treatment for the patient. The therapeutic course will include the following procedures using pharmaceutical drugs:

Drug treatment will not have any effect if the patient has a stuffy side of the nose due to growths or a deviated septum. In this case, you will have to agree to surgery if the person wants to breathe normally again.

Help from traditional medicine

For patients who complain of difficulty breathing through the right or left nostrils, traditional medicine helps to cope with their problem. It can really make breathing easier. These procedures are a salvation for a stuffy nose:

  • Instillation of fennel or chamomile extract into the problematic nostril.
  • Cleansing the sinuses by rinsing them with salt water.
  • Warming the sinuses with a hard-boiled egg.
  • Instillation of nasal drops made from garlic, aloe juice, onion, honey and carrot juice (before the procedure, the components of the medicine mixed together must be diluted with water to reduce their concentration).
  • Lubricating the mucous membrane of the nostril with lamb fat applied to a piece of cotton wool.

Inhalations herbal compositions It makes sense to do this if a stuffy nose is a symptom of a cold.

A simple massage will help restore normal air flow through the nose. To feel better, you need to massage the wings of your nose with two fingers. Periodically it is necessary to tap on the bridge of the nose.

Preventing nasal congestion

A stuffy side of the nose is a painful condition that cannot be eliminated in just one day. In order not to encounter such a nuisance, you must try to prevent its occurrence. To do this, it is enough to observe the following measures to prevent the development of the pathological process:

  • It is necessary to diversify your daily diet with foods that contain microelements that enhance immunity.
  • Should be abandoned forever bad habits, such as smoking and regular consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • You need to arrange daily walks in the fresh air, which can be combined with sports.
  • You should not attend mass events during periods of a cold epidemic.

Sticking to simple recommendations, you will not only be able to rid yourself of problems with the passage of air through the nose while inhaling, but also strengthen the immune system. They will help improve the health of the body and reduce the incidence of colds, which cause nasal congestion.

If you detect any ailments that are associated with impaired breathing through the nose, you need to consult a doctor in order to diagnose and treat the disease in time before it causes complications.

Alternating blocking of one nostril and then the other is a sign of inflammation or severe swelling of the mucous membrane in the nasopharynx. Much less often, obstruction (obstruction) of the tract is caused by benign or malignant tumors. This publication will discuss in detail the most probable reasons nasal breathing disorders, as well as possible diseases and their clinical manifestations.

Infectious causes

Why is only one nostril blocked? Most often, unilateral nasal congestion occurs due to infectious inflammation of the nasopharynx. Its inner surface is covered with ciliated epithelium, inside which there are small glands. Single-celled glands secrete nasal mucus, which moisturizes the nasal cavity and cleanses it of allergens and pathogenic agents. Inflammatory reactions stimulate the synthesis of more mucus, which clogs the internal nasal openings (choanae) and, accordingly, prevents normal breathing.

Maxillitis (sinusitis)

Quite often, nasal congestion on one side occurs due to inflammation of one of the two maxillary sinuses (sinuses). Damage to the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses is called maxillitis or sinusitis. The disease can develop either independently or against the background of other respiratory diseases - influenza, tonsillitis, adenoiditis, nasopharyngitis, etc.

If you alternately have one or the other nostril blocked for a month or more, the cause of your breathing problems is most likely an infection.

Symptoms of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses are:

  • nagging pain in the bridge of the nose and at the level of the cheeks;
  • periodic discharge of purulent mucus;
  • headaches and malaise;
  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • low body temperature;
  • decreased or absent sense of smell.

Treatment is carried out mainly with antibiotics and drugs that eliminate swelling. This improves the drainage of the paranasal sinuses, which prevents the penetration of purulent contents into the surrounding tissues.

Posterior rhinitis

The reasons for nasal congestion in children and adults may lie in the development of posterior rhinitis (rhinopharyngitis). Combined inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat and nasal cavity leads to swelling of the airways and, accordingly, difficulty breathing. If one or the other nostril is blocked in turn, you should pay attention to the presence of accompanying symptoms. Typical manifestations of posterior rhinitis are:

  • sneezing and watery eyes;
  • burning and itching in the nasopharynx;
  • nasal voice;
  • crusts on the inner surface of the nasal passages;
  • blocking the right or left nostril in a supine position.

Immune defense plays a key role in the development of nasopharyngitis in children and the elderly. A decrease in the body's resistance creates all the conditions for the development of infection in the respiratory system.

As a rule, blockage of both halves of the nose occurs when acute course diseases.

Sluggish inflammation of the mucous membranes is accompanied by swelling of only part of the nasopharynx, which is why patients alternate between the right and left nostrils.


Children under 8 years of age often suffer from nasal congestion. The causes of difficulty breathing may lie in inflammation of the hypertrophied (enlarged) nasopharyngeal tonsil. Infectious inflammation of a pathologically enlarged tonsil (adenoids) is called adenoiditis.

Adenoids are located in the vault of the nasopharynx, so their growth and inflammation inevitably leads to blockage of the airways. On initial stages development in children can alternately block one or the other nostril. The following may indicate the development of the disease:

  • purulent nasal discharge;
  • labored breathing;
  • foul odor from the nose;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • nonproductive cough;
  • temperature increase.

Adenoiditis – infectious disease, which is most often diagnosed in children aged 3 to 8 years.

If, while using vasoconstrictor and decongestant drops, nasal obstruction (congestion) does not go away, you need to show the child to a pediatrician.

Delayed treatment of adenoiditis can provoke more serious disorders.

Non-infectious causes

Nasal obstruction can be eliminated only if the cause of blockage of the nasal canals is identified and eliminated. If you've had a stuffy nose on one side for several weeks or months, it's most likely due to non-infectious pathology. Moreover, difficulty breathing may be a consequence of defects in the intranasal structures or congenital diseases.

Oncological diseases

Oncological diseases are almost asymptomatic, so signs of breathing problems in the first couple of days are weakly expressed. However, as the pathology progresses, the overgrown tissues block the airways, which leads to obstruction of the nasopharynx. Tumors can destroy surrounding tissues and thereby cause discomfort in patients.

If a person cannot breathe through only one nostril for a long time, the reason for this could be:

  • angiofibroma – benign neoplasm occurring between the soft palate and the posterior wall of the nasopharynx;
  • myxoma - a small lump covered with mucous membrane; is formed mainly in the nasal cavity, which is why the patient cannot breathe through the right or left nostril;
  • carcinoma is a malignant tumor that rapidly progresses, destroying the surrounding soft and bone tissue.

Physical and chemical carcinogens are the main provoking factors that increase the risk of formation malignant tumors 3 times.

As the tumor grows, the symptoms of nasopharyngeal obstruction only increase. At the initial stages of development of the pathology, the patient has blockage in only one nostril. If the tumors are not eliminated in time, they will block the choanae, which will lead to complete blockage of the airways.


When an allergic reaction to the action of irritating substances occurs, a person almost always experiences symptoms of rhinitis. The fact is that when the nasal mucosa comes into contact with allergens (dust mites, fluff, wool), inflammation occurs. Swelling of the soft tissues leads to obstruction of the hone and, accordingly, obstruction of the nasopharynx. In this regard, when breathing through the nose, either the left or the right nostril may become blocked.

Difficulty breathing, watery eyes, lack of fever and itching in the nasal cavity are the main symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Its development can be triggered by:

Inadequate treatment of allergic rhinitis can lead to the development bronchial asthma, otitis, conjunctivitis and purulent sinusitis.

Vasomotor rhinitis

Vasomotor rhinitis is a disease characterized by obstruction of the nasal canals, which is associated with a violation vascular tone. If you have no visible reasons one nostril is constantly blocked, it is likely that the reason for this was an inadequate reaction of the mucous membrane to the action of ordinary physiological factors - cold, sharp temperatures, dust, etc.

Chronic nasal congestion, lack of smell and a feeling of dryness in the nasopharynx are the main manifestations of vasomotor rhinitis.

The development of vasomotor rhinitis is based on a violation of the excitability of the peripheral or central parts of the nervous system. Due to this ciliated epithelium, with which the nasopharynx is covered, cannot adequately respond to the action of specific or nonspecific stimuli. If the patient does not breathe through the nose even when using decongestants (vasoconstrictor medications), in most cases this indicates the development of a neurogenic (vasomotor) runny nose.

Nasal congestion in pregnant women

Women during pregnancy often complain that one or the other nostril is blocked. According to experts, in most cases this is due to hormonal imbalance and, accordingly, swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. The occurrence of endocrine disorders is indicated by the absence of typical manifestations of a respiratory disease - rhinitis, cough, lacrimation, malaise, etc.

During pregnancy, the placenta begins to produce more estrogen, which stimulates the secretory activity of the submucosal layer in the nasal cavity. Increased production female hormone leads to an increase in the amount of nasal secretion in the respiratory tract and swelling of the soft tissues. If only one nostril functions when inhaling, this indicates that one of the choanae is blocked by nasal secretions.

It is worth noting that in pregnant women the risk of developing infection in the respiratory system increases by 35%. This is due to a decrease in immunity, since during gestation the mechanism of suppression of protective reactions is activated. The placenta produces substances that suppress the immune system and thereby prevent rejection of the embryo.


Difficulty breathing is a nonspecific symptom that signals the development of a huge range of ENT diseases. If a person has only one nasal canal blocked, the reason may lie in the occurrence of neurovegetative disorders (vasomotor rhinitis), respiratory diseases (maxillitis, nasopharyngitis, adenoiditis), oncological pathologies (myxoma, angioma, sarcoma), etc.

In pregnant women, obstruction (obstruction) of the nasal passages is more often associated with hormonal imbalance and respiratory diseases. The cause of breathing difficulty can be determined by the presence or absence of concomitant manifestations of the disease, as well as the nature of nasal obstruction.

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For the prevention and assistance in the treatment of diseases of the throat and nose according to the prescription of Schema-Archimandrite George (Sava).

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Higher medical education, anesthesiologist.

The nose is a respiratory organ, which has two tasks - protection and smell. After inhalation, the air enters the nasal cavity, where it becomes moist, warm and cleared of dust and bacteria. When this process fails, sometimes the nose becomes stuffy on one side. This brings a lot of inconvenience to a person, because he loses his sense of smell and cannot breathe fully, especially at night.

To get the required volume of air, a person breathes through the mouth. All this negatively affects the entire body. The nasal mucosa dries out and inflammatory processes occur in it, contributing to the development of ENT diseases. To eliminate discomfort, it is necessary to choose the right and competent treatment, but first you should find out why one nostril is blocked when you have a runny nose.

There are many factors contributing to the appearance of such a condition. The main reasons include:

  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • the presence of tumors in the nose, deviated septum, trauma;
  • diseases in which blood vessels grow;
  • sinusitis.

Congestion of one half of the nose is characteristic of vasomotor rhinitis. In this case, the blocking of one or another nostril depends on a change in the position of the body, which is in a horizontal position. Most often, this symptom of the disease bothers people at night. When there is a shortage of air, the required volume of oxygen does not enter the lungs and hypoxia develops.

The factors causing vasomotor rhinitis are not completely known. It is believed that the disease can be caused by:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • hypothermia;
  • irritation of mucous membranes respiratory organs various chemicals;
  • inhalation of polluted or dry air.

Attention! There is a neurogenic type of vasomotor rhinitis that occurs when endocrine disorders, injury to the nasal membrane and abuse vasoconstrictor drops.

Another congestion in one nostril occurs with allergic rhinitis, which develops after each contact with an allergen. The most common allergies are to pollen, chemicals, animal dander, cockroaches and mites.

If one nostril is not breathing, but there is no snot, then most often this is due to pathologies of the nasal septum. Other causes of unpleasant symptoms may be the formation of polyps in the nasal passages. In this case, breathing is moderately impaired or completely absent. People with these problems complain of dryness and snoring at night, and their nose shape may change.

Also, in the presence of polyps, many patients begin to frequently use drugs that constrict blood vessels. So the body gets used to the drops, and as a result one of the nostrils will always be blocked.

With sinusitis, only one can become inflamed maxillary sinus which is accompanied severe pain in the area of ​​the cheeks, eyes, forehead, purulent discharge and temperature. On the affected side of the face, the cheeks and lower eyelid may swell, and sometimes the patient even has toothache. Such conditions develop when bacteria or viruses enter the upper respiratory tract, and timely treatment diseases caused by them are not carried out.

Other causes of blockage in one nostril are:

To decompose the nose, you must first conduct a thorough diagnosis. When the cause is established, a treatment method is selected.

So, if the patient has been diagnosed with vasomotor rhinitis, then the factors contributing to the development of the disease are first eliminated (treatment of inflammation of the nasopharynx and reflux gastritis, adjustment of intake medications, normalization of the work of the National Assembly).

For vasomotor rhinitis, they are prescribed antihistamines , intranasal glucocorticosteroids are sometimes used.

Physiotherapy (electrophoresis, inhalations using a nebulizer) is often used. The patient is also prescribed endovasal blockades with Novocaine, local cauterization of the nasal mucosa with chemicals, and the use of sclerosing drugs.

Attention! If conservative medicine for vasomotor rhinitis is not effective, surgical treatment is performed.

If one nostril is clogged due to an allergy, it is necessary to eliminate the allergen if possible, disease-causing. Regarding medications, patients may be prescribed antihistamines and hormonal drugs, leukotriene antagonists, enterosorbents and vasoconstrictor sprays.

But what to do if one nostril is constantly blocked, but there is no snot? If the reasons lie in the presence of nasal pathologies (adenoids, polyps, deviated septum), then surgical treatment is performed, including cryotherapy. For sinusitis, the patient is prescribed antibiotics (macrolides, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones).

In addition, when one maxillary sinus is clogged, the doctor prescribes the following medications:

  • immunomodulators – Isofra, Sinuforte, Polydexa;
  • vasoconstrictors and antihistamines– Vibrocil;
  • medications that activate blood circulation, relieve swelling, and promote the removal of pus - Rinoflumicil.

Important! In advanced cases of sinusitis, puncture of the inflamed sinuses is performed.

Alternative Therapies

If the cause of congestion in one nostril has not yet been discovered, and in the case where the patient is not able to use medications, other methods can be used. For example, the following:

  1. The first option is rinsing, during which you can use saline solution, herbal decoctions (chamomile is very effective) or medicines.
  2. Massaging your nose will also help relieve congestion. To this end, rub the wings of the nose and the bridge of the nose with light circular movements until a pleasant feeling of warmth appears in these areas.
  3. The third method to quickly free up nasal breathing is the use of vasoconstrictors. But such sprays and drops cannot be used for long, because they are addictive.

As you can see, there are many reasons for nasal congestion on the left or right side. And in order to resume breathing, a thorough diagnosis is first necessary. But you can prevent the appearance of an unpleasant symptom if you promptly treat all diseases of the respiratory organs, give up bad habits, humidify the air, do breathing exercises and ventilate the room more often.

Directory of main ENT diseases and their treatment

All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating you can harm yourself!

Turning over to the other side, you will gradually feel that the other nostril is blocked. In order not to endlessly toss and turn from side to side and not to look for time for this activity, you should start treating vasomotor rhinitis.

Treating nostril congestion

More gentle treatment methods

There is also a technology of traditional oriental cleaning of the nasal passage #8212; jala neti. Cleansing is done using salt water. In addition to treatment, there is also a powerful preventive function.

In this case it is necessary correct position head, vessel, warm salty water and mastered washing technique. Neti #8212; one of the most effective Eastern methods of preventing and treating colds.

curvatures or acquired. For example, I have a pretty bad curve #8212; I

I plowed the asphalt with my nose as a child, when #171;friend#187; through the steering wheel

flew over. Treated without problems #8212; I'll probably rule in the summer.

you most likely have sinusitis

The article is completely understandable and very relevant for people suffering from Vasomotor Rhinitis. My doctor determined a long time ago that I do not have any allergic reactions, there is no presence of polyps. I was diagnosed with sinusitis. I treat him only with the drug IRS-19. But raising the level of immunity for sufferers like me is simply necessary! But about biologically active additives, for example, garlic oil from Tianshi, I’m hearing it for the first time. I'll have to try it. Who the hell is kidding... and there is nowhere to retreat. Good luck to everyone and speedy recovery!

This happens to me too, especially when I have a cold))) Well, what can I do, I turn over to the other side #8212; everything is becoming better. Rarely, but sometimes the situation is repeated on the opposite side. Exit #8212; sea ​​water. After it, the functioning of the nasal mucosa noticeably improves and everything returns to normal!

Treating nasal congestion: what to do if your nose is blocked on only one side?

Full breathing is the most important component of life. human body, in the absence of which the work of all organs and systems would be impossible. A condition in which the nose is blocked on one side. thereby making it difficult for the lungs to receive the next portion of oxygen, it requires special attention and immediate adoption of measures aimed at eliminating it.

There are several reasons why the nose is stuffy on one side, including:

Rhinitis (allergic or vasomotor);

Deviation of the nasal septum.

In order to begin treatment of unilateral nasal congestion, it is very important to reliably find out the cause of this ailment, and therefore you cannot do without a visit to an otolaryngologist and undergoing the required examination. So, if suspicions of sinusitis are confirmed, one of the symptoms of which is congestion in one nostril, it is necessary to take a course antibacterial therapy. The doctor, based on the patient’s condition and individual characteristics his body, may prescribe antibiotics such as Macropen or Zitrolide, Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Cephalexin. To ease breathing during sinusitis, it is necessary to instill vasoconstrictor drops into the nasal passages, and if the patient is prone to allergies, antihistamines (Suprastin, Zyrtec) can also be prescribed.

This painless and effective procedure, as Proetz washing, more popularly known as “cuckoo”. The patient needs to take a horizontal position (at an angle of 45 degrees), after which the solution is first injected into one nostril using a special syringe with a pump antibacterial drug Ciftriaxone, then Decasan, after which both solutions are pumped out of the other nasal passage.

A method called “puncture” is popular in the treatment of this disease, in which a puncture is made between the maxillary sinus and the nasal passage with a special Kulikovo needle, after which all the contents are washed out with a special solution, and finally the remnants of the injected solution are pumped out of the sinuses. After performing such therapeutic manipulations, complete recovery will soon occur, and as a result, the elimination of unilateral nasal congestion.

If the otolaryngologist has diagnosed such an anatomical feature of the patient as a deviated nasal septum, which is the cause of constant congestion in one nostril, then drug treatment or lavage in this case, for obvious reasons, will be ineffective. The only way to return normal breathing is through surgical treatment (septoplasty surgery) aimed at straightening the nasal septum. As alternative method modern private medical clinics offer a painless and bloodless laser technique for softening nasal cartilage. However, it is necessary to understand that this manipulation, unlike an operation, does not modify the nasal septum, but only the position of the cartilage, which is why the feeling of stuffiness in the nostrils after this technique will most likely remain or disappear only for a short time.

Unilateral inflammation of the paranasal sinus or an increase in the nasal mucosa on one side in the vast majority of cases is associated with the presence of one of the types of rhinitis in the patient (vasomotor or allergic). Treatment of this condition must begin with a visit to an otolaryngologist, since there can be many reasons for the formation of a barrier to oxygen from one nostril:

The presence of polyps in the nasal passage requiring surgical removal;

An allergic reaction to a specific pathogen (animal fur, Poplar fluff, medicines). The patient is advised to take antihistamines, under the influence of which the unpleasant manifestations of allergies, including nasal congestion, should go away.

Proliferation of capillaries in the nasal passage. To make breathing easier during internal cavity The nasal passage is injected with special hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs, which have the desired effect on the vessels. In critical and urgent cases, this disease can be cured by surgically destroying the capillaries.

Unilateral nasal congestion, being an unpleasant condition that prevents a person from breathing deeply, can be associated with both anatomical features nasal septum, and the development of certain diseases. An experienced otolaryngologist must make a reliable diagnosis and choose the optimal course of treatment in each specific case, and you should seek help immediately.

The article “Treating nasal congestion: what to do if the nose is stuffy on only one side?” and other medical articles on the topic “Diseases of the respiratory system” on the IOD website.

What to do if your nose is constantly stuffy?

Physiologically, breathing is carried out through the nose, where the air, as it passes, is warmed, moistened and cleared of small particles (dust, smog). With prolonged difficulty in the passage of inhaled air through the nasal cavity, breathing occurs through the mouth, and this can provoke various diseases bronchi and lungs. The causes are various, treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating them.

Why can the nose be stuffy for a long time?

The nasal cavity is a narrow slit, the walls of which are covered with a mucous membrane of epithelial cells that produce mucus to humidify the air. The cavity consists of two passages, which are separated by a bony nasal septum. Also, the walls of the cavity contain a large number of vessels, which helps warm the air. In connection with this anatomical structure, the mechanism of difficulty in the passage of air is associated with a narrowing of the nasal cavity. The reasons for this narrowing are various; several groups can be distinguished:

  1. Swelling of the walls of the nasal cavity - causes a narrowing of the gap and a deterioration in the passage of air. Most often, prolonged swelling is caused by allergic reactions of the body to allergens in the air ( allergic rhinitis).
  2. Polyps in the nasal cavity are benign tumors that block the nasal passage. In this case, constant nasal congestion develops without a runny nose or discharge from it. The process can develop on one or both sides, in both children and adults.
  3. A deviated septum between the nasal passages occurs after facial injuries. This curvature causes poor air flow on one side. Sometimes this reason can be congenital, then from birth the child has a constantly stuffy nose.
  4. Chronic infectious process nasal mucosa (chronic rhinitis) – caused by bacteria. The process usually develops in one nasal passage, but it can also be bilateral. In the acute period, mucus may be released. If left untreated, difficulty breathing develops, but there is no nasal discharge.

Manifestations depending on the reasons

The main symptom of a long-term stuffy nose is deterioration in the passage of air through one or both nostrils without discharge. In addition, there may be other manifestations that indicate the cause:

  1. Skin rashes with difficulty breathing through both nostrils, seasonality of exacerbation in summer - can accompany allergic rhinitis.
  2. Snoring during sleep and wheezing indicate the presence of polyps.
  3. Difficulty breathing through one nasal passage, without any other manifestations - deviated septum.


Laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods help to find out why the nose is stuffy for a long time:

  1. Complete blood count - an increase in the number of leukocytes indicates bacterial chronic rhinitis.
  2. Determination of the body's reaction to the introduction of the main types of allergens - the allergen is injected intradermally, if after a certain time redness and swelling appears at the injection site, this indicates the presence of an allergic reaction and allergic rhinitis.
  3. X-rays in frontal and lateral projections help to identify a deviated septum.
  4. Rhinoscopy is a visual examination of the nasal cavity using a special rhinoscope instrument to identify polyps. Performed by a doctor in a special room.


  1. Allergic rhinitis - antiallergic (antihistamine) and vasoconstrictor (naphthyzin, rhinazoline) nasal drops are used. Antihistamines are also taken in tablet form. If it is possible to find out which allergen led to nasal congestion, then measures are taken in parallel to prevent contact with it.
  2. Nasal polyps - they are surgically removed to restore normal breathing. The operation is simple and is performed under local anesthesia.
  3. Deviated septum – surgical repair is performed to straighten it. Surgical intervention is performed under general anesthesia, after the operation the patient remains in the hospital for several days.
  4. Chronic bacterial rhinitis - antibiotics are used (amoxiclav, ceftriaxone), which are taken for at least 10 days so that bacterial resistance to them does not develop. The nasal cavity is also rinsed with antiseptic solutions (furacilin, chlorhexedine). Required application vasoconstrictor drops for the nose, which will help relieve swelling.

Features of the use of vasoconstrictor drops

The use of this group of drugs has its own characteristics that must be taken into account:

  1. These drops can only be used to relieve swelling; in case of a normal runny nose with discharge and without congestion, they should not be used;
  2. the course of treatment should not be long, as addiction occurs, and the nasal mucosa cannot function normally without drops;
  3. drops from the nose are absorbed into the blood, so they are not recommended for small children and during pregnancy, as they can produce a toxic effect.

The problem of a long-term stuffy nose leads to breathing through the mouth, which is not physiological and can lead to diseases of the oral cavity, bronchi and lungs. Therefore, if there is such a problem, it is worth finding out the cause and starting adequate treatment.

Runny nose, stuffy one nostril

The nose is an organ of the respiratory system that performs two main functions - smell and protection. The inhaled air in the nasal cavity is moistened, warmed and cleared of germs, dust and other exogenous substances that adversely affect the body. It happens that a person cannot breathe through one nostril. This problem complicates life: discomfort occurs, sleep becomes restless, and the sense of smell is lost. Persons suffering from unilateral nasal congestion begin to breathe through their mouths, which negatively affects their general condition body. The mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract dries out and becomes inflamed over time, and pharyngitis, bronchitis, and laryngitis develop. Constant discomfort exhausts patients. They try to find a way out of the current situation by trying various ways combat the problem that has arisen.

Currently there are effective methods treatment of nasal diseases manifested by congestion. The modern pharmaceutical industry produces a huge number of medications that facilitate nasal breathing. Don’t forget about traditional treatment methods.

Etiology and symptoms

To restore free breathing through the nose, it is necessary to determine the cause of this problem.

Among the etiological factors of congestion in one nostril, the most common are: colds, inflammation of the maxillary sinus, deviated nasal septum, vasomotor and allergic rhinitis, polyps, cysts, adenoids, tumors.

A deviated nasal septum is manifested by difficulty breathing through the nose. If there is a unilateral curvature, then patients cannot breathe in one nostril, and a runny nose may be absent. Usually there is a moderate disturbance in nasal breathing or its complete absence. Such patients snore at night and complain of dryness in the nasal cavity. Their nose shape changes. If you do not see a doctor and do not treat the disease, its consequences can be disastrous. Impaired nasal breathing leads to blood pathologies, vascular system, genital area, immunity. Treatment of the disease is exclusively surgical. Allergic rhinitis develops every time after contact with an allergen. In addition to nasal congestion, patients develop profuse rhinorrhea, manifested by clear and liquid snot, severe itching and burning in the nose, conjunctivitis and lacrimation. Nasal congestion is caused by various allergens: pollen, household dust, animal dander, chemicals.

on the left - a healthy nasal cavity, on the right - swelling of the nose due to vasomotor rhinitis

With vasomotor rhinitis, the nose is often blocked on one side. If a person lies on the right side, his right nostril becomes clogged, and vice versa, on the left - the left. The other side is usually breathing normally. Patients often toss and turn at night and cannot find a comfortable position. Vasomotor rhinitis is characterized by nasal congestion on only one side. To ensure that air flows evenly into the left and right lung, a person needs both well-breathing nostrils. If only one nostril breathes, little oxygen enters the lungs, hypoxia and corresponding adverse consequences develop in the body. The etiology of vasomotor rhinitis is not fully understood. The following factors can provoke the development of the disease: hormonal imbalance; irritation of the nasal mucosa with chemicals, various aerosols, detergents, perfumery; dusty and polluted indoor air; hypothermia.

Small polyps do not interfere with breathing through the nose and do not manifest themselves clinically. As the formation grows, the lumen of the nasal passages becomes blocked. Patients begin to actively use vasoconstrictor drops to relieve nasal congestion. Swelling of the mucous membrane decreases, relief occurs. When the polyps become large, nasal drops no longer help. Patients come to the ENT doctor with complaints of nasal congestion, often on one side. Associated symptoms pathologies are: increased fatigue, decreased performance, headache, insomnia. The sense of smell sharply deteriorates or disappears completely. Some patients have a constantly running nose and sneeze frequently. If left untreated, pain appears in the sinus area, the nasal mucosa swells greatly, and the nostril in which the polyp is located is constantly blocked. Unilateral inflammation of the maxillary sinus is manifested by nasal congestion on the affected side. Patients develop abundant purulent discharge, pain in the forehead and cheeks, under the eye, intoxication with high temperature and general asthenia of the body. First, there is a feeling of pressure in the affected sinus, and then severe pain, often covering half of the face. On the side of inflammation, toothache, swelling of the cheek and lower eyelid appear. If the disease is not treated at the acute stage, it will become chronic, accompanied by damage not only to the mucous membrane, but also to the bone walls of the sinuses.

inflammation of the maxillary sinus

With cystic fibrosis, all mucous secretions in the body thicken. Nasal congestion is one of the main symptoms of the pathology. For viral or bacterial rhinitis often the left or right nostril does not breathe. This is due to swelling of the mucous membrane and the accumulation of copious mucous discharge. At the height of the disease, patients complain of intense headaches, a slight rise in temperature, and the appearance of snot. When the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed, one nostril becomes clogged immediately, while the other breathes normally for some time. One of the main symptoms of congenital nasal pathology and anomalies intrauterine development its structures is one-sided nasal congestion. Deformation of the nasal septum, enlargement of the nasal turbinates, choanal atresia - diseases in which the nostril on the affected side does not breathe, and air enters the lungs through the free nasal passage. In children, adenoiditis also manifests itself as nasal congestion. Lymphatic tissue in the nasopharynx stops performing protective function, grows and becomes inflamed. Sick children often suffer from nasal congestion during sleep, snore, and have a nasal sound. Impaired nasal breathing leads to brain hypoxia. Usually carried out conservative treatment pathology, and when the adenoids grow to 3–4, they move to surgical intervention. In children, the cause of nasal congestion on one side is a foreign body trapped in the nasal passage. Impaired nasal breathing is accompanied by mucous discharge from one nostril. Urgent assistance required medical care. System hereditary diseases: primary ciliary dyskinesia, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic scleroderma, lupus are manifested by unilateral or bilateral nasal congestion. Nasal congestion on one side can occur not only with pathology, but also with healthy people due to excessively dry indoor air. In a clogged nose, there is a feeling of dryness and burning, which certainly interferes. Ventilating the room and humidifying the air will help get rid of this problem. Diagnostics

An ENT specialist is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of unilateral nasal congestion. He examines the patient, identifies the cause of the pathology and prescribes appropriate treatment.

Diagnostic measures for nasal congestion:

Examination of the nasal cavity using a light reflector, Rhinoscopy, X-ray of the paranasal sinuses, Computed tomography of the head, Laboratory diagnostics - biochemical, general clinical analysis of blood and urine, Allergy tests, Microbiological examination of the discharge of the nose and pharynx for microflora. Traditional medicine

Drug therapy carried out by an otorhinolaryngologist consists of the use of the following drugs:

For allergies, systemic antihistamines are prescribed - Suprastin, Cetrin, Zodak, Zirtek, as well as local drugs in the form of a nasal spray - Flixonase, Cromohexal, Tafen. Before you start using medications, you should stop contact with the allergen and rinse your nose. Used to treat common colds antiviral drugs"Ingavirin", "Anaferon", "Kagocel", to facilitate nasal breathing - vasoconstrictor nasal drops "Tizin", "Xylometazoline", "Otrivin", preparations based on sea water - "Aqualor", "Salin", "Physiomer" . Patients are prescribed ultraviolet irradiation, UHF therapy, inhalations, restorative treatment and vitamin therapy. Sinusitis is a severe pathology, for which general and local antibiotics are almost always used. Patients are usually prescribed antimicrobial agents wide range from the group of cephalosporins, macrolides, fluoroquinolones, as well as nasal sprays “Isofra”, “Polydex”. “Pinosol” and “Sinuforte” are drops containing essential oils of eucalyptus, mint, pine, cyclamen, verbena and have an immunomodulatory effect. "Vibrocil" contains a vasoconstrictor and antiallergic component. "Rinoflumicil" improves tissue circulation, helps relieve swelling, dilutes and removes purulent contents. In severe cases, the maxillary sinus is punctured and washed with solutions of antibiotics and antiseptics. If one nostril stubbornly fails to breathe, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are also used. Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis is complex, including hardening, stimulation immune system, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, physiotherapy. Medications are administered into the nasal cavity in various ways - hormonal, painkillers and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Patients are prescribed phonophoresis with hydrocortisone, ultrasound, electrophoresis with calcium chloride.

Surgical treatment is indicated for abnormalities in the shape of the nasal septum. To correct such a defect, septoplasty is performed. Any neoplasms in the nasal cavity: polyps, tumors, cysts must be removed. Abnormal growth blood vessels and adenoids in children also requires surgical intervention.

Currently, specialists soften nasal cartilage with a laser. This method is more gentle than surgery. Laser therapy can only modify the position of the cartilage. The nasal septum will remain crooked and will continue to have poor air flow.

Traditional methods of treatment will help improve nasal breathing and eliminate nasal congestion.

Chamomile or fennel extract is instilled into a nostril that is breathing poorly. The nasal passages are cleaned by rinsing the nose with salt water. The sinuses are warmed with a boiled egg. Drops made from aloe juice, onion, garlic, Kalanchoe, carrot juice, and honey will help ease nasal breathing. These are natural medicinal products should be diluted with water before use. Valerian root infused with olive oil, - very good folk remedy, relieving nasal congestion. Instill the medicine in the evening before going to bed into a blocked nostril. At night, lubricate the nasal mucosa with lamb fat using a match and cotton wool. After 2-3 uses, breathing through your nose will become much easier. If nasal congestion is caused by a cold, it is recommended to treat it with inhalations. The easiest way is to breathe over boiled potatoes, covered with a blanket. Simple self-massage helps get rid of nasal congestion. The wings of the nose are massaged with two fingers for a minute, making circular movements. Periodically tap the bridge of the nose. The jar is filled with chopped onions and garlic. When nasal congestion reaches its maximum, open the jar and take a deep breath. Video: why your nose can’t breathe in the program “Live Healthy!”

The nose is a respiratory organ, which has two tasks - protection and smell. After inhalation, the air enters the nasal cavity, where it becomes moist, warm and cleared of dust and bacteria. When this process fails, sometimes the nose becomes stuffy on one side. This brings a lot of inconvenience to a person, because he loses his sense of smell and cannot breathe fully, especially at night.

To get the required volume of air, a person breathes through the mouth. All this negatively affects the entire body. The nasal mucosa dries out and inflammatory processes occur in it, contributing to the development of ENT diseases. To eliminate discomfort, it is necessary to choose the right and competent treatment, but first you should find out why one nostril is blocked when you have a runny nose.

Stuffiness in only one nostril: causes

There are many factors contributing to the appearance of such a condition. The main reasons include:

vasomotor rhinitis; allergic rhinitis; the presence of tumors in the nose, deviated septum, trauma; diseases in which blood vessels grow; sinusitis.

Congestion of one half of the nose is characteristic of vasomotor rhinitis. In this case, the blocking of one or another nostril depends on a change in the position of the body, which is in a horizontal position. Most often, this symptom of the disease bothers people at night. When there is a shortage of air, the required volume of oxygen does not enter the lungs and hypoxia develops.

The factors causing vasomotor rhinitis are not completely known. It is believed that the disease can be caused by:

hormonal imbalance; hypothermia; irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs with various chemicals; inhalation of polluted or dry air.

Attention! There is a neurogenic type of vasomotor rhinitis that occurs due to endocrine disorders, trauma to the nasal membrane and abuse of vasoconstrictor drops.

Another congestion in one nostril occurs with allergic rhinitis, which develops after each contact with an allergen. The most common allergies are to pollen, chemicals, animal dander, cockroaches and mites.

If one nostril is not breathing, but there is no snot, then most often this is due to pathologies of the nasal septum. Other causes of unpleasant symptoms may be the formation of polyps in the nasal passages. In this case, breathing is moderately impaired or completely absent. People with these problems complain of dryness and snoring at night, and their nose shape may change.

Also, in the presence of polyps, many patients begin to frequently use drugs that constrict blood vessels. This is how the body gets used to the drops, and as a result, one of the nostrils will always be blocked.

With sinusitis, only one maxillary sinus can become inflamed, which is accompanied by severe pain in the cheeks, eyes, forehead, purulent discharge and fever. On the affected side of the face, the cheeks and lower eyelid may swell, and sometimes the patient even has toothache. Such conditions develop when bacteria or viruses enter the upper respiratory tract, and timely treatment of the diseases caused by them is not carried out.

Other causes of blockage in one nostril are:

cystic fibrosis (a hereditary disease that affects respiratory function); congenital pathologies of the nose (choanal atresia, enlarged nasal turbinates); bacterial and viral rhinitis; adenoiditis (inflammation of the adenoids); hereditary systemic pathologies (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, ciliary dyskinesia).

How to get rid of congestion?

To decompose the nose, you must first conduct a thorough diagnosis. When the cause is established, a treatment method is selected.

So, if the patient has been diagnosed with vasomotor rhinitis, then the factors contributing to the development of the disease are first eliminated (treatment of inflammation of the nasopharynx and reflux gastritis, adjustment of medications, normalization of the functioning of the nervous system).

For vasomotor rhinitis, antihistamines are prescribed, and sometimes intranasal glucocorticosteroids are used.

Physiotherapy (electrophoresis, inhalations using a nebulizer) is often used. The patient is also prescribed endovasal blockades with Novocaine, local cauterization of the nasal mucosa with chemicals, and the use of sclerosing drugs.

Attention! If conservative medicine for vasomotor rhinitis is not effective, surgical treatment is performed.

If one nostril is clogged due to allergies, it is necessary to eliminate the allergen causing the disease if possible. Regarding medications, patients may be prescribed antihistamines and hormonal drugs, leukotriene antagonists, enterosorbents and vasoconstrictor sprays.

But what to do if one nostril is constantly blocked, but there is no snot? If the reasons lie in the presence of nasal pathologies (adenoids, polyps, deviated septum), then surgical treatment is performed, including cryotherapy. For sinusitis, the patient is prescribed antibiotics (macrolides, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones).

In addition, when one maxillary sinus is clogged, the doctor prescribes the following medications:

immunomodulators – Isofra, Sinuforte, Polydexa; vasoconstrictors and antihistamines – Vibrocil; medications that activate blood circulation, relieve swelling, and promote the removal of pus - Rinoflumicil.

Important! In advanced cases of sinusitis, puncture of the inflamed sinuses is performed.

Alternative Therapies

If the cause of congestion in one nostril has not yet been discovered, and in the case where the patient is not able to use medications, other methods can be used. For example, the following:

The first option is rinsing, during which you can use saline solution, herbal decoctions (chamomile is very effective) or medicines. Massaging your nose will also help relieve congestion. To this end, rub the wings of the nose and the bridge of the nose with light circular movements until a pleasant feeling of warmth appears in these areas. The third method that allows you to quickly free up nasal breathing is the use of vasoconstrictors. But such sprays and drops cannot be used for long, because they are addictive.

As you can see, there are many reasons for nasal congestion on the left or right side. And in order to resume breathing, a thorough diagnosis is first necessary. But you can prevent the appearance of an unpleasant symptom if you treat all diseases of the respiratory organs in a timely manner, give up bad habits, humidify the air, do breathing exercises and ventilate the room more often.

» Treatment of nasal congestion

Why is one nostril blocked?

A runny nose and nasal congestion are symptoms that can manifest in a person in various combinations and occur in a variety of forms. Sometimes it happens that only one nostril is blocked, and this happens especially often at night. In this case, a runny nose may not be observed at all. In many cases, such a condition can be established due to infectious diseases. It is necessary to eliminate the causes of this condition, because treating symptoms only will not give any result.

Causes of stuffiness in one nostril

Possible reasons that only one nostril is blocked may be:

The presence of polyps or other neoplasms in the nasal passages, the course of the inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses; Violation of the shape of the nasal septum or other problems associated with its anatomical features; Allergic reactions of the body; Pathologies of proliferation of blood vessels; Diseases such as sinusitis, vasomotor and allergic rhinitis.

These are the main reasons why only one nostril is blocked. Regardless of the underlying one, the main symptom manifests itself in the same way in each case: the patient feels that congestion is present on only one side. At the same time, if he is in a lying position, he closes exactly the nostril that is located below, while the other breathes freely. The most alarming thing is that there is no snot.

Stuffiness in one nostril at night

Quite often, one nostril becomes blocked at night. Because breathing is disrupted in this way, sleep is also disrupted. In addition, it contributes to headaches and increased weakness. At the same time, there are no other symptoms - for example, snot. Why is this happening?

A condition in which one nostril breathes and the other does not (does not breathe) can occur as a result of a cold. If the source is viral infection, then a sore throat may occur without an accompanying cough and elevated temperature. Sinusitis can also be a source of this kind of symptomatology. The fact is that at night, when the head lies motionless on one side, the mucous masses do not flow down the back wall of the larynx, and therefore accumulate and block one nostril. At night, one nostril may become blocked as a result of an allergic reaction to an external irritant. It can be the material with which the pillow is filled (for example, feathers), dust, home flowers. The presence of polyps and adenoids. The air in the room is too dry and hot.

Causes of congestion in one nostril without mucus discharge

It may turn out that one of the nostrils is not breathing, but there is no snot. This is observed in both adults and children, and much more often in the latter. What could cause this phenomenon?

First of all, it can lead to pathological changes in the structure of the nasal septum. Without qualified assistance V in this case cannot be done, because until the defect is eliminated, one of the nostrils will be blocked.

If the nose does not breathe, and there is no mucous mass released, a phenomenon such as the development of polyps in the nasal cavity or nasal passage may occur. The danger of this phenomenon is that it develops slowly. What to do in this case? Seeing a doctor is the only correct way in this case. There is no point in using home remedies for treatment in this case.

Another reason may be the abuse of vasoconstrictor drugs. More precisely, this phenomenon can be described as addiction to the drug, as a result of which, after taking it for a long time, both or one of the nostrils will be constantly blocked.

What to do if one nostril is blocked?

The most reasonable answer to the question of what to do if one of the nostrils is not breathing would be advice to consult a doctor. Only with careful observation and diagnostics can you find out the real causes of the phenomenon.

However, there are several ways that will help in this situation if circumstances do not allow you to seek help immediately, and the nose does not breathe, causing severe discomfort.

It is useful to massage the nose. To do this, you need to rub the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and the wings of the nose with light movements until a feeling of warmth arises in these areas. This manipulation will be more effective if you alternate between circular massage movements and light tapping. You can also perform the washing procedure. For this purpose, you can use both home-prepared solutions and those purchased at the pharmacy. pharmaceuticals. Another way to quickly get rid of congestion is to use vasoconstrictor drops or sprays. It must be remembered that the course of their use should not be long, since it can cause drying out of the nasal mucosa and addiction to the drug, which will only worsen the situation.

One nostril is blocked

Vasomotor rhinitis is characterized by nasal congestion on only one side. At the same time, lying on your side, you can feel stuffiness on the side you are lying on. Turning over to the other side, you will gradually feel that the other nostril is blocked. In order not to endlessly toss and turn from side to side and not to look for time for this activity, you should start treating vasomotor rhinitis.

Reasons why one nostril does not breathe

First of all, the doctor will try to determine whether you have an allergy, a manifestation of which this rhinitis may be.

An x-ray of the sinuses may be ordered to check for polyps. or inflammation of the sinuses.

Treating nostril congestion

Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis presents certain difficulties. Recommended hardening methods, as well as physical therapy, do not always help. Until now the most in effective ways getting rid of vasomotor rhinitis are surgical procedures and injections of some medicines, including novocaine, hormonal agents, agents affecting blood vessels.

The surgical operation aims to destroy the blood vessels of the mucous membrane, to prevent the dilation of blood vessels and swelling of the mucous membrane, as a result of which one nostril is blocked.

More gentle treatment methods

More gentle treatment methods involve the use of special medications introduced into the mucous membrane using electrophoresis.

As always, everything also depends on immunity. Dietary supplements, for example garlic oil from Tianshi, which combines the healing properties of garlic with the absence of garlic odor, can help raise the level of immunity and normalize the condition of blood vessels.

Traditional methods of cleaning if one nostril is blocked

There is also a technology of traditional eastern cleansing of the nasal passage - jala neti. Cleansing is done using salt water. In addition to treatment, there is also a powerful preventive function.

As is customary in Eastern practices, when rinsing the nose, multiple nerve endings in the nose are simultaneously stimulated, which improves the function of many organs.

In this case, the correct position of the head, the vessel, warm salt water and a mastered washing technique are necessary. Neti is one of the most effective Eastern methods of preventing and treating colds.

It turns out due to the curvature of the nasal septum, and it is curved in that

or some other degree in a very large percentage of people. There are congenital

curvatures or acquired. For example, I’m pretty twisted

I plowed the asphalt with my nose as a child, when my friend’s bike went over the handlebars

flew over. It can be treated without any problems - I’ll probably do it in the summer.

I almost always have one or the other

nostril and only one breathes. Or both breathe, but one is better, the other is worse.

Question to the otolaryngologist, ENT specialist: Good afternoon! I have almost

One or the other nostril is always blocked and only one breathes. Either they breathe

both, but one is better, the other is worse. Once upon a time, during an ENT examination

said that it seemed like the septum was deviated and suggested surgery, but

My parents then dissuaded me due to possible complications. IN

in principle, this does not interfere, I would like to know what caused this

uneven breathing, congestion? This is caused only by the possible

was. I catch a cold no more than once every 2 years. Thank you!

you most likely have sinusitis

I have been suffering from this problem for a long time. I won’t say, of course, that life is impossible, it’s just not comfortable. I have had this disease for fifteen years now. At first I went to doctors, they recommended various ointments and rinses. Surgical intervention I didn't want to. After so many years, I realized that this disease is very difficult to get rid of. For some, even surgery doesn't help. So I resigned myself. I'm glad that at least one nostril works in turn. But if two didn’t work at once, it would be cool.

By the way, oddly enough, the Soviet star balm also helps; you can anoint it on the outside, in the place of the maxillary sinuses, the balm warms up perfectly and improves blood circulation. By the way, nasal congestion may be associated with constant use nasal drops, sometimes it is enough to give up the drops and the mucous membrane will return to normal, and you will be able to breathe again.

I was also told that I have a deviated septum, but my nose is not constantly stuffy. Only in the summer does the allergy begin, and on both sides it sets in for a whole month. Of course, I am against surgery, but if this happens to you all the time, then maybe it’s worth getting treatment. Buy Aqualor and rinse it 3 times a day, it helps with inflammation inside the nose.

The same problem; when you have a runny nose, your right nostril gets clogged the most. But I always solve this issue by washing it with soda and salt. Of course it’s unpleasant, but what to do? The septum is deviated, and it’s scary to undergo surgery ((.

A year ago I also faced the same problem. The doctor sent me for an x-ray, they found a slight curvature of the septum, and treated it with drops and two types of physiotherapy (I don’t remember the names). It seemed to help, but not for long. They say it can be corrected surgically, but I can’t spare all the time. So I walk around with drops, and that’s the only way I can save myself. Although I know that this is impossible.

The article is completely understandable and very relevant for people suffering from Vasomotor Rhinitis. My doctor has long since determined that I do not have any allergic reactions, nor do I have any polyps. I was diagnosed with sinusitis. I treat him only with the drug IRS-19. But raising the level of immunity for sufferers like me is simply necessary! But this is the first time I’ve heard about dietary supplements, for example, garlic oil from Tiansha. I'll have to try it. What the hell is not kidding. And there is nowhere to retreat. Good luck to everyone and speedy recovery!

This happens to me on the left side. I had a fistula on the gum on the left, just on a tooth that is in the maxillary sinus. After going to the doctors, it turned out that I had sinusitis. Of course I was cured, but like a sheet, it was the left nostril that was blocked.

This happens to me too, especially when I have a cold))) Well, what can I do, I turn over to the other side and everything gets better. Rarely, but sometimes the situation is repeated on the opposite side. The output is sea water. After it, the functioning of the nasal mucosa noticeably improves and everything returns to normal!

If one nostril cannot breathe: causes and treatment

Many patients are interested in what to do if one nostril cannot breathe? The doctor will suggest tactics for eliminating the problem. Only an experienced specialist will be able to accurately determine the true cause of the symptom. But it is not always possible to immediately see a doctor. Sometimes you have to endure discomfort and look for ways to solve the problem alone.

Causes of congestion

If the left or right nostril is clogged on one side, then you must first find the cause of the phenomenon, and only then begin to eliminate nasal congestion. There are several reasons why it may occur:

Often a child's one nostril is blocked due to sinusitis. This is an insidious disease early stages can manifest itself this way. Due to discomfort, the baby will constantly rub one side of his nose and try to breathe deeper. Sometimes such ailment is a consequence of ordinary rhinitis. In the absence of the opportunity to blow his nose normally, one nostril becomes blocked. This is usually a temporary discomfort that immediately goes away when you change your body position or warm up your nose. If the reason lies in allergic rhinitis, then it can block the nostril through which the largest amount of substances that caused the allergy entered the body. In most cases, simultaneously with the blockage of the left or right nostril, the eye also swells. Sometimes people get alternate nostrils when they have a common cold. In this case, to completely get rid of the discomfort, it is necessary to warm up the entire nose and get rid of the mucus accumulated in the nose as soon as possible. If a healthy child has difficulty breathing or one nostril is completely clogged, this may indicate the development of a cold. Often this is how the body reacts to the introduction of an infection and tries to send signals in order to prevent further inflammation in time. Sometimes nasal congestion on one side can be caused by damage to the nasal septum. This often happens after injuries. In this case, the nose may be constantly stuffy, even if there is no cold or runny nose.

Important points of treatment

Why the nostril cannot breathe has now become clear. It is also important to understand how to deal with the problem quickly if you cannot immediately see a doctor. We must not forget that even if you manage to eliminate nasal congestion on your own, it is still better to consult a specialist later. Especially if this is not the first time that an unpleasant sensation has occurred.

If one side of your nose is constantly stuffy, you can use the following tips:

If a person constantly has one nostril clogged, then special anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of drops should be urgently used. They should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, based on the general condition of the patient and the cause of nasal congestion. It is recommended to bury the nose in the mornings and evenings. Sometimes it makes sense to take stronger antibiotics. They come in the form of tablets that need to be taken after meals, usually 2 times a day, with plenty of liquid. Taking antibiotics is often associated with nasal congestion due to sinusitis, when radical measures are necessary to free the cavity from pus. The doctor will tell you which tablets to take and according to what regimen. Nasal rinses also have an excellent effect. Dekasan has proven itself well. This drug must be used to treat both nostrils, paying more attention to the blocked one. The solution helps to simultaneously kill the infection and clear the nasal cavities of pus and mucus. If your nose is stuffy, you should periodically warm it up. Heat helps to dilate blood vessels, as a result of which the nasal cavities can be freed from pus much faster. In addition, when exposed to heat, the mucus becomes less thick and is much easier to remove.

Preventing nasal congestion

It’s bad when a child or an adult has a stuffy nose. After all, this can cause many other unpleasant sensations in the form of headache, nausea, weakness and dizziness.

Therefore, everyone should know how to prevent nasal congestion so as not to feel bad later:

Try to avoid hypothermia. Usually, after being outside, a person entering a warm room feels redness in his cheeks, and his nose may also suffer. If one nostril is blocked, this already indicates that the body has started inflammatory process. And if measures are not taken in time, then the next morning it will begin severe runny nose. If your nose is stuffy during a cold, you should try not to breathe cold air. You should leave the room while airing and do not go outside unnecessarily during the cold season. This is especially true for people with chronic rhinitis or sinusitis. During seasonal epidemics, periodically rinse the nasal cavity with a saline solution. It is best to use sea salt for this purpose (1 tablespoon per glass of warm water). If possible, it is better to use real sea ​​water. To prevent infection from getting into the nose, people with weakened immune systems should treat both nostrils with foam from laundry soap. If one side of the nose is blocked, sneezing may occur, which will release mucus and help restore normal breathing. This is an absolutely normal process and you should not be afraid of such a phenomenon.

If one nostril is not breathing or is breathing worse than the other, it may be a serious signal anxiety. Therefore, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and find out the exact cause. This will help you choose the appropriate treatment and avoid unpleasant consequences in future.

Whether it is the left or right nostril, everything must be done to restore normal breathing. Otherwise, the pus will accumulate in the nose, then go into the maxillary sinuses, and if no further measures are taken, it will go to the brain, which should not be allowed.

The nose is an organ of the respiratory system that performs two main functions: smell and protection. The inhaled air in the nasal cavity is moistened, warmed and cleared of germs, dust and other exogenous substances that adversely affect the body. It happens that a person cannot breathe through one nostril. This problem complicates life: discomfort occurs, sleep becomes restless, and the sense of smell is lost. Persons suffering from unilateral nasal congestion begin to breathe through their mouths, which negatively affects the general condition of the body. The mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract dries out and becomes inflamed over time, and pharyngitis, bronchitis, and laryngitis develop. Constant discomfort exhausts patients. They try to find a way out of the current situation by trying various ways to deal with the problem that has arisen.

Currently, there are effective methods for treating nasal diseases manifested by congestion. The modern pharmaceutical industry produces a huge number of medications that facilitate nasal breathing. Don’t forget about traditional treatment methods.

Etiology and symptoms

To restore free breathing through the nose, it is necessary to determine the cause of this problem.

Among the etiological factors of congestion in one nostril, the most common are: colds, inflammation of the maxillary sinus, deviated nasal septum, vasomotor and allergic rhinitis, polyps, cysts, adenoids, tumors.

inflammation of the maxillary sinus


An ENT specialist is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of unilateral nasal congestion. He examines the patient, identifies the cause of the pathology and prescribes appropriate treatment.

Diagnostic measures for nasal congestion:

  1. Examination of the nasal cavity using a light reflector,
  2. Rhinoscopy,
  3. X-ray of the paranasal sinuses,
  4. Computed tomography of the head,
  5. Laboratory diagnostics - biochemical, general clinical analysis of blood and urine,
  6. Allergy testing,
  7. Microbiological examination of nasal discharge and pharynx for microflora.

Traditional medicine

Drug therapy carried out by an otorhinolaryngologist consists of the use of the following drugs:

Surgical treatment is indicated for abnormalities in the shape of the nasal septum. To correct such a defect, they carry out. Any neoplasms in the nasal cavity: polyps, tumors, cysts must be removed. Abnormal growth of blood vessels and adenoids in children also requires surgical intervention.

Currently, specialists soften nasal cartilage with a laser. This method is more gentle than surgery. Laser therapy can only modify the position of the cartilage. The nasal septum will remain crooked and will continue to have poor air flow.


Traditional methods of treatment will help improve nasal breathing and eliminate nasal congestion.

  1. Instilled into a nostril that is breathing poorly chamomile or fennel extract.
  2. The nasal passages are cleared by rinsing your nose with salt water.
  3. The sinuses are warmed up boiled egg.
  4. Drops made from aloe juice, onion, garlic, kalanchoe, carrot juice, honey. These natural remedies should be diluted with water before use.
  5. Valerian root infused with olive oil– a very good folk remedy for relieving nasal congestion. Instill the medicine in the evening before going to bed into a blocked nostril.
  6. Lubricate the nasal mucosa at night lamb fat using a match and cotton wool. After 2-3 uses, breathing through your nose will become much easier.
  7. If nasal congestion is due to a cold, treatment is recommended inhalations. The easiest way is to breathe over boiled potatoes, covered with a blanket.
  8. Simple self-massage helps get rid of nasal congestion. The wings of the nose are massaged with two fingers for a minute, making circular movements. Periodically tap the bridge of the nose.
  9. The jar is filled with chopped onions and garlic. When nasal congestion reaches its maximum, open the jar and take a deep breath.

Video: why your nose can’t breathe in the program “Live Healthy!”

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