Home Hygiene Bruised ribs treated at home. Bruised ribs - how long does it hurt, symptoms and treatment features

Bruised ribs treated at home. Bruised ribs - how long does it hurt, symptoms and treatment features

Treat a rib bruise at home, according to doctors, is acceptable.
The type of damage does not require serious medical intervention.
An initial consultation with a doctor is still necessary.

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Effective treatment

If you notice symptoms characteristic of bruised ribs, you should first consult a doctor to rule out a possible fracture. After the examination, the victim is prescribed suitable treatment.

It includes:

  • Taking medications (pain relievers, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs);
  • The use of ointments that improve blood circulation at the site of injury;
  • The use of patches that warm and accelerate the process of hematoma resorption;
  • Compresses to relieve swelling;
  • Antibiotics (rarely prescribed for inflammation in the lungs).

Traditional medicine is often used to treat this injury. It involves the use of various herbal decoctions, infusions or ointments.

In severe cases of injury, a fixing vest should be worn, which prevents tissue displacement. Throughout the entire period of treatment, it is necessary to limit the movements of the victim.

Application of ointments

When a rib is bruised, ointments are most often prescribed:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Indovazin;
  • Bruise-off;
  • Voltaren;
  • Lyoton;
  • Fastum-gel;
  • Heparin ointment.

Ointments Diclofenac and Indovazin are aimed at combating inflammatory processes at the site of impact. Bruise-off relieves swelling well. Painful symptoms are eliminated with Lyoton, Voltaren and Fastum-gel gels. Heparin ointment - effective remedy in the fight against bruises and hematomas, it normalizes blood circulation at the site of injury.

The doctor can prescribe the patient both complex treatment with ointments and monotherapy with one drug. The choice of method and duration of treatment depends on the severity of the blow.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers many remedies for treatment.

The most effective among them are:

  • Decoction of calendula flowers;
  • Compress of crushed aloe leaves and honey;
  • Compress from steamed badyagi;
  • Compress made from crushed plantain leaves;
  • Vinegar compress;
  • Rubbing the bruise with vinegar and garlic tincture.

Recipe for making a decoction of calendula flowers:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. Crushed flowers. They can be purchased at the pharmacy or dried yourself.
  2. Add 350 ml of water to the flowers and place on medium heat.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Cool the resulting broth and store in the refrigerator.

This remedy is used as a compress to the damaged area. Calendula effectively relieves inflammation at the site of a bruise.

Recipe for making vinegar-garlic tincture:

  1. Peel the garlic cloves from 3 heads of garlic.
  2. Grind the cloves. You can do this with a knife, on a grater or using a blender.
  3. Pour the resulting mass with 500 ml of 9% vinegar.
  4. Leave the mixture to infuse for 24 hours.
  5. The compress effectively helps in the treatment of bruises and hematomas at the site of injury.

The injury can be easily treated at home. For therapy they are used as means industrial production, and folk recipes.

You should not self-medicate if you notice symptoms of a bruise. You should seek advice from a specialist. He will rule out a possible fracture and select effective treatment.


There are complex injuries:

  • Fractures;
  • Cracks;
  • Breaks;
  • Bruises.

Frequently encountered injuries are bruises; in some cases they can go away without medical attention, and in others they bother a person for a long time with pain and limitation of movements.

The ribs play an important role in the functioning of the entire body - protecting the sensitive structures of the visceral organs from damage and participating in the respiratory process. The slightest damage to them can damage bone and muscle tissue and disrupt blood flow in the damaged area.

It is easy to recognize: a bruise (or hematoma) appears at the site of injury and severe pain is felt.

A rib can be damaged by an unfortunate collision or fall, or by hitting a blunt object. Extreme athletes, participants in street collisions (fights) and road traffic accidents are often susceptible to this phenomenon.

Differences from fracture

There are significant differences between these injuries:

  1. When a rib is fractured, damage occurs bone tissue, as a result of which the patient experiences a sharp pain that intensifies when coughing and trying to move.
  2. A bruise appears in the injured area, and the sound of bones rubbing can be heard.
  3. At open fracture broken rib breaks through soft fabrics, skin and appears outside the body. It is impossible to confuse it with a bruise.
  4. When a bruise occurs, the soft tissue is damaged - the patient experiences tolerable aching pain, the hematoma and swelling in the bruise area are minor, and no deformation of the chest is observed.

The victim should not self-diagnose his condition and seek help from specialists as quickly as possible.

How long has it hurt

A rib injury is accompanied by pain and discomfort during treatment.

It can occur suddenly, so during recovery it is important to ensure rest and avoid any sports activities. Even regular exercises can cause discomfort, especially in the first 2 days, when the pain is most pronounced and the pain shock has not completely passed.


Often a rib bruise is not accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin and the rib itself is not always damaged.

But given their active participation in the body’s activities, the most minor bruises can have a harmful effect on well-being.

Those cases are dangerous when a rib fracture is disguised as a bruise, and it was not diagnosed in time. Bruised ribs are accompanied by acute pain that intensifies with movement or breathing.

The affected area is easily determined by palpation; with pressure, the pain in such places increases sharply.

The affected area stands out quite clearly on the patient’s body:

  1. Edema and swelling are pronounced, painful when touched.
    Since the ribs are quite close to the skin, when they are bruised, abundant subcutaneous accumulations of blood can be observed. In this case, the skin color changes from red to purple.
  2. A lump may form.
  3. Treatment comes down to already familiar procedures for relieving pain, relaxing muscles, treating hematomas and limiting mobility.

If painful sensations in the damaged area are weak and go away after applying a cold compress, then it is usually enough to take an x-ray to exclude the possibility of a more serious injury, and then show the results to a radiologist.

What to do

To provide first aid you need:

  1. Limit any physical activity.
  2. Carry out self-diagnosis - carefully examine, look for swelling, sharp edges of broken bones or dents.
  3. Apply a cold compress to the injured area to relieve swelling and reduce inflammatory process. It's better to use ice.
  4. Take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with an analgesic effect - Ibuprofen, Diclofenac sodium.

You need to try to cancel a few days physical activity and maintain bed rest. Do breathing exercises - once an hour, every 3 minutes after a deep breath, take deep exhalations. If you feel severe pain in your side while breathing slowly and evenly, you need to see a doctor immediately.

Don't start self-treatment at home, if you are not convinced mild degree severity of injury.

Recovery duration

If first aid (relieving pain in the victim and transferring him to a sitting or semi-sitting position) is indicated in the first minutes, then the period of bone healing does not exceed 4-5 weeks, depending on the complexity of the damage and the characteristics of the therapy.

The period of bone healing depends on the patient himself. Did he follow all the recommendations and instructions of the attending physician during the treatment period?

If the patient ignores taking the medications prescribed to him and other recommendations, then the healing period may not last for several weeks, but for 3-4 months.

With this injury, it is necessary to sleep on your back or side; if the patient sleeps on his stomach, additional stress will be created on the ribs.

Much depends on the lifestyle of the victim; if he did not consume alcohol and nicotine during recovery, or did not overload himself with excessive physical activity, then the healing period will pass in an instant.

Possible complications

The most serious complication is pneumothorax if the patient has:

  • Frequent shortness of breath;
  • Labored breathing;
  • There is no way to fully listen to breathing.

Pneumothorax is a complication that develops several weeks after injury and can be caused by poor adherence.

Post-traumatic pneumonia - caused by deterioration of lung ventilation. It is caused by the pectoral muscle being bandaged too tightly, which causes a certain stagnation effect.

Symptoms of this disease are secretive in nature, at first many people incorrectly mistake it for poisoning, but it is expressed:

  • IN general deterioration the patient's condition;
  • Malaise;
  • Intoxication of the body;
  • Increased body temperature.

You need to get tested. If complications are not identified in time, they will lead to a threat to the patient’s life. If these symptoms appear, seek medical help immediately.

Injury without bruise

Hematomas appear due to damage to many small vessels that are located throughout the chest. Sometimes after a bruise you can observe the appearance of a large bruise, which is frightening both in its color and in its size.

The injury more indicates that the skin itself was more damaged, but the ribs were not so badly bruised.

If after a bruise there is no bruise at all, this may indicate a serious injury to the ribs themselves. If there is swelling, severe pain when touched, during the rest period, then consult a doctor immediately. A person cannot sleep, has a hard time going to bed, and cannot get up in the morning without outside help. With every movement, his rib hurts on a certain side. The discomfort may occur on the right side or on the left.

There may be a crack on the bruised rib; after X-rays, this hypothesis can be confirmed or refuted.

  1. Carefully inspect the damaged area. Protrusion of rib elements under the skin, dents or pronounced bulges will help to suspect a fracture.
  2. Ensure complete rest of the victim.
  3. Apply cold (ice, a bottle of well-chilled liquid) to the site of injury with hematoma or swelling.
  4. Give a strong pain reliever to reduce the severity of pain (Diclofenac).

In case of a severe bruise, it is necessary to call an ambulance as quickly as possible and try to move the victim as little as possible: rib fractures are likely, in which any movement can aggravate the current situation.


After the course of treatment, the patient must undergo rehabilitation period.

Follow a diet that helps strengthen bone structures. Include foods in your diet:

  • Sesame oil;
  • Products containing milk (cottage cheese is especially useful);
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Fish;
  • Whole wheat bread.

Recovery from a bruised or cracked rib includes exercises to develop the damaged structures. Since the treatment involves long-term bed rest, it is necessary to restore the mobility of the ribs.

It is useful to perform breathing exercises and exercises from the exercise therapy complex. Swimming is beneficial because it restores muscles.

As a result of injury to the ribs, various complications can occur, which include:

  1. Post-traumatic pneumonia (pneumonia). The pathology develops due to a violation of the respiratory process; as a result, the lungs are less ventilated, so congestion occurs in them.
  2. Lung contusion. Such a deviation can be suspected by frequent shortness of breath and the appearance of blue spots in the area of ​​the bruise. The injury requires immediate specialist intervention.
  3. Fractured ribs.

A severe bruise should be treated in a medical facility, as it is fraught with serious complications. It is necessary to make sure that there is no fracture or damage to the lung by bone fragments.


When making a diagnosis, great importance is given to collecting an anamnesis of the disease. The doctor must find out the reason: if this mechanical injury– the strength and direction of the impact, if the fall – from what height.

A general examination, palpation of the bruised area of ​​the chest and auscultation of the lungs and heart for the presence of extraneous noises and wheezing are important.

In case of a bruise, an X-ray or fluoroscopy of the chest is always necessary in 2 projections - frontal and lateral.

This must be done to exclude a more serious injury, which often at first (especially if it is a fracture without displacement of fragments) can be disguised as a bruise.

If for some reason it is not possible to conduct an X-ray examination, a technique in which the doctor presses on the chest from the front and sides (axial load) will help to distinguish a bruise from a fracture.

With a fracture, there will be pronounced pain at the site of injury, but with a bruise, this pain is absent.

Tapping on the patient’s chest is informative (after preliminary assessment general condition patient): with a fracture, there will be a cough and sputum streaked with blood. This indicates that the lung is affected.

A differential diagnosis with intercostal neuralgia is carried out, the leading place belongs to the collection of anamnesis - the presence or absence of a previous injury.

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Of the various rib injuries and injuries, bruised ribs are considered the least of the problems, especially compared to broken ribs.

Even a sprain of the intercostal muscles or intercostal neuralgia causes more suffering than a bruised ribs.

This fact should help you recharge with positive thoughts for a speedy recovery.

And although the process of treatment of bruised ribs and subsequent rehabilitation is faster and less hassle than other types of rib injuries, pain is still present, and with severe bruising of the ribs it can be quite intense.

Symptoms of bruised ribs

A contusion or “bruise” is an accumulation of blood on an injured area of ​​the body.

In cases where this area or area is close enough to the skin, we can observe the accumulation of blood in the form of discolored skin.

If there is excessive internal bleeding, the skin can be pushed out, forming a tumor called a hematoma.

The main symptoms of bruised ribs are pain in the chest area and a feeling of discomfort when breathing.

A person’s ribs are located quite close to the skin, so if several of them are damaged, the bruise can occupy a fairly large area and look scary.

It would be superfluous to say that touching the bruised part can become very painful and painful.

A severely bruised rib may cause barely bearable pain, but you can always be thankful that it's just a bruise and not something more serious.

The task of the chest, consisting of the ribs, is to constantly contract and expand, carrying out the process of inhalation and exhalation. With broken ribs, the breathing process turns into terrible pain.

Broken ribs cannot return to their rightful places, which in turn can involve another danger associated with serious pulmonary problems such as pneumonia.

You should not expect much relief from wrapping the ribs and securing them in one position in order to reduce pressure on the costal area and reduce pain when breathing.

In some cases, a bandage around broken ribs can certainly help, but not in cases of bruised ribs or sprained intercostal muscles.

What to do if you bruise your ribs at home

Ice, rest, stress relief.

Treatment for bruised ribs should begin by applying cold compresses to the bruised area, and, if possible, immediately after the incident occurs.

Ice packs should be placed on the damaged area at on a regular basis or at regular intervals of up to 2 days, the time period depends on the degree and size of the bruise.

After this time, ice is no longer needed. The very process of maintaining cold will reduce pain, but most importantly reduce swelling, promoting a speedy recovery and reducing the amount of suffering and torment in the following days.

The rib muscles need constant work as part of the healing process. Still, rest, removal of various physical activities and rest should be maintained during the first two days.

If the injury is severe, breathing may be difficult, and various kinds physical exercise is perhaps the last idea that might come to mind.

Despite this, if you have bruised ribs there is no need to be confined to a bed, but all movements should be kept to a minimum for a two-day period.

Make sure that only the ribs are injured due to the bruise.

At the first sign of unbearable pain, or suspicion of an incorrect self-diagnosis, be sure to consult a doctor.

Recommendations and advice from a professional can not only help reduce discomfort and pain, but also help ensure that you do not have more serious injuries, such as broken ribs, cracks and other injuries.

It would be a good idea to check the condition of the lungs and other organs protected by the ribs and make sure they are functioning normally.

Once a final diagnosis is made, treatment can begin.

Many pharmacies sell medications that help reduce pain and inflammation, such as ibuprofen.

Start doing physical exercises gradually.

After a few days, you can begin a program to restore normal chest function. You shouldn't rush headlong to the gym, but some... simple exercises for stretching will be very useful.

At the same time (while the ribs are healing from the bruises), try to avoid heavy loads, feelings of discomfort and even slightly noticeable pain; everything must be done in moderation.

If the pain does not go away over time and there are no positive results, be sure to see a doctor. Perhaps, in addition to treating bruised ribs, you need to pay attention to other problems that are preventing you from getting on the road to recovery.

Eventually it will be possible to return to normal. Everyday life and continue playing sports.

The amount of time it will take for treatment and full recovery, will depend on the severity of the bruise, as well as the number of ribs that were injured.

If you are an athlete and want to continue to engage in heavy sports as soon as possible, then a good tip is to purchase a special protective vest that will help you keep your ribs stationary, thereby reducing the load on them.

Remember, correct, and most importantly effective treatment of bruised ribs is not the most difficult task that can be faced in our lives. Everyone can handle it!


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Bruised rib: causes

Bruised ribs develop in a person after a chest injury. The causes of damage can be various:

  • carelessness while playing sports;
  • fall damage;
  • traffic accident;
  • fight.

Differences from fracture

There is a significant difference between injuries such as a fractured rib and a bruised rib:

  1. During a rib fracture, damage to the bone tissue occurs, as a result of which the patient experiences a sharp sensation of pain, which intensifies when coughing and attempting to move.
  2. A bruise appears in the injured area, and the sound of bones rubbing can be heard.
  3. With an open fracture, the broken rib breaks through the soft tissues, skin and ends up outside the body. It is impossible to confuse it with a bruise.
  4. When a bruise occurs, the soft tissue is damaged - the patient experiences tolerable aching pain, the hematoma and swelling in the area of ​​the bruise are minor, and no deformation of the chest is observed.

However, the victim should not self-diagnose his condition and seek help from specialists as quickly as possible.

Diagnosis of the type of injury and treatment

In order for a traumatologist to tell how to treat a rib bruise, he must diagnose the bruise, and not more serious injuries. The doctor conducts initial examination, where visually assesses the integrity of the bones, the size of the hematoma, and the condition of the skin. Further, to confirm the diagnosis and examination internal organs X-rays are taken.

Based on the examination results, the doctor prescribes the maximum effective therapy. Treatment for a rib bruise depends on the specific situation (symptoms and severity of injury).

  1. Treatment with medications involves the use of analgesics and drugs (most often ointments) with an analgesic effect. In case of hyperemia, antipyretic drugs are prescribed.
  2. Breathing exercises develop injured ribs and relieve aching pain.
  3. Physiotherapy is recommended after the patient's condition has improved slightly. It helps restore natural body movements. Physiotherapeutic procedures include: electrophoresis, ultra-high frequency therapy, as well as heating with a blue lamp or electric heating pad.

Degrees of rib injury

There are several degrees of rib bruises; depending on their degree, appropriate measures are taken to eliminate this problem.

The first (mild) degree is characterized by slight pain at the site of impact, which can intensify with sudden movements and palpation, and can completely fade at rest.

In such a situation, medical qualified assistance is not required, since the injury is not life-threatening and can go away on its own within a week without additional interventions or medications.

The second degree is characterized by the presence of a hematoma, constant pain, turning into an acute stage at the slightest movement. In this case, a diagnosis must be made for the presence of cracks and fractures of the rib, and the bruise itself is treated with medications that have a resolving effect.

Symptoms and signs

Manifestations of a bruise are typical for any injury to soft or hard tissues, namely:

  1. Pain. This sensation appears at the time of injury and accompanies the patient throughout long period. The presence of pain is due to the location of the nerves under each rib. The chest has a branched system of nerves. Therefore, a bruise in one way or another leads to pinching of the passing nerve fiber. In addition, a bruise often provokes a blow to the lungs, which further increases the feeling of pain;
  2. From the first symptom it follows that when the lung is hit, difficulty breathing may develop. Outwardly, it may seem as if the victim does not have enough air or his breathing is completely difficult;
  3. In addition to their protective function, the ribs play the role of a frame for small respiratory muscles. These muscles are auxiliary when the main respiratory muscle is the diaphragm. A blow to the rib, in any case, accompanies minor damage to such respiratory muscles, and the presence of this phenomenon makes it difficult for the victim to breathe;
  4. The bruise is accompanied by swelling and swelling of the soft tissues. In addition, the blow can cause damage to passing vessels, which will cause subcutaneous bleeding and bruising. Externally, the skin takes on a bluish tint. A significant change in the color of the skin is sometimes false: the ribs are located quite tightly to the skin, and very small bruises can look scary. Without vascular damage, the skin remains without bruising;
  5. One of the most serious symptoms of a rib injury is a painful cough with expectoration of sputum. This sign indicates serious damage to the integrity of the lung. If the tightness is broken, a small bump may be observed under the skin - this is an accumulation of air. By palpating such a lump, you can feel crepitation - creaking;
  6. Bruises of the elements of the chest limit the victim in free and active movements: the person will not be able to turn the body due to palpable pain and muscle damage;
  7. Given that the mechanical displacement of the rib at the time of injury touches somatic organs, the liver, pancreas, and part of the spleen may be damaged;
  8. The temperature at the site of damage increases slightly.

In a child, the symptoms of a bruise do not differ from those in an adult.

How to identify a rib fracture or bruise

One of the main manifestations of a fracture is the mobility of the rib itself. At the moment of impact, you can hear the crunch of a bone typical of a fracture.

The second point of difference is the external deformation. With a bruise, only swelling and discoloration are observed when there is external deformation of the bone during a fracture.

TO external manifestations A rib fracture also causes a change in complexion (it becomes pale).

When a fracture occurs, changes such as increased heart rate and changes in blood pressure are observed. However, only a doctor can definitively recognize whether a rib is broken or just a bruise in a hospital setting using special instrumental methods, such as radiography.

Signs of a bruise appear immediately after injury. Often a red spot appears on the bruised area. The duration of pain depends on the force of the blow and the degree of tissue damage.

Sometimes symptoms go away quickly, but this is not a reason to refuse diagnosis and treatment. Minor injuries without proper treatment can cause discomfort (after several years). The main signs of a bruise include pain of different types: aching, dull, sharp, etc.

The syndrome often worsens with body movements. If there is damage to 1-2 lungs, breathing may stop, which is dangerous for the patient’s life.

In such cases it is required urgent help doctor to prevent internal bleeding. Often a hematoma forms at the site of the impact.

The color of the bruise varies from red to yellow (as the injury heals). A rib injury is accompanied by swelling.

It can be determined by touch. After 2-4 hours the tumor reaches its maximum size.

After 24-36 hours, the swelling subsides.

The above symptoms are nonspecific. They can occur with chest trauma. In this case, external signs of bruised ribs appear. The pain intensifies, tissue swelling increases. In this case, there is no external bleeding.

To conduct a full diagnosis, excluding severe injury, a chest x-ray is indicated. The study is carried out in two projections. If the rib is bruised, then there will be no changes in the image.

When a rib or several ribs are bruised, following symptoms:

  • pain, discomfort, which may intensify when inhaling;
  • pain when palpating damaged ribs;
  • the rib hurts when moving, in particular when turning the body;
  • swelling of the skin, hematoma over the area of ​​damaged ribs.

With a bruise, the same symptoms develop as with a crack and fracture. Therefore, it is important to accurately diagnose the pathology. For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a chest x-ray examination.


There are some symptoms of a rib bruise that will help in providing emergency medical care and further treatment. The main complaints of the victim:

  • Acute pain directly in the area of ​​injury, which intensifies during breathing or movement;
  • Slight swelling in the area of ​​the bruise with the formation of a hematoma;
  • The extent of the bruise depends on the severity of the injury, generally its color is quite dark, its shade can vary (from deep red to pale yellow);
  • The skin at the site of injury becomes hot;
  • Redness of the injured skin area may be observed.

It is important to immediately identify the symptoms of a rib injury in order to avoid future complications and promptly prescribe effective therapy.

How long does the bruise hurt? It is impossible to give an exact time frame, as it depends on the severity of the injury, and it is also necessary to remember that each person has their own pain threshold. Therefore, everything here is individual, but one thing remains the same - it is necessary to carry out extensive diagnostics.

The symptoms of a rib injury and treatment have a clear relationship, because further therapy directly depends on the severity of the symptoms.

When you get a rib bruise, the symptoms can be minor or severe. In any case, signs of bruised ribs appear almost instantly. If the symptoms are mild, then there is no need to consult a doctor. Symptoms that persist for a long time may indicate more serious problems, such as cracked ribs or even fractures.

In the first hours there are no external signs. During an objective examination, bruising may not appear. After a quarter of an hour, abrasions, hematomas and local swelling appear.

A bruised rib hurts for a long time, and turning the body becomes painful. Breathing movements are accompanied by increased pain. The exact location of the damage can be determined by palpation.

Specific symptoms bruised ribs are as follows:

  • Pain with clearly defined localization;
  • Pain when breathing or coughing;
  • Local tissue swelling;
  • Bruising at the site of injury;
  • Temperature increase.

Damage is detected by visual inspection. Auscultation of the lungs is mandatory, with which you can determine the occurrence of complications.

Recognizing a bruise is quite simple; it has the following symptoms:

  • sharp piercing pain that accompanies any movement of the body;
  • discomfort when inhaling;
  • hematomas are the main sign of rib trauma;
  • in the first hours after injury, the patient experiences swelling of the injured area; upon palpation, neuralgia is noted sharp pain. The color of the skin in this area changes to purple-red.

Symptoms of rib damage, characterized by compressive pain, may indicate fractures and cracks in bone tissue, so if you identify such pain, it is better to contact a specialist for further diagnosis.

In some individual cases, the patient has a rib contusion without a bruise. This can happen when a minor injury is caused, and pain is observed only at the time of palpation. Also, the absence of a hematoma is typical for internal injuries received as a result of accidents.

You need to understand that there are very complex injuries:

  • fractures;
  • cracks;
  • ruptures;
  • bruises.

The most common injuries are bruises; in some cases they can go away without medical attention, and in others they bother the person long time pain and restriction of movement.

The ribs play an important role in the functioning of the entire human body - protecting the sensitive structures of the visceral organs from damage and participating in the respiratory process. Even the slightest damage can damage bone and muscle tissue and disrupt blood flow in the damaged area.

The essence of trauma

To begin with, it is worth noting important role ribs They perform a special function, namely, they protect such important organs located in the chest as the heart and lungs. But, unfortunately, it is precisely this function that determines the likelihood that bruising of the ribs may occur, because in the event of damage, the entire load will fall on them.

Like any tissue damage caused by a traumatic factor, bruised ribs are manifested by intense pain acute nature, which intensify with movement and breathing.

You can get an injury such as a bruised rib simply while walking down the street and slipping on a slippery road, or if you collide violently with someone or something without covering yourself with your hands. The symptoms of a rib bruise are quite clear and anyone who reads this article will be able to understand whether he really got it. severe bruise ribs

Surely you are tormented by questions such as a bruised rib, what to do or how to treat a bruised rib, you will find the answer to everything in the article.

Bruised rib


The traumatologist conducts a thorough examination of the chest and palpates the ribs. These studies are necessary in order to exclude fractures and damage to internal organs (heart, lungs).

The best diagnostic tool is x-ray. Only with the help of x-rays can you accurately determine the location and number of fractures, and ultrasound examination recognizes blood clots and air bubbles in the pleura.

CT is also used for diagnosis; it carefully checks injured ribs and detects even minor changes in the structure of the lungs, heart, blood vessels.

To determine a fracture or bruise of a rib, it is necessary additional examination. The main diagnostic method is radiography, which takes a direct and lateral view of the chest.

When a fracture occurs, deformation of the rib contours, displacement, and discontinuity of the pattern are determined.

If a lung injury occurs as a result of an injury, free fluid may be detected in the pleural cavity on an x-ray. It appears as a result of a ruptured vessel.

Possible complications

Compromise of a major artery causes serious, life-threatening bleeding. Damage to the bronchus leads to pneumothorax - air entering the pleural cavity. The result is compression of the lung and a dangerous displacement of the heart in the opposite direction.

Extensive subcutaneous hematoma after injury requires surgical intervention. The blood is sucked out with a syringe with a thick needle. If the blood has clotted and cannot be removed using the usual method, then opening the hematoma is necessary.

Prolonged pain and high temperature with bruised ribs indicate the addition of post-traumatic pneumonia. The disease is accompanied by a cough, which increases pain.

If the pain when coughing is associated only with a bruise, then the injury can be treated at home.

Symptoms for bruises and fractures are very similar. Therefore, only a doctor can accurately determine the severity of the injury after carrying out the necessary diagnostic methods.

The diagnosis of bruised ribs can only be made after the victim has undergone an x-ray. A fracture or crack is characterized by deformation of the contours of the ribs and an intermittent pattern on the x-ray.

After a bruise, such damage is not detected, since only soft tissues are affected. If the injury leads to damage to the lungs, then during diagnosis the presence of free fluid is clearly visible in the pleural cavity, which accumulates due to ruptures of blood vessels.

It is impossible to make a correct diagnosis at home; this can lead to negative consequences.

A severe bruise should be differentiated from a rib fracture. In the second case, the location of the bone may not be disturbed, and the symptoms of injury will be identical. It is also necessary to distinguish between a bruise and the formation of a crack in the bone.

It is impossible to diagnose at home; to do this, you should contact a traumatologist.

At the emergency room, the victim is examined using x-rays. The image will show that the bone tissue of the rib remains intact. According to indications, an ultrasound is also performed, which can identify injuries to soft tissues and internal organs. If there are associated injuries, an MRI may be necessary. The final diagnosis is established after all necessary studies have been carried out.

The key point in diagnosing a bruise is the absence of fractures and cracks in the rib. For this they use X-ray methods studies, and they give a clear picture of the condition of the ribs in relation to the internal organs.

An X-ray is prescribed for all patients with bruises. This procedure eliminates the possibility of more serious consequences and the development of life-threatening pathologies such as hydrothorax and pneumothorax.

First of all, after a rib injury, a diagnosis is carried out. There is no need to carry out this procedure yourself, and not everyone has certain skills.

Important. With such an injury, there is no need to apply any bandages to the painful area of ​​the body, firstly, it is useless, and secondly, such actions can only cause harm.

Diagnosis should be carried out by a doctor specializing in this field, and only in a medical facility. If the patient feels severe pain when lightly touching the area of ​​the bruise, the doctor sends him for a chest x-ray.

It is this procedure that will help determine whether it is a simple bruise, or perhaps a fracture.

Attention! Everyone should understand that if such a bruise does not see a doctor in time, it may happen this type consequences such as pneumonia. It is characterized by frequent and severe coughing, which will gradually worsen and lead to even more severe pain. So you don’t need to make yourself a personal doctor, and treat yourself.

When making a diagnosis, great importance is given to collecting an anamnesis of the disease. The doctor must find out the cause: if it is a mechanical injury, the force and direction of the blow, if it is a fall, from what height.

A general examination, palpation of the bruised area of ​​the chest and auscultation of the lungs and heart for the presence of extraneous noises and wheezing are important.

This must be done to exclude a rib fracture, which often at the initial stage (especially if it is a fracture without displacement of fragments) can be disguised as a bruise.

If for some reason it is not possible to conduct an X-ray examination, a technique in which the doctor presses on the chest from the front and sides (axial load) will help to distinguish a bruise from a fracture.

With a fracture, there will be pronounced pain at the site of injury, but with a bruise, such pain is absent.

Tapping on the patient’s chest is also informative (after a preliminary assessment of the patient’s general condition): with a fracture, cough and sputum streaked with blood will be noted. This indicates that there is a rib fracture and the lung is affected.

In addition to suspicion of a rib fracture, differential diagnosis is carried out with intercostal neuralgia, while the leading place belongs to the collection of anamnesis - the presence or absence of a previous injury.

The key point in diagnosing a bruise is the absence of fractures and cracks in the rib. For this purpose, X-ray examination methods are used, which give a clear picture of the condition of the ribs in relation to the internal organs.

An X-ray is prescribed for all patients who have bruises. This procedure eliminates the possibility of more serious consequences and the development of life-threatening pathologies such as hydrothorax and pneumothorax.

Of no small importance is a general examination, palpation of the bruised area of ​​the chest and auscultation of the lungs and heart for the presence of extraneous noises and wheezing.

If a rib is bruised, it is always recommended to perform an x-ray or fluoroscopy of the chest in two projections - direct and lateral. this must be done to exclude a rib fracture, which often at the initial stage (especially if it is a fracture without displacement of fragments) can be disguised as a bruise.

If for some reason it is not possible to conduct an X-ray examination, a technique in which the doctor presses on the chest from the front and sides (axial load) can help (to distinguish a bruise from a fracture). With a fracture, there will be pronounced pain at the site of injury, but with a bruise, such pain is absent.

Tapping on the patient’s chest is also informative (after a preliminary assessment of the patient’s general condition): with a fracture, cough and sputum streaked with blood will be noted. this indicates that there is a rib fracture and the lung is affected. With bruises, these symptoms do not exist.


How to treat bruised ribs? A rib bruise causes severe pain, so one of the goals of therapy is pain relief. It is also an excellent prevention against infection. respiratory tract.

During the treatment of bruised ribs, paracetamol, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. The doctor will prescribe the exact dose and frequency of use of therapeutic agents.

It is possible to use a tight bandage on the damaged area. At first positive results treatment, the use of warm compresses is allowed.

After the pain decreases, you can begin to gradually restore the damaged functions of the chest. Light tilts and turns will help with this, but they need to be done smoothly, without sudden movements. It is recommended to increase the load gradually.

If you are injured, you should sleep on the opposite side of the side where the injury occurred.

Treatment at home

It is extremely important to entrust the diagnosis to a doctor. Due to the fact that severe bruises may be accompanied by blows to internal organs, diagnosis cannot be delayed. Folk remedies have many different recipes:

  1. Apply fresh cabbage leaves to the bruised area and wrap with a bandage. Changing the bandage for a bruise must be done twice a day;
  2. Bean decoction. It is crushed and used as compresses that are applied to the bruise. The beans are wrapped in cellophane and the rib is tied with woolen cloth;
  3. Use of aloe leaves. Such a plant must be crushed to a pulp and applied to the sore spot, wrapped in gauze or cotton material;
  4. Compresses from fresh potatoes, pre-grated;
  5. Bodyaga has been around for a long time and is effective. Various healing ointments are prepared based on this plant. Pharmacies sell ready-to-use gels;
  6. Several heads of garlic need to be chopped and poured with 6% apple cider vinegar volume 500 ml. The liquid must be infused and rubbed in several times a day;
  7. After several days of treatment, the use of tissue-heating compresses becomes relevant. At this stage, you can warm the skin using a solution of water, alcohol and a tablespoon of salt. The first two ingredients have a one-to-one ratio;
  8. Severe pain can be relieved with chicory root tincture. This plant weighing 100 grams must be thoroughly crushed and poured with 0.5 liters of vodka. It is necessary to insist for two weeks. Then lubricate the bruised area;
  9. Due to the fact that a rib bruise can subsequently cause post-traumatic pneumonia, the victim should be given antibiotics. However, the type of these drugs and their quantity must be strictly agreed with the attending physician.

Seeing a doctor is necessary because it is quite difficult to distinguish a bruised chest ribs from an uncomplicated fracture. Only additional examination methods, after a physical examination, will help make the right conclusion.

After clarifying the diagnosis, thoracic surgeons adhere to following diagram treatment:

  • Cold on the site of the injury;
  • Restricted mobility, home, mostly bed rest;
  • Locally, for bruises of the ribs of the chest, ointments are used - diklak;
  • If the pain is severe, you can take painkillers - Trigan, Ketanov.
  • When the temperature rises above 38 degrees, antipyretics are indicated - ibuprofen, paracetamol.

Heat In case of bruised ribs, it appears as a complication of pneumonia; its treatment requires additional examination and the prescription of antibacterial agents.

What ointments and medications are used for a bruised rib?

The goal of treatment for a rib injury is to reduce pain and use anti-inflammatory drugs. Given the superficial location of the ribs of the chest, they are widely used for treatment. local remedies: ointments, gels and compresses.

The main remedies for treating bruises are as follows:

  • Anti-inflammatory local agents - diclofenac ointments, fastum gel, deep relief;
  • Painkillers – ketanov tablets, solpadeine, analgin, naproxen;
  • Agents that accelerate healing – trental, pentoxifylline.

Severe bruises with severe pain require injection of painkillers: ketalong, dikloberl, dexalgin. During the rehabilitation period, breathing exercises, physiotherapy and massage are used.

The duration of treatment is 30-50 days.

Treatment for bruised ribs at home

It is possible to speed up the recovery process by using a fixation vest, which will protect the affected area from additional damage when displaced. This will relieve pain when breathing and moving.

Treatment for bruised ribs should be prescribed by a traumatologist. As a rule, the patient is recommended to remain in bed for the first time after injury.

Apply to the injured area pressure bandage and give the injured side of the body an elevated position. In this way, hemorrhage is reduced.

During the first few days, cooling of the damaged area is used to reduce pain and speed up the resorption of hemorrhage. Then warm compresses are applied.

Treatment for minor bruised ribs is carried out at home under the supervision of a doctor. In this case, you are allowed to sleep on your healthy side.

If necessary, your doctor may prescribe treatments such as exercise therapy and physical therapy. Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed after the pain has decreased and the patient’s condition has improved and are aimed at restoring the usual motor activity.

Such procedures include:

  • amplipulse;
  • electrophoresis;
  • electric heating pad;
  • blue lamp.

Traditional medicine methods

On the first day, the injured area is very painful, and he is prescribed complete rest and cold on the damaged area. When the acute inflammation of the muscles and soft tissues passes, the next stage of treatment can begin. It is aimed at relieving pain, restoring blood circulation and resolving bruises.

To treat a bruise, external medications are prescribed in the form of a cream, ointment or gel. They have different mechanisms of action, so the drug is chosen depending on the prevailing symptoms. The most popular medications that can be purchased at a pharmacy and applied to the damaged area:

  1. Diclofenac is an ointment that belongs to non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. It relieves pain, inflammation and swelling. It is applied several times a day, avoiding contact with mucous membranes and open wounds.
  2. Ibuprofen is another drug for external use from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Sinyak-off is a special ointment based on leech extract, which reduces blood clotting. Under its influence, bruises resolve, it prevents the formation of large hematomas.
  4. Fastum-gel is a non-hormonal anti-inflammatory ointment based on ketoprofen.
  5. Apizartron is a cream that contains bee venom as the main active ingredient. It promotes the resorption of hematomas, relieves pain and inflammation.
  6. Heparin ointment- This is a combination drug. Heparin reduces blood viscosity and prevents the formation of hematomas, and anesthesin relieves pain.

An elastic corset can be used to protect the ribs from sudden movements in the first few days. It will not interfere with recovery, but will support the intercostal muscles, relieve swelling and reduce pain. Instead, you can apply a bandage made of an elastic bandage, under which you apply medications.

During the recovery period, it is important to restore mobility and elasticity to the intercostal muscles. To do this, you can perform special exercises from the exercise therapy course at home. A few days after the injury, they begin to do breathing exercises - deep inhalations and exhalations, holding in each position. Exercises can be supplemented light massage chest.

On average for full recovery It may take 10 to 30 days.

Active movements can begin to be performed after the acute pain syndrome.

After the course of treatment is completed, the muscles and soft tissues heal, and you can return to your normal lifestyle.

Many people are interested in the question, how long does treatment last? In general, recovery from damage is successful and there are no side effects. However, it is impossible to say exactly how long rehabilitation will last.

It depends on the nature of the injury and individual characteristics body. It is necessary to treat the disease at home for as long as possible until the symptoms of the injury pass and the person regains full mobility.

On average, therapy lasts 2–3 weeks.

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There are several treatment options for rib bruises: how traditional medicine, and folk. The best option would be a combined method, combining two possible variations.

With minor injuries, bruises can disappear quite quickly, but it is better not to overuse self-medication. Only an experienced specialist is able to fully assess the severity of the injury, as well as the health risks, and select the appropriate treatment.

Many patients who encounter this type of bruise for the first time do not know what and how to do in this situation. If you bruise your right or left rib, you must first apply a cold compress, which will help not only relieve pain, but also relieve tension.

This procedure It is advisable to do it immediately after a bruise, before the hematomas become clearly visible. This is the only measure that must be applied regularly before being examined by a doctor.

In the first days after a bruise, it is advisable to remain in bed and not lift anything heavy, since lifting something heavy with your lungs can hurt the bruised part and ribs, which will lead to complications. If the temperature rises during bed rest, there is no need to sound the alarm; this is a normal phenomenon for this injury.

But if the temperature exceeds 39 and does not go down for several days, this may indicate pneumonia. IN in this case A repeat visit to the doctor is required.

Treatment of a bruise is not based only on medications and ointments; you need to independently develop your ribs. To do this, you can use a set of breathing procedures, which are also considered very effective, even if the cracked ribs due to a bruise are almost restored.

No less good complex There will be physiotherapeutic procedures for recovery. They are the ones who will help you get back on your feet faster and find the same rhythm in life.

This is something you can often find on various forums.

Treatment for bruised ribs due to a fall or other mechanism of injury is mainly aimed at reducing the intensity of pain as quickly as possible.

First aid after a blow to the side:

  1. If possible, a cold compress should be applied to the injury site. You can use ice from the freezer or other frozen product. The cold compress should be changed periodically.
  2. Doctors also usually prescribe painkillers in the form of ointments, sometimes tablets. All of them are widely available, and a person can choose the product that suits him both in action and price. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may also be prescribed as necessary treatment.
  3. Another recommendation that must be followed is compliance with bed rest for the first time after receiving a bruise.
  4. If the bruise was severe enough, doctors recommend using a fixing bandage. It shouldn't be too tight, it should just hold the ribs in place. correct position.
  5. Of course, restrictions in terms of physical activity and sports must also be followed.
  6. Doctors in some cases, after initial recovery, prescribe courses of effective physiotherapeutic procedures. Choosing on your own what to do and what to ignore is strictly prohibited.

In everyday life, a person very often, one way or another, encounters various bruises. This type of injury occurs most often as an independent injury, but can also occur with severe injuries - fractures, dislocations and other injuries to internal organs. Let's take a closer look at bruised ribs. Treatment is described below.

Ribs are part of the human skeleton and integral part chest. Their main function is to protect the most important internal human organs from external damage.

A rib is a flat, spongy long bone that has curves in two planes. Each rib includes a cartilaginous part, and its bony part is divided into three sections: neck, head and body.

Creams and ointments

Most effective method To get rid of bruises and relieve swelling is the use of ointments.

The general principles of treatment for rib bruises come down to a number of specific measures - prevention and treatment of hematoma, relieving tension in the muscle layer and pain, as well as limiting mobility in the chest area.

Hematoma. Damaged upon impact muscle layer chest (at the site of application of force) with rupture of muscle fibers and the appearance of local internal bleeding, which is formed from the blood vessels feeding the muscles. As this process progresses, the blood clot begins to put pressure on nearby nerve fibers, increasing pain.

To combat a hematoma, ice packs (or any other object that provides cold) are used, which are applied externally to the site of injury. This makes it possible to slow down the intensity of hemorrhage or stop it, relieve tissue swelling, which, in turn, will alleviate the patient’s general condition and relieve pain.

Cold treatment is most effective on the first day after injury. In the future, internal hemorrhage is treated with the help of various absorbable ointments and compresses.

If the hematoma is large, the hematoma is punctured and its contents are extracted.

For minor injuries, conservative therapy is enough (with bed rest in the first days) for the symptoms of the bruise to disappear and the patient to return to a normal lifestyle.

Pain. In cases of severe pain, symptomatic analgesics of various groups are used. The most effective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are those used locally, on the surface of the skin at the site of injury: various gels and ointments. It is advisable to begin their use from the second day after injury.

If you suspect a lung contusion, as well as for prevention stagnation in them, the doctor can prescribe antispasmodics, such as aminophylline or its analogues (according to the mechanism of action). Expectorant therapy is also recommended.

If severe pain occurs, it would be advisable to carry out a novocaine blockade, and in rare cases, the use of narcotic analgesics (provided that a thorough diagnosis has been carried out and a rib fracture has been ruled out).

Restriction of movement. Regardless of the diagnosis (bruise or fracture) made by a specialist, it is necessary to limit movement immediately after the injury.

This is due to the fact that when moving, especially with increased physical activity, the lungs begin to participate more intensively in the act of breathing, moving the chest (the ribs are its main component).

If there is a bruise, every movement will increase the pain, and if there is a suspicion of a fracture, it will lead to more tragic consequences - trauma to the pleural cavity with rib fragments.

The simplest and most effective restriction of movement is bed rest in the first two days after injury. The patient should remain in bed most of the time with a large pillow (or bolster): top part the body should be elevated. This will make it possible to prevent the development of congestion in the lungs.

Among other methods of treating bruises, it is worth noting such procedures as physiotherapy (electrophoresis, UHF), which is applied at the end of the first week after injury, breathing exercises, treatment with dry heat (no earlier than on the second day from the moment of injury) and various traditional methods of therapy.

Among the complications of rib bruises, it is necessary to distinguish such conditions as pneumonia, hydro- or pneumothorax, prolonged pain syndrome and prolonged low-grade fever, which may indicate the development of a chronic inflammatory process.

To exclude them, you must immediately contact a specialist and follow all recommendations for diagnosing the disease, treatment and subsequent rehabilitation.

In case of bruised ribs, it is necessary to contact an orthopedic traumatologist to make a final diagnosis and carry out appropriate treatment.

If the impact of the injury was minor, the pain in the damaged area is not severe, and goes away after applying cold, you can simply take a chest x-ray to rule out a rib fracture. A qualified radiologist will be able to determine its presence based on the results of the study. Be healthy.

Treatment regimens

Before treating bruised ribs with medications, cold is used. The compress relieves pain and swelling, stopping bleeding and preventing the formation of bruises.

This procedure should last no more than 15 minutes. Otherwise, hypothermia and frostbite are possible.

If the sign has weakened, the process of restoring motor functions begins. It is recommended to do slow bends and turns, gradually increasing the load.

An excellent option for quickly eliminating hematoma and muscle stiffness are physiotherapeutic methods.

Warming up, UHF and massage, which is supported by rehabilitation gymnastics, will help you quickly get rid of the bruise and return to a full life.

Drug treatments for bruises

To treat bruised ribs, not only anesthetics are used, but also local drugs. You can use ointments Troxevasin, Indomethacin and Voltaren. Bruise-off and Girudalgon creams relieve bruises. A certain gel containing menthol (Ben-Gein and Deep Relief) has a cooling property. Lyoton and Finalgel have a positive effect.

High body temperature is normal when the ribs are injured. If the temperature exceeds 39 °C and persists for several days, it is recommended to consult a traumatologist. This symptom indicates pneumonia. The injury may occur from behind the back. In this case, an additional examination of the patient is carried out.

When a large hematoma appears with fluctuation, it is emptied. A puncture needle is used for this. Blood clotting in the area of ​​the hematoma is rarely observed. This makes it difficult to aspirate its contents. The hematoma is opened under local anesthesia.

Folk remedies

For severe pain, tablets may be prescribed that can relieve pain. Painkillers - No-shpa, Analgin, Nurofen - will help eliminate the attack of pain for a while.

First aid

What to do if you have a bruised rib? Basic rules for providing pre-medical care emergency assistance– relieve pain and prevent complications in the future. In order to help the victim, you must first assess the severity of the injury. The presence of ribs protruding under the skin or the appearance of “dents” in the chest area may indicate a fracture. In this case, urgent hospitalization is required.

If the bruise is characterized by only mild pain, no bruising and does not cause inconvenience, then treatment at home is an option. You can smear with Diclofenac, Indomethacin - these are anti-inflammatory drugs with an analgesic effect.

An injury such as a rib injury is characterized by severe pain that disrupts a person’s usual way of life. At the same time, it is useful to know what symptoms a rib bruise has, and what treatment at home can be used for a quick recovery. A bruise occurs due to a strong impact on a hard surface, for example, when falling or colliding with a hard object. In this case, mechanical damage to the muscles and soft tissue occurs, but the bones and skin remain intact.

A rib bruise without a bruise, in which there is pronounced pain, may indicate damage to the bone tissue of the ribs. The damage can be localized on the right or left side, the symptoms will be the same. If swelling has formed at the site of injury, and the symptoms do not subside even in a state of complete rest, the cause may be quite serious. In such cases, a crack can be diagnosed, the presence of which is determined after radiography.

If a person falls and soft tissues and small vessels are damaged, rib bruises are characterized by the appearance of hematomas and bruises. This indicates damage to the tissue itself, and the ribs most likely were not seriously damaged. Such injuries are usually treated with conservative methods using painkillers and anti-inflammatory compresses.

Symptoms of the disease

When a rib bruise occurs, the symptoms will be characteristic of all age categories. The severity of pain from bruised ribs depends on the severity of the injury and can be expressed to varying degrees. If rib damage is suspected due to a fall, it is recommended to consult a doctor and have an x-ray taken. The main symptoms of bruised ribs are:

  • sharp pain in the rib area after injury;
  • dull or aching pain at the site of injury that does not go away for a long time;
  • discomfort that increases with physical stress, coughing or sneezing;
  • inability to take a deep breath due to increasing pain;
  • presence of hematomas or bruises;
  • the presence of edema, which appears 2-3 hours after injury;
  • redness of the skin at the site of injury.

If you hear a creaking or crunching noise while breathing when you bruise a rib, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. In such cases, you must definitely call a doctor or take the victim yourself to the nearest medical institution. But before going to the hospital, first aid may be necessary to reduce pain and prevent the injury from getting worse.

Professional diagnostics

Symptoms for bruises and fractures are very similar. Therefore, only a doctor can accurately determine the severity of the injury after carrying out the necessary diagnostic methods. The diagnosis of bruised ribs can only be made after the victim has undergone an x-ray. A fracture or crack is characterized by deformation of the contours of the ribs and an intermittent pattern on the x-ray. After a bruise, such damage is not detected, since only soft tissues are affected. If the injury leads to damage to the lungs, then during diagnosis the presence of free fluid is clearly visible in the pleural cavity, which accumulates due to ruptures of blood vessels. It is impossible to make a correct diagnosis at home; this can lead to negative consequences.

First aid

If the ribs are bruised, the victim may need first aid until a doctor arrives. After injury, it is recommended to apply a cold compress to relieve swelling and reduce bleeding. If the pain is severe, the patient can be given a painkiller, for example, Analgin or Paracetamol.

After receiving an injury, it is recommended to remain in bed, and if the injury was severe enough, doctors advise making a fixing bandage; it should support the ribs in their natural position. If a rib is fractured, an injured person must be urgently taken to a hospital to receive qualified medical care.


Treatment for bruised ribs should be prescribed by a traumatologist. As a rule, the patient is recommended to remain in bed for the first time after injury. A pressure bandage is applied to the injured area and the injured side of the body is elevated. In this way, hemorrhage is reduced. During the first few days, cooling of the damaged area is used to reduce pain and speed up the resorption of hemorrhage. Then warm compresses are applied.

Treatment for minor bruised ribs is carried out at home under the supervision of a doctor. In this case, you are allowed to sleep on your healthy side. If necessary, your doctor may prescribe treatments such as exercise therapy and physical therapy. Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed after pain has been reduced and the patient’s condition has improved and are aimed at restoring normal motor activity. Such procedures include:

  • amplipulse;
  • electrophoresis;
  • electric heating pad;
  • blue lamp.

Traditional medicine methods

You can treat bruised ribs at home only with the permission of a doctor. For this, folk remedies such as homemade ointments, compresses and lotions are used. To relieve the inflammatory process, it is recommended to apply fresh cabbage or plantain leaves under the bandage.

Warm compresses can be made from arnica infusion, which also has an anti-inflammatory effect. To relieve swelling, you can use a decoction of bodyaga. After the pain has decreased, it is recommended to rub the injury site with wild rosemary decoction. It must be taken into account that the use of all folk recipes It is advisable to discuss this with a specialist.

For quick healing of all types of bruises, linen plaster is successfully used. To prepare it at home, you need to take linen cloth, grind it into powder and mix it with any vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:4. The resulting mixture is applied to the injured area.

You can also prepare a compress from aloe and honey, the anti-inflammatory properties of which have been known for a long time. To prepare a compress, an aloe leaf is crushed into a paste, mixed with honey and applied to the site of the blow.

Medicines and ointments

Medicines to treat the victim are selected at the hospital. When prescribing treatment, the doctor is based on clinical data obtained from diagnostic examination. To relieve inflammation and swelling, as well as reduce pain from a rib bruise, use an ointment, for example, Fastum-gel, Deep Relief, Diclofenac. It is recommended to smear the damaged area 2-3 times a day; the duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor. For severe injuries, injections are used, such as:

  • "Dicloberl";
  • "Dexalgin";
  • "Ketalong".

Painkillers and anesthetics such as Naproxen, Solpadeine, and Ketanov are also often prescribed. It should be remembered that during treatment you must follow all the doctor’s instructions, and if painkillers are prescribed, they should be taken as prescribed, and not depending on the intensity of the pain. Regular and continuous use of medications contributes to a speedy recovery.


If a severe rib injury occurs, after the initial treatment procedures, a rehabilitation period begins. Often in such cases, physical therapy is prescribed. Special exercises are designed to develop weakened and damaged muscles.

To maximize pain relief during exercise, you should start with minimal physical activity and gradually increase it. It will be better if a specialist works with the patient for the first few days and shows how to perform physical actions correctly. Special therapeutic exercises It is recommended to perform this procedure within a few days after injury. Thanks to physical exercise blood circulation improves, which promotes rapid restoration of damaged soft tissues.

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Trauma occurs in every person's life. Sometimes damage to the chest occurs, which often results in a rib bruise. The main symptom is severe pain and superficial swelling.

In this situation, it is important to immediately seek medical help to rule out a rib fracture and pneumothorax.

Bruised rib - what is it?

A rib bruise is a fairly common injury. As medical practice shows, the patient often has other injuries when presenting, for example, a broken limb, concussion, or subcutaneous hemorrhages.

The degree of damage to the rib is determined by the surgeon and, based on this information, he recommends certain treatment. If a slight bruise or hematoma is detected, the patient is sent home with a specific therapeutic regimen prescribed.

If the injury turns out to be serious, and a violation of the integrity of the ribs and internal organs is detected, then treatment may be delayed. In this case, the patient is left in the surgery department to provide him with the necessary medical care.

The most common situations in which a chest injury occurs:

  • A traffic accident, especially in cases where passengers did not use a seat belt;
  • As a result of compression (for example, in crowded passenger transport, during concerts);
  • Occupational injuries – occur when safety rules are not followed while working at an enterprise;
  • Accidental fall from your own height or a small elevation;
  • A sports injury that occurs during training or competition;
  • Criminal acts that intentionally resulted in bodily harm.

The ribs perform a protective function - they take the entire blow, preventing damage to the pleura or lung. The costal bones are covered by tissue that contracts under the influence of innervation (mm. levatores costarum) to expand the chest and raise the ribs.

When the protective barrier of the lungs and pleura is damaged, not only bone tissue is bruised, but also muscle tissue, since it can be greatly stretched and torn. This is accompanied by severe and prolonged pain.

There are many capillaries and vessels passing near the ribs, which can be damaged as a result of a bruise. With a closed injury, the blood cannot get out, so it clots under the skin. Visually, this is characterized as a hematoma, which usually resolves on its own and does not cause harm to the human body.

The manifestations of any injury are very difficult to miss. Bruised ribs are no exception. The degree of pain in the first minutes and hours can vary. Sometimes the severity of symptoms is so great that the patient is admitted to the hospital in a state of shock.

However, if after an injury the pain subsides and becomes tolerable, this does not mean that everything is in order. In this case, we may be talking about an imaginary disguise dangerous conditions which could cost the patient his life.

Manifestation Short description
First painful sensations Forms immediately after injury. A person usually clearly indicates the location of its location.
Nature of pain IN calm state the pain is dull and aching, and with movements, even light ones, it becomes sharp and intense.
How long does the pain last? It all depends on the severity of the injury. Usually a rib bruise hurts for a long time (several weeks), but with mild damage the pain subsides after 2-3 days.
Breath Taking a breath is difficult and painful, so breathing is shallow, frequent and not deep. If the injury involves a lung, apnea may occur, as well as coughing (sometimes hemoptysis).
Bruise The larger the area of ​​damage, the larger the bruise will be. At first, the color of the hematoma will be red, then as it heals, the color will darken, and after a few weeks it will turn yellow.
Swelling of soft tissues Immediately after the injury, a compaction appears, which reaches its maximum size after a few hours. If you press on the swelling, it hurts. After about a day, the seal goes away.
Local hyperthermia The soft tissues are hot to the touch. If a rib is bruised, the body temperature remains normal, but after a couple of hours it may increase.
Redness of the skin at the site of impact or compression Hyperemia usually subsides within 24 hours.

In some cases there may be additional states, which are regarded as unfavorable. Among dangerous symptoms that appear when a rib is fractured or bruised, doctors identify the following:

  • dizziness;
  • confusion;
  • fainting;
  • (more than 120-160 beats per minute), threadiness, weakness of its filling;
  • rapid breathing - 28-30 times per minute;
  • heartache.

Before the ambulance arrives, the victim should be given horizontal position, unbutton the top buttons, try to calm down. It is advisable to provide the patient with complete physical rest and limit his movements.

Injuries complicating bruised ribs

The consequences of injury can lead to catastrophic impairment of breathing and circulation. It is important to provide medical assistance in a timely manner to avoid irreversible consequences.

Dangerous consequences that may arise if a severe bruise of the ribs occurs:

  1. Pneumothorax - accumulation of air or gases in the pleural cavity;
  2. Hemothorax - accumulation arterial blood in the mediastinum (hemomediastinum), as well as between the parietal and visceral layers of the pleura surrounding the lungs;
  3. Acute impairment of pulmonary ventilation and circulation;
  4. Accumulation of effusion in the pericardial cavity (cardiac tamponade).

At closed injuries breast need to be done medical research to prevent damage to bones and internal organs. Contusion of the ribs of the chest can lead to acute impairment of ventilation of the lungs, resulting in problems with breathing and heart function, including cardiac arrest.

To exclude or clarify the presence of complications, a specialized study is required. Typically, diagnosis is quick and the patient is informed about his state of health within about an hour.

The initial examination consists of palpation and external examination of the chest. If there is a rib fracture, the doctor feels the mobility of the bone or its non-anatomical location. The bilateral symmetry of the chest during breathing is also assessed (the lag of one half is an unfavorable signal).

  • The final conclusion is made only after conducting and reviewing x-rays, made in lateral and frontal projection.

This is an absolutely painless method that helps to find out with high accuracy what is happening inside the chest. X-rays will show cracks and fractures. If the integrity of the bone is not broken, the patient is informed that he only has a rib bruise.

First aid for bruised ribs at home

First, it is necessary to remove the victim from the source that caused the danger (for example, pull him out of the car during a traffic accident). You cannot independently administer medications as medical care, in particular those that relieve pain and spasms.

The fact is that these actions can erase the true picture of the patient’s general condition and, as a result, it will be difficult for a specialist to make a diagnosis.

You can relieve pain with a cold compress. For example, wrap ice from the freezer in a thin towel and apply it to the affected area. This procedure can be performed before the ambulance arrives.

If it happened slight bruise ribs, what should I do? In this case, you can use a cold compress, applying it to the affected area 2-3 times a day for 15 minutes. With a minor injury, the patient quickly recovers and returns to his previous rhythm of life.

Treatment of bruised ribs, medications and ointments

Many victims who find it painful to cough due to a bruised rib often bandage their chest. Often this does not bring effect due to incorrect manipulation.

  • cold application;
  • bed rest;
  • the use of pain-relieving ointments and tablets;
  • antipyretic drugs;
  • in rare cases - surgical removal hematomas.

If the patient’s body temperature persists for more than two days, then measures are taken to exclude pneumonia. To do this, a general blood test is taken, the lower respiratory tract is listened to, and an X-ray is also taken.

Ointments and preparations

When soft tissue is bruised, the integrity of the subcutaneous tissue and capillaries. The presence of local swelling and hematoma increases the risk of developing an inflammatory process, so it is necessary to initial stage dock. For this purpose, preparations for external and internal use are used.

Ointments for bruised ribs (action and name):

  • Anti-inflammatory effect (“Indovazin”, “Diclofenac”, “Ibuprofen”);
  • Relieving swelling (“Bruise-off gel”, “Express bruise”);
  • Pain relief for injured muscle tissue(“Fastum-gel”, “Apizatron”);
  • Improving blood circulation and suppressing platelet aggregation to quickly eliminate hemorrhages (heparin-based ointments);
  • For severe pain, use painkillers intramuscular injection(“Analgin”, “Baralgin”).

The use of drugs should only be carried out after a thorough examination by a specialist! Many medications have contraindications for use. It is very dangerous to treat bruised ribs at home, as this can aggravate and prolong the healing process.

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