Home Smell from the mouth Acute external hemorrhoids. How to relieve an attack of hemorrhoids at home

Acute external hemorrhoids. How to relieve an attack of hemorrhoids at home

The acute stage of hemorrhoids develops against the background of a long, chronic course of the disease. Since it is difficult not to notice the signs of this problem, a person, when faced with them, prefers to immediately consult a doctor. What are the main symptoms of chronic hemorrhoids, is the disease dangerous, and is there any effective ways fight her? Let's talk.

Symptoms of the disease

First you need to understand the signs by which you can easily identify the disease and diagnose it. In acute hemorrhoids, symptoms usually develop as follows:

  • severe pain, especially when sitting on the fifth point for a long time;
  • bleeding that increases with bowel movements;
  • itching and burning in the anus;
  • the nodes either fall out or can be easily palpated;
  • Against the background of these problems, the temperature may rise or the pressure may drop.

Now you need to figure out how chronic internal hemorrhoids develop:

  1. First, a person faces early stages diseases. The symptoms turn out to be almost unnoticeable: rare itching in the anus, pain during bowel movements, and that’s all.
  2. At the second stage, nodes are added to the symptoms, which occasionally fall out of the anus and bleeding. It is the first two stages that are easiest to treat.
  3. If you continue the disease until the third stage of development, you may encounter chronic complications. IN in this case inflamed nodes do not always hurt, but only when stimulating factors act on them. For example, if a patient sits on the fifth point for a long time, lifts weights, or has anal sex, a dormant disease may worsen, resulting in severe pain along with bleeding from the anus.
  4. If the disease is not treated until the fourth stage, then we are absolutely talking about chronic course diseases. At the fourth stage, the nodes are removed surgically, but constant exposure stimulating factors, they can form again, causing regular discomfort.

Provoking factors and their role in the development of the disease

During the period of “sleep,” that is, remission, when hemorrhoids do not cause much discomfort, a person may forget about it altogether. However, regular exposure to stimulating factors will certainly lead to the disease becoming more active. What factors are especially important to avoid in this case? Among them:

So, how does the disease progress in remission? It is still present, but is in a dormant stage. However, frequent sitting on the fifth point and a sedentary lifestyle lead to the fact that blood begins to accumulate in the pelvic area.

Hemorrhoids fill with blood and begin to fall out. If a person also suffers from constipation, then cracks in the rectum, accompanied by bleeding, add to the problems. Failure to comply with basic hygiene standards leads to gradual suppuration of hemorrhoids, infection with microbes and bacteria.

If a person frequently lifts weights or practices anal sex, the inflamed nodes may become pinched, which will invariably cause severe pain.

Diet for prevention

Of course, stimulants should be avoided by everyone accessible ways, and here the correct diet comes to the fore. Doctors advise including the following foods in your diet:

  • fruits and vegetables;
  • slimy porridge;
  • weak broths;
  • boiled meat and fish without fat;
  • kefir and other dairy products, except milk;
  • compotes and jelly.

You need to eat small meals, 4-5 times a day, so that a lot of food does not accumulate in the stomach. All food should be chewed thoroughly and washed down with still water.

A proper diet will not only prevent constipation, but will also save you from heartburn and increased gas formation. It is very important that your diet contains less fatty, spicy foods. Heavy meals and large portions should be avoided, since such food at the heart of the diet will certainly lead to an exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

Medicines to combat the chronic stage of the disease

With chronic hemorrhoids, symptoms appear infrequently, and therefore patients often neglect treatment. However, doctors recommend not to forget about venotonics, which will make the venous network more elastic, preventing the formation of blood clots and hemorrhoids themselves.

If the disease has entered an acute stage, it is necessary to immediately proceed to treatment. What medical supplies Is it most often used in such cases? This:

However, only a doctor should prescribe drugs, based on the symptoms and existing nuances of the disease. The first goal is always to stop the bleeding. Only after the bleeding has been eliminated can you move on to eliminating itching and burning.

If we are talking about an exacerbation that has overtaken a pregnant woman, medications should be chosen with extreme caution, since the risk of complications is high. Preparations with a natural composition should be used, for example, Vishnevsky ointment or sea buckthorn suppositories.

Don't forget about always existing risk development of an allergic reaction.

Traditional methods of combating exacerbation

If you notice symptoms of acute hemorrhoids, you should not hesitate, because sometimes the pain is even too strong. Tips may be useful as first aid traditional medicine. In case of exacerbation, the following methods are most often used:

  • lubricating fallen nodes with honey or aloe juice, which relieves inflammation and reduces burning;
  • It is also recommended to apply pureed vegetables, for example, carrots or potatoes, to the sore spot, which not only reduce inflammation, but also relieve pain;
  • to relieve pain, you need to take cool baths with a decoction of oak bark or chamomile;
  • if we are talking about internal hemorrhoids, it is recommended to use suppositories made from propolis, potatoes or cucumber.

Traditional methods can also cause an allergic reaction, so you need to use them wisely. However, in most cases they are almost as effective as medications.

In the most extreme cases, when treatment with medications is powerless, doctors resort to such modern techniques as ligation of nodes and scleropathy. If these methods are also useless, the only option left is surgical intervention. The operation itself is dangerous not so much because of the surgical intervention, but because of the long process of recovery of the body.

Exacerbation of hemorrhoids occurs under the influence of stimulating factors and usually gives rise to a lot of unpleasant symptoms. You need to fight it wisely, using the entire range of techniques offered by pharmaceuticals and traditional medicine.


This disease greatly complicates life, causing pain and discomfort, especially when it worsens. Medications and folk remedies will help you cope with hemorrhoids. Which of them are the best for the disease, how to use it correctly - about this in the review of antihemorrhoidal drugs for external and internal use during the period of exacerbation of the disease.

What are hemorrhoids

Congestive processes occurring in the veins of the rectum occur in a significant part of the population in adulthood. With hemorrhoids, the walls of blood vessels dilate, become thinner and become inflamed, forming nodes. During the development of the disease:

  • feces damage the veins, causing the formation of cracks;
  • bleeding occurs;
  • inflamed nodes fall out;
  • when they are pinched, severe pain occurs.

The occurrence of venous stagnation and disruption of proper blood circulation during illness is explained by an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which is provoked by:

  • sedentary work;
  • lifting weights;
  • physical inactivity;
  • long standing;
  • chronic constipation;
  • strength sports;
  • pregnancy;
  • tension during childbirth;
  • strained cough;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • liver diseases;
  • neoplasms;
  • excess weight.

What causes it to worsen?

The disease most often occurs in chronic form without delivering big problems, so patients are in no hurry to see a doctor, aggravating the situation. An acute illness begins suddenly, with an active increase in symptoms. The processes are based on thrombosis of nodes or their infringement, disruption of the blood supply to the cavernous bodies. The attack is caused by:

  • the cone comes out;
  • anal spasm;
  • sharp pinching of a vessel;
  • cessation of blood outflow;
  • development of inflammation;
  • infection caused by anaerobic bacteria;
  • the appearance of clots and thrombi in the nodes.

Provoking factors for the development of the acute form of the disease are:

  • abuse of salty, fried foods, alcohol in the diet - increases blood flow to the organs;
  • Frequent lifting of weights – leads to the loss of cones;
  • absence physical activity, sedentary, standing work - create stagnation of blood;
  • the occurrence of constipation, diarrhea - provoke infringement of hemorrhoids.

Symptoms and signs

An exacerbation of the disease requires urgent consultation with a doctor, otherwise there will be serious problems. Tissue necrosis, blood poisoning, anaphylactic shock. The specialist will select the best drugs for the treatment of a disease. Symptoms of the acute form are:

  • sharp pain;
  • feeling of fullness, pressure;
  • blood during bowel movements;
  • dense, purple prolapsed nodes;
  • mucous discharge;
  • angioedema in the anal area.

If you do not choose the best remedies for acute hemorrhoids, the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms is possible. Appears:

  • severe pain when sitting, walking, defecating;
  • redness in the anal area;
  • burning;
  • severe itching;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • significant increase in temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • prolonged vomiting;
  • development of infections;
  • blackening, death of nodes;
  • eczematous tissue lesions near the anus;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • perianal dermatitis;
  • trophic ulcers on the legs;
  • hemorrhagic shock;
  • sepsis.

What to do if hemorrhoids worsen

Even considering the delicacy of the problem, the main thing is to immediately go to the doctor. This will help avoid serious complications. Complex therapeutic measures includes:

  • proper nutrition with the exception of junk food;
  • giving up alcohol;
  • normalization of intestinal motility;
  • restoration of microflora;
  • maintaining cleanliness of the perineal area - three daily hygiene procedures;
  • performing gymnastics exercises to activate blood circulation and lymph flow.

Only a doctor will select the best treatment. To relieve an attack, the following is prescribed:

  • taking anesthetics to relieve pain;
  • rectal suppositories that relieve inflammation and heal cracks;
  • oil microenemas;
  • antiseptics - in the presence of infection;
  • medications to stop bleeding;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • traditional medicine recipes for external and internal use;
  • surgical intervention in complex cases.

Drug treatment

Conservative therapy involves A complex approach to the problem. The best treatment for acute hemorrhoids depends on the prevailing symptoms. Proctologists prescribe for treatment:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs - Movalis, Diclofenac, Proctosedyl;
  • for pain relief - Anuzol, Anestezol suppositories, suppositories containing dicaine, anestezin;
  • anticoagulants – Heparin ointment;
  • phlebotropic - venotonics containing natural flavonoids - Troxerutin, Venarus;
  • antiplatelet agents that reduce thrombus formation - Aescusan, Ginkor Forte.

Among the best remedies for acute hemorrhoids are capsules, tablets, suppositories, and dragees that help stop an attack. These include:

  • preparations for cell regeneration - Bezornil, Methyluracil;
  • antispasmodics – suppositories with belladonna extract;
  • immunostimulants – Posterisan;
  • drugs with a hemostatic effect that stop bleeding and maintain hemostasis - Natalsid, Vikasol;
  • accelerating intestinal motility - Bisacodyl;
  • antibacterial drugs – Levomekol, Dioxycin;
  • laxatives – Prelax, Guttalax, Regulax, suppositories with glycerin.

During an exacerbation, you should not self-medicate. It is important that the doctor prescribes the best remedies, taking into account the symptoms and condition of the patient. Medicines can be purchased through a pharmacy chain, ordered and made a purchase in an online pharmacy. IN major cities– Moscow, St. Petersburg – there are representative offices, so you won’t have to pay for the delivery of the medicine. Treatment of hemorrhoids during exacerbation is carried out using drugs:

  • vasoconstrictors - suppositories containing tribenoside, phenylephrine;
  • angioprotectors that improve blood flow - Detralex, Troxevasin.

Surgical intervention

When the best remedies for acute hemorrhoids do not produce results, the threat of complications arises, doctors prescribe surgical operations. Modern equipment allows the intervention to be carried out in a minimally invasive way. These methods include:

  • cryodestruction – destruction of nodes with liquid nitrogen;
  • infrared photocoagulation;
  • sclerotherapy - the introduction of special medications that cause veins to stick together;
  • doping of nodes with latex rings;
  • embolization of branches of the rectal artery.

Advanced disease, pinched nodes, heavy bleeding, development of necrosis, require radical surgical intervention. In this case use:

  • hemorrhoidectomy – excision of nodes and surrounding tissues followed by laser coagulation;
  • thrombectomy - removal of a blood clot when the lumps are located externally;
  • hemorrhoidopexy - suturing the tissues of the node in the internal form of pathology using special staples.

Folk remedies

Treatment of acute hemorrhoids at home is carried out using recipes traditional healers. It is important to coordinate them with your doctor so as not to cause complications. To relieve symptoms it is recommended:

  • chew dandelion root;
  • make baths with string, oak bark, calendula;
  • drink a decoction of dill seed to relieve constipation;
  • carry out smoke baths with garlic - reduce pain;
  • make lotions with carrot and beet juice - they retract the nodes;
  • drink a decoction of stinging nettle - stops bleeding;
  • use an ointment made from a mixture of petroleum jelly, lanolin, and propolis.

Effective suppositories for exacerbation of hemorrhoids

Rectal suppositories, being absorbed and entering the blood, they have a rapid healing effect and relieve inflammation. The best remedies for acute hemorrhoids in the form of suppositories are especially effective for the internal form of the disease. In Moscow you can buy suppositories:

The best products in the form rectal suppositories:

Relief candles

One of the best remedies for acute hemorrhoids is suppositories with shark oil. Relief suppositories contain the active substance phenylephrine, which, due to its vasoconstrictor effect, eliminates swelling, relieves itching, discomfort, and benzocaine, which reduces pain. Suppositories have:

  • Indications: internal form of the disease with cracks and erosion.
  • Mechanism of action: eliminates pain symptoms, burning, itching.
  • Dosage: 4 times a day after bowel movements.

Rectal suppositories Relief during exacerbation of the disease have:

  • Benefits: antimicrobial effect, softening of mucous membranes, increasing local immunity, wound healing, can be used during pregnancy.
  • Side effects: allergic reactions, the occurrence of contact dermatitis.
  • Contraindications: thromboembolism, granulocytopenia, hypersensitivity to components.


The best medicine for acute hemorrhoids during pregnancy is suppositories, in which the active ingredient is sodium alginate polysaccharide. Substance obtained from brown algae, quickly relieves the symptoms of the disease. Natalsid is characterized by:

  • Indications: cracks, bleeding, erosion.
  • Mechanism of action: hemostatic, anti-inflammatory.
  • Dosage: 2 times a day, one suppository.

The drug Natalsid for the treatment of acute forms of the disease is distinguished by:

  • Advantages: natural composition, safe use for pregnant women, in postpartum period nursing mothers.
  • Disadvantages: the need for administration into a cleansed intestine, which is not always possible in case of illness.
  • Side effects: allergic reactions.
  • Contraindications: age under 14 years.

Gepatrombin G

The drug has several active components - polidocanol, prednisolone, heparin, which improve microcirculation. The use of Gepatrombin G in the form of suppositories helps to reduce hemorrhoids. Medicine It has:

  • Indications: internal form of the disease, cracks in the perianal area, the period of preparation for surgery and recovery after it.
  • Mechanism of action: anesthetic, venosclerotic, antithrombotic, decongestant.
  • Dosage: 3 times a day.

Hepatrombin is one of the best remedies for acute hemorrhoids. If it is used in the form of suppositories, the following are noted:

  • Benefits: prevents blood clots, improves blood circulation, relieves swelling, accelerates healing.
  • Disadvantages: in case of overdose, a burn to the intestinal mucosa is possible.
  • Side effects: allergies, redness.
  • Contraindications: tuberculosis, severe bleeding, syphilis, oncology, pregnancy.


For acute hemorrhoidal inflammation, medications containing lidocaine and tribenoside are prescribed. These active components provide a venotonic, hemostatic effect. Proctoglivenol suppositories have:

  • Indications: all types of disease, cracks, erosion.
  • Mechanism of action: constricts blood vessels, relieves pain, increases venous tone.
  • Dosage: 2 times a day until symptoms go away.

The drug penetrates the mucous membranes without damaging biological membranes and eliminates the cause of an acute condition during illness. When using Procto-glivenol the following are observed:

  • Advantages: pain is quickly relieved, vein tone is restored, capillary permeability is reduced.
  • Disadvantages: causes increased peristalsis.
  • Side effects: allergies, anaphylactic reaction immune system.
  • Contraindications: pregnancy, renal failure.

The best remedies for acute hemorrhoids are medications plant origin. Suppositories containing bioactive sea buckthorn oil speed up the relief of an attack. When used, healing is activated and strengthened. cell membranes. Sea buckthorn suppositories are distinguished by:

  • Indications: internal form of the disease, complicated by pathologies of the rectal area.
  • Mechanism of action: increases immunity, eliminates inflammation, heals cracks, dries.
  • Dosage: twice a day.

Sea buckthorn suppositories are one of the best and most prescribed remedies for acute hemorrhoidal disease. With the use of suppositories, note:

  • Advantages: can be used in childhood, while expecting a child, during lactation, and is easily tolerated.
  • Disadvantages: burning sensation, allergic manifestations.
  • Side effects: A melted orange candle can stain your laundry.
  • Contraindications: intolerance to sea buckthorn oil, diarrhea.


The best remedies for acute hemorrhoids include suppositories containing cell wall antigens and metabolites as active substances coli. Posterisan increases tissue resistance to pathogenic microflora, stops infectious process. Rectal suppositories are distinguished by:

  • Indications: anal fissures, itching, burning, sphincter irritation, abrasions.
  • Mechanism of action: normalize vascular tone, regenerate damaged tissue, increase local immunity.
  • Dosage: morning, evening, additionally after each bowel movement.

Posterizan candles quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms acute illness, the drug is distinguished by:

  • Advantages: infection of deep tissues is stopped, venous tone is restored.
  • Disadvantages: contains phenol preservative.
  • Side effects: allergy due to sensitivity to the components of the suppositories.
  • Contraindications: fungal, bacterial infection of the anus, intolerance to ingredients.

The best ointments for external use

For local treatment in acute external form diseases are prescribed gels, creams and ointments. Medications significantly alleviate the condition of prolapsed nodes. Proctologists prescribe to patients:

The best products in the form of ointments and gels that relieve symptoms of the disease:

A drug




"VIS Cosmetics", Russia

analgesic antipruritic

Heparin ointment

Nizhpharm, Russia

reduces swelling

stops the formation of blood clots


"Elishel", Israel

relieves pain

relieves swelling

eliminates congestion


For acute external disease, one of the best medicines containing lidocaine, bufexamac, titanium dioxide is Proctosan ointment. The drug has an analgesic and drying effect. The ointment has:

  • Indications: initial stage of the disease, inflammation of the rectum, fissures.
  • Mechanism of action: lidocaine eliminates pain symptoms, bufexamac inhibits the production of prostaglandins, thereby reducing inflammation.
  • Dosage: applied to the surface, administered using a tampon or a special applicator twice a day.

Proctosan ointment has great reviews proctologists and patients in acute illness as one of the best means of treatment. The drug is distinguished by:

  • Advantages: used for external and internal use.
  • Disadvantages: high cost.
  • Side effects: swelling, blistering, burning.
  • Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, childhood, diseases tuberculosis, syphilis.


When the disease is complicated by a purulent inflammatory process, the best remedy for treatment - ointment containing methyluracil, chloramphenicol. The active components provide anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Levomekol is distinguished by:

  • Indications: inflammatory process with suppuration, tissue necrosis.
  • Mechanism of action: activity against gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms.
  • Dosage: bandages twice a day, drainage of cavities with tampons.
  • Advantages: rapid tissue regeneration occurs, active anti-inflammatory effect is observed. The ointment is effective during complications.
  • Disadvantages: long-term use is not allowed.
  • Side effects: skin rashes.
  • Contraindications: individual intolerance, age under three years.


The active substance of the gel – trackerutin – has an antioxidant and cytoprotective effect. Troxevasin for hemorrhoids with acute form, relieves swelling and severe pain. Medicine distinguished by:

  • Indications: venous insufficiency, swelling, varicose veins.
  • Mechanism of action: reduces capillary permeability, increases vascular tone, prevents congestion.
  • Dosage: apply twice a day.

The best result of treatment is that inflammation is relieved in a short period of time. When using Troxevasin the following is noted:

  • Advantages: the outflow of blood from the nodes increases, their size decreases, the risk of developing thrombosis decreases, burning and itching are quickly eliminated.
  • Disadvantages: Not suitable for treating eczematous wounds.
  • Side effects: allergic reactions, angioedema.
  • Contraindications: high sensitivity to the components.


The ointment is a dietary supplement and contains medicinal plants, shark cartilage, vitamins E and A. Natural ingredients help actively eliminate itching, burning, and heal cracks. When using Proctonis note:

  • Indications: external hemorrhoids, accompanied by severe itching, cracks, prevention of the formation of nodes.
  • Mechanism of action: anti-inflammatory, wound healing, bactericidal.
  • Dosage: 2 times a day externally or inserting a tampon with ointment into the anus.

Use biologically active additive in the treatment of hemorrhoids there are:

  • Advantages: reduces bleeding of nodes, quickly relieves itching, has a softening, moisturizing effect, effective during remission.
  • Disadvantages: used for mild forms of the disease.
  • Side effects: redness, itching in the area of ​​application.
  • Contraindications: children under 14 years of age, pregnancy, lactation, intolerance to components in the composition.

Heparin ointment

The drug has active substance heparin, which inhibits blood clotting and prevents the formation of blood clots. Heparin ointment is used for uncomplicated hemorrhoids. The drug is characterized by:

  • Indications: external hemorrhoids, rectal vein thrombosis.
  • Mechanism of action: the anticoagulant stops thrombus formation.
  • Dosage: Apply twice daily until symptoms resolve.

If you regularly use Heparin ointment, you can note:

  • Advantages: affordable price, relieves swelling, inflammation, pain relief.
  • Disadvantages: poorly absorbed.
  • Side effects: redness of the skin at the site of application, itching.
  • Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, childhood, low blood clotting, presence of ulcerative-necrotic processes.


The Israeli-made product contains microelements from the Dead Sea, active substances nifedipine, lidocaine, which helps eliminate spasms and pain from hemorrhoids. The product in the form of a gel-emulsion is distinguished by:

  • Indications: acute phase of the disease at any stage of development, alternative to surgical intervention.
  • Mechanism of action: relaxes the muscles of the anus, dilates blood vessels, reduces rectal pressure.
  • Dosage: up to 7 times a day, at night - inside the anus, when symptoms weaken - twice.

When using Nifedipine with such a unique composition, you should consider:

  • Advantages: quickly relieves pain, disinfects cracks - kills pathogenic microorganisms, reduces the size of nodes, stops bleeding.
  • Disadvantages: high cost.
  • Side effects: allergic reactions to components.
  • Contraindications: sensitivity to ingredients.

Detralex - the best tablets for acute hemorrhoids

Among drugs for internal use, Detralex is one of the most effective. The product contains the active substances diosimin, hesperidin, which reduce venous stasis. Detralex is distinguished by:

  • Indications: acute form of hemorrhoidal inflammation, anal fissures, diseases prostate gland, rectal bleeding.
  • Mechanism of action: reduces capillary permeability, reduces vascular distensibility.
  • Dosage: tablet 2 times a day with meals.

The drug Detralex in the acute form of the disease is characterized by:

  • Benefits: increases venous tone, eliminates vascular blockage.
  • Disadvantages: requires a long course of treatment.
  • Side effects: dizziness, skin rashes, diarrhea, nausea.
  • Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to the main and auxiliary components, pregnancy, lactation.
  • Price: 320 rubles for 30 pieces.

Folk remedies

The use of recipes containing plants and herbs must be agreed with your doctor. Folk remedies complement drug therapy. Healers recommend:

  • for oral administration - tincture of golden mustache - infuse 17 knees in two glasses of vodka, drink a spoonful after meals - reduces pain and inflammation;
  • baths with cold water– stop bleeding, soothe itching;
  • compress with crushed aspen leaves – relieves pain, relieves inflammation;
  • ice suppositories – stop bleeding;
  • lotions made from the juice of rowan berries - disinfect and have an astringent effect.

Potato suppositories and compresses

The medicinal effect of this vegetable has been known for a long time. Scientists have found that the content of vitamin C and starch in potatoes ensures the tone of blood vessels, increases their elasticity, and heals cracks. For hemorrhoidal inflammation you can:

  • Cut a candle-shaped cylinder from the tuber and insert it into the anus. It is allowed to additionally lubricate it with sea buckthorn oil and honey.
  • Make a compress by grating potatoes and apply to the inflamed nodes.

Cleansing enemas with herbal decoction

Traditional healers suggest doing these procedures to reduce inflammation in hemorrhoids. Enemas are recommended during the period of remission, in the absence of bleeding. The herbs calendula, celandine, and sage help eliminate swelling, heal cracks, and reduce pain. It is necessary to introduce 100 ml of solution. To perform the procedure prepare:

  • infusion of chamomile flowers - pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of dry raw materials, leave for 20 minutes;
  • solution of potassium permanganate - based on boiled water - the composition should be pale pink so as not to cause a burn to the mucous membrane.

Baths with celandine, chamomile and oak bark

In the complex treatment of the disease, these procedures occupy an important place. In sitz baths they use boiled water, a decoction medicinal herbs and plants. The course of treatment is 10 sessions every other day for 15 minutes. To prepare a bath, you need:

  • take 2 tablespoons of dry plant;
  • pour two glasses of boiling water;
  • strain (leave the pulp for compresses and lotions);
  • add boiled water - 2 liters.

The baths have their effect depending on the temperature. Doctors recommend:

  • cool procedures with celandine, which reduce pain and stop bleeding;
  • hot - with a decoction of chamomile flowers - relieve inflammation, have an antiseptic effect, relieve pain;
  • warm ones - with oak bark - strengthen the walls of blood vessels and regenerate tissue.

Most often, patients are diagnosed with acute hemorrhoids, characterized by striking manifestations. If the signs of acute deviation are not quickly eliminated, then chronic hemorrhoids will soon arise. In the acute phase, the patient’s body temperature rises, hemorrhoids appear, which bleed and hurt. The acute form of hemorrhoids requires medication or surgical treatment, as well as compliance.


An acute attack of hemorrhoids is noted by various reasons, which the patient is able to correct himself and avoid pathology. The main reasons for the development of acute hemorrhoids include:

  • Lifting weights. It turns out strong pressure on internal organs, and those formed inside the rectum may fall out or be pinched.
  • Disturbed diet. Excess of sweet, spicy, salty, smoked foods disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and causes constipation.
  • Sedentary work and inactive lifestyle. These sources often provoke acute course hemorrhoids due to stagnation of blood and impaired circulation in organs localized in the pelvis.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Inflammatory abnormalities and malignant neoplasms in the rectum.
  • Pregnancy. When carrying a baby, a woman's blood flow is disrupted, which often causes pathology that manifests itself in an acute form, especially in the last trimester.


Acute hemorrhoids develops in two ways:

  • infringement;
  • thrombosis of hemorrhoids.
When pinched, the hemorrhoidal node is pinched by the spasmodic anal sphincter, causing the patient to feel severe pain.

There is some difference in the development of these two forms of deviation. So, when pinched, the node falls out of the anus and, due to spasm, is then unable to return to its original position. As a result of this, it is noted acute symptoms deviations followed by swelling, redness and bleeding of the node. Thrombosis can affect the appearance of external and internal hemorrhoids with bleeding. In this case, blood accumulates and a blood clot forms, bursting the node in the internal part and compressing the endings of the nerves, causing pain.

Stages of the disease and symptoms

The acute course of hemorrhoids differs clearly severe symptoms, which can last several days and deliver to a person unbearable pain, especially before going to the toilet. There are 4 degrees of acute hemorrhoids, each of which causes external or internal view

pathology of the rectum. The table shows the main manifestations at different stages of acute hemorrhoids.ViewStage
Manifestations1 Interior
Small nodules under the mucous membrane of an internal organ
2 Itching and burning inside the anus
Formation of nodes in the rectum that do not protrude outward
Inflammation and severe pain, especially when sitting3 Outer
that turn blue, enlarge and swell Exacerbation of inflammation in
anal passage
4 Pain when walking
Severe and sharp painful manifestations

Large nodules around the anus that become sore and bleed

In this condition, the patient may develop a fever.

  • External hemorrhoids are also noted by the general clinical picture:
  • itching and burning sensation in the anal area due to secreted mucus;
  • swelling and redness of the perineum and anus;
  • deterioration in general health;
  • soreness in abdominal cavity and the presence of colic;
  • elevated temperature body, chills, weakness and malaise.

Features during pregnancy

Spicy external hemorrhoids often accompanies women during pregnancy, which is associated with high blood pressure on the pelvic organs. During pregnancy, women should especially carefully monitor their diet and exercise light gymnastics to normalize blood flow. Strong attempts during childbirth damage the nodes in the anus and provoke severe bleeding that lasts a long time. Therefore, it is especially important during the period of bearing a baby not to develop hemorrhoids and promptly contact your doctor for therapy.

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To examine the patient, doctors resort to anoscopy.

Before treating a pathology, you should consult a doctor and undergo comprehensive examination affected area. The doctor will palpate the inside of the rectum and examine the outside of the anus. Sometimes the patient is prescribed a stool test. Additionally, the patient undergoes an examination by a gynecologist or urologist to exclude pathologies of the reproductive system. If using these manipulations it was not possible to assess the extent of the damage, then the following diagnostic procedures are additionally prescribed:

  • colonoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • irrigoscopy;
  • anoscopy.

How and with what to treat?


Treatment of hemorrhoids in the acute stage involves complex treatment. First, you need to relieve the pain that prevents you from having normal bowel movements. If a person has constipation, then it is necessary to do enemas. The table shows the main medications used for acute hemorrhoids.

Release formDrug name
"Relief Ultra"
Heparin ointment
Rectal suppositories"Proctosan"
"Posterizan Forte"
"Ginkor Procto"
"Procto Glivenol"

Surgery for acute hemorrhoids

Surgical removal hemorrhoids can also be treated with a scalpel.

If local medications and tablets for acute hemorrhoids do not provide the desired result or are contraindicated, then the problem is eliminated through surgery. During surgical therapy, a scalpel, ultrasound devices, and a surgical laser are used. The procedure is painful, so it is carried out first general anesthesia. There are several types of surgery:

  • Classic hemorrhoidectomy. This method is used in particularly severe cases, but has good results.
  • Transanal hemorrhoidal dearterilization. During this surgical procedure, hemorrhoidal arteries are sutured using an ultrasonic sensor.
  • Operation Longo. Using a circular endostapler, the surgeon excises the damaged area and stitches it in a circle. Thus, the nodes are tightened and returned to their previous position.

Almost every second person on the planet experiences hemorrhoids. Some may not even notice this disease while it is hidden in the depths of the rectum. Symptoms that suddenly arise become an unexpected and unpleasant surprise. Then the moment comes when it is necessary to treat acute hemorrhoids.

What kind of disease is this?

Under the influence of a number of factors, there is difficulty in the venous outflow of blood in the vessels of the rectum, which have weak walls. This phenomenon can be either acquired or congenital. Acute hemorrhoids are manifested by varicose veins of the submucosal veins in the lower rectum. The protrusions of the shell have a rounded shape and are called varicose nodes(cones). In the acute form, they are usually tense. Doctors classify internal and external hemorrhoids, depending on the location of the nodes. Sometimes a lump from the anus can fall out, and then pinching occurs, which the patient will definitely feel. Usually the prolapsed node becomes inflamed and covered with ulcers.

Symptoms of acute hemorrhoids

The main signs of acute external hemorrhoids are severe sharp pains and a feeling of heaviness at the entrance of the anus. Pain symptoms are also observed with internal hemorrhoids during defecation. There is a feeling of burning and itching at the site of tension. During a rectal examination, the patient also experiences physical discomfort, and the doctor may also find blood on the finger along with the mucus. Blood impurities are observed in the stool. And in an advanced form, bleeding may also occur due to the fact that the node has ruptured. According to the degree of manifestation of symptoms, acute hemorrhoids are divided into 3 stages:

  1. There is no inflammation yet, but a slight pain in the node makes itself felt.
  2. The node is already swelling, the tissues around the anus are turning red, but the inflammatory process is still localized in the area of ​​the lump.
  3. The cause of burning and itching is exudate released from the rectum, and this is a sign of extensive inflammation that has penetrated into the tissue of nearby areas.

The sooner you start treating acute hemorrhoids, the more problems you can avoid. Especially when it comes to infringement hemorrhoidal node.

Treatment of acute hemorrhoids

When a person is faced with this problem, he begins to think about what to do in case of acute hemorrhoids. Some, embarrassed to expose the “causal” place, ignore going to the doctor and go to the pharmacy to buy suppositories with novocaine or belladonna. However, without knowing the extent of the disease, these drugs alone cannot eliminate it, because tangible symptoms are no longer the initial stage. To truly cure hemorrhoids, you cannot do without a doctor’s recommendations. It is he who must choose the right course of therapy:

  • Candles are enough effective means local impact on the nodes, but only if internal hemorrhoids have developed. They relieve pain and are well absorbed into the blood, strengthening the walls of blood vessels. The suppositories “Anuzol”, “Proctosan”, “Relief Ultra” and others recommended for use will also be useful for hemorrhoidal bleeding.
  • Acute external hemorrhoids cannot be eliminated with suppositories. In order for the strangulated hemorrhoids to soften (and subsequently resolve), you will have to use gels and ointments. Many of them have the same names as the candles described above. You can also purchase Levomikol, Troxevasin, and Heparin ointment.
  • In combination with external local agents, the doctor can prescribe medications that will approach the problem from the inside, from the outside. gastrointestinal tract. Among the many tablet products, Detralex, Ginkor Forte, and Glivenol have proven themselves well.

Along with traditional therapy, they often resort to folk recipes, allowing to alleviate the acute form of the disease.

Home therapy

Having discovered acute hemorrhoids, many do not know what to do first. But before going to the doctor or pharmacy, you can take some actions at home in order to somehow eliminate the discomfort that has arisen.

  • Mild pain can be temporarily relieved with “suppositories” made from raw potatoes, which are inserted into anus.
  • For more severe syndrome, an ice “candle” (water frozen in the refrigerator) will help. It will not only relieve the burning sensation and pain, but also stop the bleeding.
  • In the absence of a medicinal ointment or suppository on hand, a cotton swab moistened with vegetable oil(preferably sea buckthorn).


Having understood what hemorrhoids are and how to treat them, you should also understand why they develop. In women, pregnant women are at risk - the fetus puts pressure on the anus, thereby disrupting blood circulation. During a difficult birth, a woman has to push hard, which causes these lumps to swell. These are factors that cannot always be avoided. But the culprit of other reasons due to which the disease develops is the person himself. If you exclude them from your life, you won’t have to think about the question of how to treat acute hemorrhoids.

  • Particular attention should be paid balanced diet. It is errors in food that lead to poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, causing a person to suffer from constipation.
  • Unhealthy foods (spicy, fatty, pickled), as well as alcohol in large quantities, have a bad effect on the blood circulation of the pelvic organs, which leads to weakening of the walls of blood vessels.
  • A sedentary lifestyle also provokes blood stagnation, and if there is a predisposition to the development of hemorrhoids, then it will certainly manifest itself. This does not mean that office workers and truck drivers need to change their profession. It’s just worth introducing active movements into your daily routine, at least in the form of exercises and exercise equipment.
  • When moving furniture or lifting weights, you should measure your strength. It is in such situations that strangulated hemorrhoids most often develop.

Following these simple rules, it will not be difficult to avoid the troubles that are fraught with venous system rectum.

Acute hemorrhoids are a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle, leading to unpleasant sensations in the anal area. The disease occurs suddenly, manifesting itself with pain and other signs, so timely detection of pathology and elimination of its causes is the main task of a patient faced with a similar problem.

Causes of pathology

In most cases, the following factors lead to the development of acute hemorrhoids:

  1. Poor nutrition. As a result of excessive consumption of pickled, smoked, spicy and salty foods, blood circulation in the pelvis worsens, which leads to blood stagnation. Alcoholic drinks also contribute to the formation of hemorrhoids.
  2. Lifting weights. The risk of prolapse and pinching of hemorrhoids increases, which causes severe pain.
  3. Hereditary predisposition. If there are pathologies in the history of family illnesses that lead to deterioration of blood circulation, then the likelihood of developing hemorrhoids increases.
  4. Sedentary lifestyle. Lack of physical activity leads to poor blood circulation in the pelvis, therefore increasing the risk of developing inflammation.
  5. Problems with bowel movements. Frequent diarrhea or persistent constipation increase the likelihood of hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of the disease

Manifestations of pathology are vivid. Acute hemorrhoids are characterized by following signs and symptoms:

  1. Bleeding. Appears when a hemorrhoid is damaged or ruptured.
  2. Deterioration in general health: weakness, intoxication and elevated body temperature (about 37.5 °C). Indicates the development of a purulent-inflammatory process in the node.
  3. Inability to sit on hard surfaces.
  4. Swelling, itching and burning in the anus. Signs indicate the stage of exacerbation of an acute inflammatory process.
  5. Discharge from the anus. The progression of hemorrhoids leads to the appearance of mucus, traces of which can be found on underwear or in stool when visiting the toilet.
  6. Sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the anus. The symptom indicates prolapse of the hemorrhoid.

In addition to the above symptoms, pathology often manifests itself as sharp painful sensations, which occur not only during bowel movements, but even when sneezing or coughing. The appearance of the first symptoms of hemorrhoids is considered a reason to seek treatment. medical care, otherwise the consequences could be dire.

Possible complications

Incorrect therapy or a late visit to the hospital negatively affects the patient’s condition. Acute hemorrhoids continue to progress, so complications arise:

  1. Attachment of infection that penetrates through damage and cracks. Most serious consequences If there is no treatment for hemorrhoids at this stage, sepsis occurs - the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the blood and general infection of the body.
  2. Nodes falling out. A common phenomenon that occurs when trying to have a bowel movement. The complication is dangerous due to pinched nodes and tissue necrosis, thereby provoking a strong inflammatory process.
  3. Thrombosis. When a node falls out, a sphincter spasm may occur, causing the formation to be compressed. As a result, the inflammatory process intensifies, the patient's condition worsens, so surgical intervention may be required.

Treatment methods

Treatment of acute hemorrhoids begins in a timely manner, otherwise the patient’s condition will worsen and complications will arise, the elimination of which will require longer therapy. To treat the disease, an integrated approach is used, which includes:

  1. Reception medications. Only a doctor can prescribe medications for hemorrhoids, since independent use of medications can negatively affect the patient’s condition. The dosage and duration of medication can be found out in consultation with a specialist. In the treatment of acute hemorrhoids, not only tablets are used, but also baths, ointments, tinctures and rectal suppositories.
  2. Normalization of lifestyle: selected suitable diet, restore rest and physical activity.
  3. Surgical intervention for hemorrhoids. A radical method of treatment, which is used to eliminate the consequences of the disease. In addition, surgery may be prescribed if there is no positive result from the use of funds conservative therapy.

First aid for acute hemorrhoids - measures that help improve well-being for a while. The patient needs:

  1. Applying a cold compress to the inflamed area will reduce pain and other unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids.
  2. Maintain personal hygiene by carefully washing the anus - the risk of infection is reduced.
  3. Control your diet and avoid heavy products- reduces the likelihood of diarrhea or constipation, which lead to increased symptoms of hemorrhoids.

The measures presented are temporary and will not help get rid of the disease. For this reason, you should immediately seek medical help to avoid the development of hemorrhoids and the pathology becoming chronic.

Conservative treatment

Treatment of acute hemorrhoids is not complete without the use of suppositories. Such drugs penetrate into the lesion pathological process, as a result of which the intensity of symptoms decreases and the degree of inflammation decreases.

With the permission of a doctor, you can use the following suppositories for acute hemorrhoids:

  1. Gepasolone, Proctosedyl - reduce inflammation and prevent the formation of blood clots.
  2. Betiol, Anuzol, Ultraproct - improve the patient’s well-being, as they relieve burning, spasm and pain.
  3. Relief, Olestezin, Proctosan - eliminate the pain syndrome that occurs with hemorrhoids.

Suppositories are inserted into the anus. The patient will need to lie on his side, and then insert the suppository at a short distance - about 3 cm. After the procedure, it is recommended to remain in a supine position for half an hour, since during this time the drug will dissolve, be absorbed and have an effect. therapeutic effect. If the patient does not follow the recommendation, then the melted suppository may flow out of the anus, which is why there will be no positive result.

Preparations for local treatment of hemorrhoids are ointments that are used to treat the area around the anus. Such remedies prevent the development of the inflammatory process, improve the patient’s well-being and prevent the spread of infection.

Your doctor may prescribe the following ointments for hemorrhoids:

  1. Troxevasin - prevents the formation of thrombosis, because it has a positive effect on local vessels.
  2. Posterizan - eliminates unpleasant manifestations of the disease and increases the tone of capillaries and veins.
  3. Levomekol - fights inflammation and eliminates infection that causes exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
  4. Bezornil - relieves painful sensations and itching.
  5. Methyluracil - promotes restoration and healing of damaged tissues.
  6. Hepatrombin G - normalizes metabolic processes, activates the tissue healing process and reduces inflammation in hemorrhoids.
  7. Heparin - prevents the formation of blood clots, improves blood flow and relieves pain.

How to relieve acute pain is a popular question, because... discomfort It’s hard to endure, so I want to get rid of them quickly. Medicines for hemorrhoids in the form of tablets are aimed at eliminating pain syndrome. Painkillers are:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Nise;
  • Ketorol;
  • Ketanov;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Voltaren;
  • Analgin.

Medicines to relieve pain from hemorrhoids are allowed to be used after receiving doctor's recommendations.


Surgery is prescribed for frequent bleeding and an increased likelihood of node thrombosis. The following methods of intervention for hemorrhoids are used:

  1. Open hemorrhoidectomy using the Milligan-Morgan method. Prescribed in the presence of complications: paraproctitis, anal fissures. Thanks to this procedure, the inflamed node can be removed. After the intervention, the wounds remain open, so patient monitoring is required.
  2. Resection using the Longo method. Excision of a small area of ​​the rectum, after which the prolapsed nodes are tightened and fixed. For this reason, they begin to be poorly supplied with blood, which leads to the disappearance of the inflammatory process. The event lasts only 30–50 minutes.
  3. Closed hemorrhoidectomy using the Ferguson method. The procedure is similar to an open type of operation, but after the intervention the wound is sutured, so the patient’s recovery is faster.

In medicine, minimally invasive methods of performing surgery are gaining popularity, because they are characterized by small rehabilitation period, absence of complications and high efficiency. Such methods for eliminating hemorrhoids include:

  1. Infrared coagulation is the cauterization of the hemorrhoidal pedicle using a special lamp that emits light at a high temperature.
  2. Cryodestruction is the effect on the tissue of a node using low temperatures. Liquid nitrogen is used as a freezing agent. As a result of the procedure, the affected tissues die and inflammation stops.
  3. Suture ligation - ligation of the arteries supplying the hemorrhoid.
  4. Ring ligation is a technique intended for ligation of vessels using latex rings. As a result, the node's power supply stops, so it dies.
  5. Sclerotherapy is the use of agents with a sclerosing effect. This manipulation leads to the death of the hemorrhoid.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine complements conservative therapy methods. Before starting to use such medications at home, you should consult your doctor. This will eliminate the presence of allergies to the components of the recipes and avoid other adverse reactions.

Recipes for oral administration have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects:

  1. Herbal infusion. Poplar buds, mint and sage leaves, as well as yarrow, chamomile and calendula flowers are mixed in equal proportions. For the product take 2 tbsp. l. mixture and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The medicine is left overnight, covering the container with a lid. The drug is taken 3 times a day before meals.
  2. Infusion of raspberry leaves. You will need to take 50 g of the ingredient and pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. The remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids is infused until it cools, after which it is consumed before meals. The resulting amount of drink is distributed evenly throughout the day.
  3. Infusion of carrot tops. Grind 30 g of the component, then pour in 1 liter of boiling water. The medicine is infused for 30 minutes. To get rid of the symptoms of hemorrhoids, take the drug 3 times a day.

To help the veins work effectively, you need to use recipes with angioprotective properties. Additional effect such drugs are to reduce the risk of bleeding. The following recipes are used:

  1. Dry 50 g of hazel leaves and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them. The product must be left to cool. The infusion is filtered and consumed 4 times a day.
  2. Take the fruit horse chestnut in an amount of 50 g. They are crushed, then 0.5 liters of vodka are poured. The medicine is infused for 14 days, placing the vessel with the tincture in a dark place. The drug is taken before breakfast. For treatment take 1 tbsp. l. medicine and dilute with half a glass of water.

If you have to deal with constipation, then suppositories will help get rid of them. There are several recipes for making them:

  1. Take carrots, potatoes or beets, then cut out a small candle from them. The suppository is smeared with sea buckthorn oil, then inserted into the anus before bed.
  2. You can use beeswax, from which improvised candles are made and inserted into the anus at night. This remedy not only improves the process of bowel movements, but also reduces inflammation and normalizes well-being.
  3. Mix starch powder, milk and mumiyo in equal quantities. Then add a small piece (40–50 g) of melted butter to the mixture. The ingredients are mixed again and frozen in the freezer. After this, small candles are formed from the frozen mass, which are used every day before bed.

To eliminate pain and inflammation from hemorrhoids, you can use homemade ointments. There are several recipes:

  1. Mix crushed oak bark, toadflax flowers, pepper knotweed herb in equal proportions, then melt the lard and add the ingredient to the herbal mixture. Place the product on low heat and cook for 1–2 hours. After this action, carefully filter the medicine and wait until the mass hardens. The resulting ointment is used 2 times a day, applying a small amount of the product to the inflamed areas.
  2. Mix 10 g of Vaseline and 5 g of calendula tincture. The resulting amount of ointment is used 2-3 times during the day.
  3. Add cinnamon to honey, taking the components in equal quantities. The area around the anus is treated with this product 2-3 times a day.

Using baths is another way to treat hemorrhoids. The following types of procedure are used:

  1. Cold ones are useful during an exacerbation. Thanks to the event, pain is reduced, and the likelihood of bleeding and node thrombosis is reduced. The water temperature does not exceed +20 °C.
  2. Warm baths are necessary for the healing of cracks and help get rid of the signs of hemorrhoids. Water temperature is about +36 °C.
  3. Hot procedures are prescribed to eliminate the inflammatory process. In addition, their benefit lies in enhancing the restoration of damaged tissues. Water temperature - no more than +40 °C, because the skin in the anal area is delicate and therefore easily injured

Treatment of hemorrhoids using baths is carried out in the following way:

  1. Use only boiled water, which is poured into a basin.
  2. Add medicinal components.
  3. They sit down in the bath.

The duration of this procedure is from 10 to 20 minutes. The following are used as medicinal components to eliminate hemorrhoids:

  1. Chamomile decoction or infusion.
  2. Potassium permanganate.
  3. Burdock root decoction.
  4. A mixture of dried herbs, consisting of St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula, sage.
  5. Onion peels.
  6. Crushed oak bark.
  7. Plantain or celandine leaves.


A diet is selected for the patient to avoid complications of hemorrhoids, as well as to improve well-being. It is recommended to exclude the following foods from the diet:

  • turnip;
  • radish;
  • potato;
  • blueberries;
  • horseradish;
  • semolina;
  • pasta;
  • mayonnaise;
  • pork;
  • wheat bread;
  • mushrooms;
  • smoked chicken;
  • fatty foods;
  • marinades;
  • salt and other spices;
  • coffee.

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