Home Coated tongue Lumps on the heels. Lump near the heel

Lumps on the heels. Lump near the heel

  • flat feet;
  • arthrosis of the joints;
  • osteochondrosis of the spine.

  • unbearable pain appears.

Diagnosis of the disease

Lateral osteophyte

How to get rid of a bump on the back and side of the heel

Our feet are always susceptible to overuse and injury. Standing work and wearing tight shoes with high heels often lead to poor circulation in the feet. As a result, the formation of calluses, corns, the development of joint diseases, etc.

Unfortunately, many people prefer not to pay attention to the health of their feet, which leads to the appearance of growths on the heels #8212; osteophytes. A neoplasm can deliver not only painful sensations, but also problems with wearing shoes and walking.

Therefore, it is very important to know how a bump on the heel is treated and what are the causes of its occurrence.

What can cause a growth on the heel bone?

  • flat feet;
  • arthrosis of the joints;
  • osteochondrosis of the spine.

In addition, a lump may appear above the back of the heel due to injury. Thus, with fractures and bruises, large bone calluses form, which impede the process of movement. The result is malunion.

Another source of growth on the back of the heel is wearing tight shoes. It would not be amiss to mention the importance of heavy weight, which increases the load on the heels.

How to distinguish an old leathery callus from an osteophyte?

The constant formation of blisters in the same place leads to the fact that the protective layer of horny cells of the epidermis increases. As a result, a build-up appears that comes from the shoes.

First, the skin layers have White color, then acquire a yellowish tint. During this period, they do not cause pain and do not carry any complications, but they can recur after disappearing when exposed to certain factors.

Unfortunately, this process does not solve the problem, but, on the contrary, aggravates it. Calcium salts penetrate into the formed cartilage, causing ossification and a stone lump appearing on the bottom of the heel.

Many people make the mistake of believing that it is an old callus and are in no hurry to begin treatment. Delayed treatment can lead to difficulty walking and unbearable pain.

Home distinctive feature A common callus is the protrusion of a bone outside the leg. The growth on the heel is always hard (stone). Other symptoms include:

  • develops around a growth on the heel inflammatory process;
  • discoloration of the back of the leg;
  • the heel increases in size and swells;
  • unbearable pain appears.

Diagnosis of the disease

Lateral osteophyte

In addition, this process can cause soft buds white. Treatment of such neoplasms will depend on the underlying pathological process. Sometimes you just need to provide proper care behind your feet and choose comfortable shoes. Surgery is only possible when the formations lead to severe pain.

How to treat a foot bump in the heel area?

In some cases, the doctor will advise you to rest your leg. Sometimes, if there is no movement, a lump on the heel may go away on its own.

If the patient feels severe pain behind the heel, and the resulting growth is surrounded by inflammation, then treatment will be aimed at relieving symptoms. To do this, the doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - Diclofenac #8212; and analgesics #8212; "Ibuprofen."

A bump on the heels, the treatment of which must be comprehensive, is eliminated using external remedies #8212; ointments, gels, creams:

It will not be superfluous to undergo physical procedures. If a lump appears on the heel, the doctor may prescribe shock wave therapy.

The following procedures will help relieve inflammation and pain:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis using hydrocortisone.

If treatment of a protruding lump on the inside of the heel does not produce results, then hospital treatment will be required. Basically, therapy is to relieve inflammation and pain. Injections with an analgesic effect will help with this.

It happens that a lump occurs in children. What to do? Most likely, the problem lies in uncomfortable shoes. To avoid causing the problem, it is better to show the child to an orthopedic doctor or undergo a fluoroscopy of the foot to rule out Haglund’s deformity.

Prevention with traditional treatment

In order not to ask yourself in the future the question of how to get rid of bumps on the heel, you should follow preventive measures.

  1. If you have flat feet, you should use orthopedic insoles.
  2. If you have a high arch, then wearing heels higher than 4 cm is unacceptable.
  3. Shoes should only be with soft backs.
  4. Try not to overload your feet.

A potato-based compress will eliminate pain and reduce inflammation. Apply gruel from the grated vegetable onto the gauze. The compress is left overnight. Duration of treatment – ​​7 days.

The lump causes many problems in everyday life. However, if you start treating the defect at the initial stage of its development, then severe complications can be avoided.

  • Why does a child’s heel hurt when walking and why does it hurt to step on it?
  • How and with what to treat a thorn on the heel: symptoms, causes, recipes for remedies
  • Why does the back of my heel hurt?

I still suffer from this bump on my heel. I used to think that it appeared because I rubbed my legs very often in this place and just a thick scar formed, but it turns out that the reason is different. In the summer you can’t easily go to the beach with bare feet - it seems that these bumps really stand out. It looks completely unaesthetic and I am constantly looking for a treatment. Now I use special shoe inserts that prevent the formation of calluses in this area. The article turned out to be very useful for me, the owner of this problem.


Bumps on the heels: causes and treatment

Many people do not care about their health at all, but begin to think about it only when the disease has already progressed and pain is felt.

This also applies to the legs. Most people wear tight, high-heeled shoes and walk a lot, thereby creating a favorable situation for impaired blood flow and the appearance of various diseases, such as heel spurs.

And when a lump appears on the heel and it hurts, a person thinks about why this happened and how to deal with it. My patients use a proven remedy that allows them to get rid of pain in 2 weeks without much effort.


To eliminate the problem, you need to understand the issue: “bumps on the heels, causes and treatment.” After all, it is better to be aware in order to prevent growth in the future. The main reasons for the appearance of a lump include:

  • insufficient foot care, subsequently, as if by a chain reaction, calluses and bumps appear on the heels;
  • uncomfortable shoes, do not follow fashion trends, wear comfortable shoes;
  • inflammatory processes and injuries to the soft tissues of the heel and feet in general;
  • excess weight puts regular stress on the joints, which leads to the formation of bumps on the heels;
  • various diseases lower limbs: from flat feet to arthrosis;
  • incorrect and uneven distribution of load on the legs.

If foot deformation occurs, changes in shape, bumps appear, discomfort when walking, and if the bone on the back of the heel hurts, urgent measures must be taken to cure this disease.

It can more clearly explain how bumps on the heels are formed, the causes and treatment of the photo, which shows what the defects look like and how to get rid of them.

Symptoms of the disease prevent full movement. A person feels that the heel hurts and it is painful to step on, discomfort manifests itself when moving, but in late stages even at rest.

The soft tissue of the heel transforms, becomes rough and rough, and seals form, which harden over time. Also against this background, ulcers can develop due to injuries and inflammation.

What to do if a bone grows?

  • electrophoresis;
  • Traditional medicine will help in the fight against growth on the back of the heel with the following means:

You will need 1 potato, grate it on a fine grater. Remove excess liquid. Spread the resulting pulp over gauze and apply a compress to sore spot. It is advisable to do it once a day, before bedtime. Course of application – 1 week.

  • Through surgery;

If the bone on the heel grows, therapy is prescribed in the form surgical intervention. Provided that the tendons change and new formations appear in the form of bone.

If a lump is detected on the back of the heel, treatment is carried out with various anti-inflammatory ointments and tablets. These medications help relieve pain and inflammation. Which one to choose is prescribed by the attending physician.

  • Orthopedic insoles help to evenly organize the load and reduce pain syndrome heels.

Also, if the bone on the back of the heel hurts, it gives a good effect physiotherapy. It specifically strengthens the ankle joint and tendons.

So, if you wish, you can forever get rid of the trouble of bumps on your heels. Take care of your feet, look after your health!

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18 years of experience. Deputy chief physician, specialist in traumatology and arthrology.

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The largest tendon in humans is the Achilles (heel) tendon. The Achilles tendon is attached to the tubercle of the heel bone, however, this fixation is not “tight”; between the tendon and the heel bone there is a space filled with mucus, which reduces the friction of the tendon on the bone, it is called the mucous bursa.

Sometimes the back of the heel bone, just where the Achilles tendon attaches, becomes deformed by a small growth with medical name– Haglund deformity. The growth has a bone structure and puts pressure on both the mucous bursa and the heel tendon.

Popularly, Haglund's deformity is confused with exostosis (Achilles spur), a disease that has a completely different etiology and treatment.


Due to a growth on the back surface of the heel bone, the heel becomes enlarged, in addition to this there are other signs of the disease, such as:

  • inflammation (strong or mild) around the growth site;
  • swelling of the back of the heel;
  • frequent appearance of a water bubble in the area where the shoes are attached;
  • discoloration of the back of the heel (not always);
  • the growth can have a hard or soft consistency.

From time to time, inflammation of the mucous bursa occurs, but does not lead to the appearance of a growth - this pathology is called retrocalcaneal bursitis and treatment of this disease completely different.

Mucous bursa Haglund deformities Normal calcaneus


Although the etiology of Hagunda deformity is still unknown, some doctors are confident that there are genetic roots of this disease.

There is also every reason to talk about factors predisposing to pathology, such as:

  • constant wearing of tight, high-backed shoes;
  • the presence of flat feet and the foot falling inward;
  • pathologically high arch of the foot.


Diagnosis of Haglund's deformity, however, as with the diagnosis of any other disease, is extremely important. Specifically in this case, it is necessary to accurately determine whether the bone element predominates in the body of the growth or not. To find out this is carried out radiography.

In cases where the x-ray shows the absence of a bone element, that is, there is no growth, as it were, to examine the condition of the soft tissues, tendons and mucous bursa, it is prescribed Magnetic resonance imaging.

Timely diagnosis of Haglund's deformity will make it possible to prevent, which can occur without visible injury, only due to the fact that the growth has been pressing hard on the ligament for a long time.

A foot that is too high can cause a bunion to form on the back of the heel.

Treatment (video)

Depending on the condition of the growth, doctors choose a conservative or surgical treatment method.

Conservative treatment

The goal of therapeutic treatment is to relieve inflammation from the mucous membrane of the bursa. If this can be done, then the swelling surrounding the bursa goes away and, as a result, the pressure on the tendons stops.

The main components of treatment for Haglund's growth are:

  1. – to prevent the swelling from spreading, apply a cold heating pad to the bump (this can be a plastic bag filled with ice cubes and wrapped in a thick towel).
  2. Prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs independent use medication is not recommended as it can cause angioedema and other life-threatening conditions.
  3. Physiotherapy – is especially effective when calcaneal tendon tenopathy is diagnosed.
  4. – people with high arches are not recommended to wear shoes without heels, and the back of the shoes should be soft, or there should be no heel at all (summer option).
  5. Silicone patch for growth – this measure alone can reduce pressure when wearing shoes and relieve a person from constant heel pain.
  6. Immobilization of the Achilles tendon – sometimes doctors are forced to put an orthosis on the sore foot for 2-3 weeks, in 40% of cases this helps to avoid a growth on the heel.

Any new growth on the body is a cause for concern with justifiable fears. The appearance of a lump on the heel, in addition to aesthetic inconvenience, causes pain over time and the inability to choose shoes.

A lump on the leg causes discomfort and pain

In addition, the unspecified nature of the tumor can cause irreparable damage to health.

The heel consists of a bone, to the bony protrusion of which the Achilles tendon is attached calf muscle, which sets the foot in motion. The outside of the heel is covered with skin and underlying fatty tissue.
The appearance of a lump on the heel on the foot can be osteoma or osteoblastoma. Executed in mandatory X-rays can refute these assumptions and reveal a growing osteophyte on the heel protrusion behind the Achilles tendon - Haglund's deformity.

An x-ray will clearly show whether there is a growing osteophyte on the heel protrusion

The cause of its occurrence is often orthopedic pathology of the legs and feet. These include:

  • high arch of the foot;
  • flat feet;
  • varus (O-shaped) or valgus (X-shaped) installation of the legs.

Besides, loss of elasticity of the Achilles tendon(as a result of injury or inflammation), can also lead to this pathology.

The decisive moment for the formation of a lump on the back of the heel is a combination of factors:

  • increased load on the feet due to either professional activity or excess weight;
  • incorrectly selected shoes.

Wearing shoes with high, hard backs not only contributes to the formation of Haglund's deformity, but also provokes the constant formation of callus bumps on the heels, being a kind of indicator of people predisposed to this pathology.

An old leathery callus or an osteophyte?

The endless formation of blisters in the same place leads to a protective increase in the layer of horny cells of the epidermis, which over time takes the form of a bump on the heels, derived from shoes.

An old leathery callus may be an osteophyte.

These skin layers, initially having a white color, acquire a yellowish tint over time. They do not entail any unpleasant consequences and do not cause pain, but have a constant tendency to restore the area of ​​the growth as it is removed.

Why do osteophytes grow?

Long before the rocky hard bump appears on the heel, pain and swelling arise, which spreads from the heel tubercle along the Achilles tendon upward.

The reason for this is the developing inflammation in response to constant injury to the mucous membrane of the bursa and tendon.

In order to understand why a lump appears on the heel and it hurts, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of injury.
Predisposing moments of incorrect foot placement increase the friction force of the Achilles tendon with the posterior calcaneal mucous bursa, located above the tendon attachment site and designed to reduce the friction force between the tendon fibers and the heel bone. Both bursitis and tendonitis occur at the same time.

Persistent trauma causes calcium deposits and lump growth

Incessant physical impact on inflamed tissue leads to compensatory cartilaginous transformation of the mucous bursa.

Unfortunately, such a protective reaction of the body does not solve the problem, but only aggravates it. Calcium salts begin to precipitate into the resulting cartilage, the process of ossification occurs and a lump appears above the heel.

The density of the callous formation on the skin cannot always be determined independently. Therefore, patients often mistake a lump on the heel under the skin for a banal callus and are in no hurry to take any measures aimed at diagnostic search and further therapeutic measures, especially if the formation is not accompanied by severe inflammation and pain.

What can an orthopedist offer to eliminate the causes of Haglund's deformity?

When bright severe symptoms a lump on the leg above the heel still forces you to seek treatment specialized assistance. The first thing an orthopedic traumatologist pays attention to is the position of the feet relative to the vertical axis.

If the patient has a deformity of the legs, the surgeon will have to perform a corrective osteotomy

With valgus deformity of the legs, especially when combined with flat feet, the vertical plane of interaction of the Achilles tendon with the heel tuber shifts and a bump on the heel is formed on the side on the inside.

This circumstance will be important to take into account when performing surgery.
IN in this case, except surgical removal osteophyte, corrective osteotomy will be necessary.

Soft cones and when there are a lot of them, what is it about?

Sometimes the appearance of a lump on the side of the heel may indicate the appearance of some soft tissue neoplasms or may be a varicose vein. To accurately establish the essence of the process, it is important to take into account many other factors.
Treatment of heel bumps will be based on what pathological process underlies them.

Sometimes no therapeutic effect is provided and it all comes down to foot care issues and choosing comfortable shoes.

For example, the appearance of small bumps on the heels that occur only during static load can be nothing more than piezogenic papules. The essence of the process is to push the fatty lobules of subcutaneous fat through the layers of skin, which look like white bumps on the heels. For the most part, patients, apart from the periodic appearance of papules, are not bothered by anything else. Prognostically, this state does not threaten health.

Piezogenic papules are small bumps on the heels that occur only during static exercise.

If pain accompanies the appearance of papules, surgical excision of soft bumps on the heels is performed.

In addition, they are trying to use steroids, but the main emphasis is on gentle treatment physical activity for feet Some people recommend wearing heel caps.

Treatment of calcaneal osteophyte. When will ointment not be enough?

How to treat a lump above the back of the heel is determined by the stage of the process. Before osteophyte formation, it is important to allow the inflammatory compaction to resolve. To do this, depending on the severity of the process, either wear or select shoes with a soft physiological heel or without it. In parallel, use local medications () with NSAIDs or complex homeopathic medicine Traumeel.

In addition, in solving the question of how to get rid of a bump on the heel (in the early stages), they play an important role. Has proven itself well.

Despite the fact that calcaneal osteophyte is formed as a result of prolonged inflammation of a traumatic nature, the use of prolonged injections hormonal drugs not recommended because high risk tendon rupture.

How to remove a lump on the back of the heel when ossification of the inflammatory compaction has occurred, it helps consultation with an orthopedist-traumatologist. Before deciding on surgical treatment Haglund's deformities will need to be undergone additional research, from radiography to MRI, which will differentiate the calcaneal osteophyte from other possible lesions of the heel area.

Surgery for Haglund's deformity involves sawing off the osteophyte, which is done either by open access or endoscopically. The cost of surgery for Haglund's deformity ranges from 25,000 rubles.
Watch the video to see how the operation for Haglund's deformity works:

What can be done to prevent the development of calcaneal osteophyte

Prevention of calcaneal osteophyte depends on the existing orthopedic features of the foot and legs:

  • For flat feet, orthopedic insoles are purchased;
  • If you have a high arch, it is recommended to wear shoes with low heels, up to 4 cm;
  • Corrective surgery is recommended for valgus or varus alignment of the tibia.

In all cases, it is recommended to wear shoes with a soft back and prevent overloading of the feet.

In some cases, when the pain syndrome is not pronounced, patients try Treatment of Haglund's deformity with folk remedies. These, for the most part, include foot baths with soda-iodine solution, compresses made from garlic pulp, turpentine dressings with ammonia. Use rubs based on action essential oils rosemary, eucalyptus, pine, juniper.

Foot baths will help relieve inflammation

All these recipes are aimed at improving blood supply and relieving inflammation, but, unfortunately, they are not able to solve the problem of Haglund’s deformity.

The appearance of a bump on the heel does not always have serious consequences. But ignoring the symptoms of the disease triggers the severity of the process and requires, in the future, large investments of money and time to eliminate disturbing manifestations and regain one’s quality of life. Any process requires early consultation with a specialist and this can save you from further ordeals regarding medical institutions in search of relief from his suffering.

Due to excessive loads and wearing uncomfortable shoes, the feet are often damaged. One of them is a bump on the heel. Initially, the pathology does not bring discomfort to its owner, but over time the lump becomes larger, causing pain and discomfort when moving. In addition, there is often a risk of rupture of the Achilles tendon, which subsequently threatens walking obstacles. Therefore, it is important to know what treatment is required for this problem, how and why it appears.


The lump formed on the heel is a growth that protrudes beyond its limits, the nature of which can be different. It happens that the bulge is an inflammation of the bone element, and sometimes without the process of inflammation in it. In addition, the tumor can occur due to inflammation of soft tissues and tendons.

Bump on the heel

Externally, the lump looks like a tubercle. When touched, it may have a hard or soft texture. Softness is acquired due to the presence of edema and fluid formation inside.

The lump above the heel puts pressure on the mucous bursa located in the middle of the heel tendon and heel bone. For this reason, severe pain and swelling appear.

It is known that not all lesions contribute to the formation of growths. It happens that the reason lies in another problem, the symptoms of which are eliminated by other methods. When normal inflammation of the mucous membrane develops, the patient is also accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

There may be several factors why a lump appears on the heel. Wherein medical research There is no detailed explanation for this.

When bumps appear on the heels, the reasons may lie in the following:

  • Heredity, predisposition to diseases of this kind.
  • Wearing tight shoes, which not only causes discomfort over time, but also leads to the appearance of calluses and serious problems. If you have a hard and high heel, a bump may appear on your shoes. Therefore, you need to abandon shoes of this type and give preference to low heels.
  • Foot injuries contribute to the development of a bunion on the heel. If the foot is positioned incorrectly when walking, this leads to its deformation, as a result of which flat feet and a tubercle above the heel develop. Similar consequences result.
  • Excessive load on the feet, which is caused by professional activity or excess body weight.
  • If it hurts to step on your heel, this may indicate the development of complications after untreated calluses.
  • Physiological problems, which include internal heel drop and high arches, lead to bone formation. Often, such disorders are passed down through families, the symptoms of which can be observed at an early age.

If such factors occur, you should immediately contact a specialist to carry out initial examination and prescribing appropriate treatment.


Osteophyte formation on the back of the foot is called Haglund's disease. Externally, the bump on the heel is a pointed process located on the inside of the sole. It has a dense structure. The osteophyte itself does not cause pain, it appears when damaged connective tissue feet.

Heel growth

The main reason for the formation of lumps is the development of an inflammatory and degenerative process in the plantar fascia. Due to large loads on the heel tubercle and the tendon area attached to it, small cracks and tears occur.

In the case of a single specimen, such a lesion heals quickly. However, when such minor injuries are not isolated, severe damage to the connective and bone tissue occurs, which is why inflammation develops, provoking calcification in the affected areas of the growth. As a result, osteophytes appear.

The reasons for the appearance of osteophytes include:

  • Injuries
  • Joint diseases
  • Inflammatory processes
  • Benign and malignant tumors under the skin
  • Diseases of neurogenic origin

What are Haglund deformities?

Haglund's deformity is a bone spur on the back of the bone that puts pressure on the bursa. As a result, an inflammatory process appears.

Haglund deformities

The main cause of the problem is flat feet in adults and children. In children today, one can often observe valgus deformation of the feet along with flat feet, as a result of which the vertical plane with the tubercle of the heel is displaced and a bump is formed on the lateral inner side.

Haglund deformity itself may not cause symptoms of pain and the development of an inflammatory process in soft tissues. Only painful exostosis is noted - a lump on the back of the heel, there is no problem with the function of the foot.

But in most cases, the pressure of the bump on the tendon and bursa contributes to their inflammation, swelling, which also leads to the formation of a blister on the heel where the heel of the shoe fits. In this case, it causes pain to the patient during movement, and sometimes at rest. The person may also feel a burning sensation.

A characteristic sign of the pathology is a change in the shade of the foot at the back, the formation of calluses.

Pain in the back of the heel

Pain in the heel may not be too pronounced and does not occur constantly. That’s why people often don’t worry that a lump has appeared on their heel and it hurts, often confusing it with a callus.

Basically, the pain is justified by fatigue, wearing uncomfortable shoes, tension or excess body weight. However, a painful lump above the back of the heel may indicate skeletal or muscle diseases that can seriously affect health and quality of life.

A lump on the back of the heel can be very painful when walking; pain appears due to the fact that the entire foot has to withstand a static load all the time.

Localization of pain on the back of the heel and other areas may indicate the occurrence of diseases of an inflammatory or traumatic nature. Since many vascular and nerve plexuses pass through the heel, any negative impact can provoke an instant reaction in the body.

The main reasons for the appearance of a painful lump at the back of the heel, on the inside side are:

  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • heel bumps
  • Infectious pathologies
  • Availability
  • Tuberculosis of the skeletal system

With internal pathologies, the development of tumors and formations of various nature can often be observed. A malignant course can lead to the development of metastases that cover not only the foot, but the entire limb.

A lump on the leg above the heel may appear in the event of a sprain, rupture of the Achilles tendon, injuries of various origins, or the appearance of calluses on the heel bone.

When a lump forms on the heel on the side, behind, as a result, the patient may feel a sharp, severe pain in the morning, which subsides when walking. Acute tingling occurs when the tendon is inflamed.

Treatment for a bump on the heel

Often, when a lump forms on the heel, patients do not know which doctor to see. The pathology is treated by an orthopedist. He will discover the obvious cause and prescribe the necessary therapy.

After examining the growth, the doctor may prescribe various diagnostic methods:

  1. X-ray. The procedure is necessary to exclude the presence of Haglund's deformity.
  2. MRI allows you to find out the origin of the bones on the foot
  3. Palpation method

How to treat the disease? Treating a lump on the heel from the side and back is quite complicated. It is carried out only after the factor in the development of the disease has been established. Depending on the severity of the disease, they use medical, folk remedies, and surgical methods for treating heel bumps. The operation is performed if conservative treatment did not bring any results. IN individual situations The operation is replaced using the following methods:

  • Magnetotherapy
  • (UVT)

How to remove growths on heels:

  1. If the cause of the bump is flat feet, you need to wear orthopedic insoles.
  2. In case of improper bone fusion, the patient requires.
  3. If you are overweight, a specialist will prescribe dietary nutrition.
  4. Girls who complain about a protruding bone in their heel should stop wearing high-heeled shoes for a while.

In some situations, the leg will need rest. Sometimes, if there is no movement of the limb, the bump on the heel may go away on its own.

What to do when the lump on the back of the heel hurts a lot, and the formed growth is inflamed? In this case, therapy will be aimed at eliminating the symptoms. The doctor will prescribe:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs – Diclofenac
  • Analgesics – Ibuprofen

Also, a bump on the heel can be cured using external remedies -.

  • Fastum-gel
  • Diprileaf
  • Finalgon
  • Capsicam

Ointments and gels are applied to the affected area in a thin layer and secured with gauze on top. The dressing is changed 2 times a day.

In addition, the lump can be eliminated with therapeutic massage and foot exercises.

Often, to get rid of soft bumps, another treatment is used, which involves the use of traditional methods.

Traditional methods

When a growth is present, it is treated with one of folk remedies. Treatment of heel bumps is carried out only after consultation with a doctor and his approval.

Flour cake with honey

Getting rid of a bump on the heel at home using folk recipes.

  1. Flatbread made from flour with honey. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The limbs are steamed and then dried with a towel. After the procedure, pads are applied to the legs and secured with a bandage, wrapped in cellophane and socks are put on. The treatment session lasts at least 10 days.
  2. We remove the bump on the back of the heel, relieve pain and inflammation with an aspirin bath. You need to crush 10 pills and mix with a small amount of liquid. Place the mixture in a bowl of water. The procedure takes 15 minutes. Treatment takes 15 sessions.

To remove the growth on the heel, it is possible to use orthopedic insoles.

Potato compress

You will need to boil the potatoes with their skins, chop them and mix them with kerosene. Immerse your feet in the hot mixture for 20 minutes. After completing the procedure, wipe your feet with a towel and put on socks. Apply the compress no more than 12 times.

Haglund's disease is a deformity of the heel bone of the foot. With this disease, a lump appears on the back of the heel. In most patients, Haglund's deformity causes discomfort when walking, requiring limited physical activity. Therefore, growths on the heels require professional diagnosis and treatment.

Haglund's disease can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Pathologies of foot development.
  2. Genetic predisposition.
  3. Deformation as a result of damage and injury.
  4. Microtraumas, constant pressure on the heel, for example, from narrow shoes.
  5. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon, loss of its elasticity.

Inflammation can occur as a result of infectious and non-infectious processes.

Haglund's deformity affects not only bone tissue, but also the tendon around them. Therefore, when a lump appears on the heel, it can be either soft or hard. For a long time Haglund's deformity does not require treatment, as it does not interfere with the patient's walking.

Treatment of Haglund-Schinz disease begins to be required after some time, when swelling may appear on the foot, accompanied by severe pain symptom. It’s not just the heel that hurts; ailments can spread throughout the entire foot. Haglund syndrome causes pain not only when walking, but also at rest.

Haglund's deformity is diagnosed using an x-ray of the foot. The photo is taken from the side and from below. On an x-ray, you can clearly distinguish the deformation of the spur (heel bone) in the form of a growth above the heel.

The specialist decides how to treat such a problem depending on how deformed the bone is, how it protrudes under the skin and whether it interferes with the person’s ability to walk. In this case, the causes and treatment are interconnected: pathological changes and injuries more often require surgical intervention, while inflammation of the Achilles tendon must be treated with medication.

Heel bumps can be treated various methods: conservative and surgical. Also, in mild clinical cases, it can be treated with folk remedies.

This method is prescribed by a doctor in cases where the disease is diagnosed in the early stages of development or when it is caused only by inflammatory processes. This treatment includes:

  1. Local application of anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments, creams and gels. For example, Voltaren or Traumeel.
  2. Taking medications, most often non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and painkillers. The most common of them: ketorol, nurofen, nise.
  3. Tight fixation of the foot by applying a bandage.
  4. Wearing shoes with soft backs.

In addition, the attending physician may prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • Shock wave therapy (SWT).

Physiotherapy is highly effective, but the choice of such treatment should be treated with caution, since heating the site of infection can aggravate the inflammatory process. Applying ice will help relieve pain. This must be done locally, for no longer than half an hour.

This remedy is used in cases where the heel spur has both lateral and posterior swelling and interferes with walking. And also in the case when drug treatment and the procedures were ineffective.

The operation has three types:

  1. Removal of the calcaneus using the open method.
  2. Removing a spur using a closed method.
  3. Corrective wedge-shaped ostemia.

If there is severe inflammation during the disease, then surgically The mucous bursa of the tendon may also be removed. Sometimes it is removed to prevent relapse of the disease or to reduce pain.

After surgery, the patient needs to reduce the load on the sore leg; crutches can be used. For more fast healing the foot is bandaged. In addition, during the postoperative period, the patient continues to take anti-inflammatory and painkillers. To consolidate the result, physiotherapy is also indicated; it allows you to get rid of swelling and relieve pain. Physiotherapeutic procedures can be started one day after the operation.

Treatment with folk remedies cannot replace medication, but can complement it well. The most common recipes traditional medicine the following are considered:

  1. Iodine nets, in front of which the cone can be thickly smeared with laundry soap or rubbed with camphor alcohol. This tool is convenient because it uses only available tools.
  2. An effective way is foot baths with the addition of potato peels. It is necessary to steam your feet at a temperature of 45-50 degrees C. However, before using this method, you must consult a specialist. In some cases, heating aggravates the inflammatory process.
  3. Daily rubbing of the appendix with propolis or alcohol. This procedure has an antiseptic effect.
  4. Compresses. The most common recipe includes a few tablespoons of lemon juice and iodine, two Aspirin tablets. Gauze is soaked in the liquid and then applied to the spur for 15-20 minutes. This treatment can be continued for no longer than three days.

Traditional methods are effective when the deformation was identified in the early stages of development. But uncontrolled treatment at home is fraught with various complications. Therefore, before you choose traditional methods, you should consult your doctor.

Disease prevention

Prevention of the appearance and recurrence of Haglund syndrome consists of:

  • wearing comfortable, loose-fitting shoes with soft backs;
  • preference for shoes with low heels (up to 4 cm);
  • using orthopedic insoles.

Also, to prevent the onset of flatfoot disease, you can use various exercise machines and massage mats. Mastering the technique of foot massage is also useful if a person has daily grueling physical activity.

Even without the presence of pain with Haglund's disease, consultation with a specialist should not be neglected. Only a doctor can determine the cause of the appearance of bumps on the heels, and the treatment of the disease largely depends on the cause of its formation.

People often develop bumps on their heels, the causes and treatment of which need to be known in order to get rid of this problem. Exists medical term The designation for this disease is Haglund's deformity. Education causes a certain discomfort, in addition, it leads to the fact that a person is ashamed to wear shoes with an open heel.

Causes and symptoms of Haglund's deformity

A bump on the heel 1 is a kind of growth that protrudes beyond its limits; its nature can be different. Sometimes the bulge is represented by an inflamed bone formation, and sometimes without inflammation in it. In addition, the neoplasm may be the result of an inflammatory process in soft tissues and tendons. Outwardly, it resembles a tubercle. When palpating such tubercles, you can feel that they are hard or soft. They become soft if there is swelling and fluid has formed inside.

The lump above the heel puts pressure on the mucous bursa located between the heel tendon and the heel bone. Because of this, there are painful sensations and swelling. It is known that not all such inflammations lead to the formation of growths. In some cases, this is due to another problem, the symptoms of which are eliminated in other ways. With ordinary inflammation of the mucous membrane, unpleasant sensations also occur.

There may be several reasons why a lump appears on the heel. However, medical research does not provide a thorough explanation. There are several theories:

  1. The cause of growths is often called heredity and a tendency to such diseases. Doctors note that often a person with a tumor on some part of the heel has relatives who have also encountered a similar problem.
  2. In addition, it is believed that wearing tight shoes can affect the formation of a growth. It not only causes discomfort, but also provokes the appearance of calluses and more serious consequences. High and hard heels of shoes are often the cause of bunions. Therefore, you need to choose shoes with special care, otherwise the consequences of neglecting this issue will not be so easy to correct.
  3. Among possible reasons highlight any foot injuries. Incorrect positioning of the foot while walking leads to deformation of the foot, resulting in flat feet and a bump above the heel. Arthrosis and exostosis can lead to such consequences.
  4. Problems physiological nature, such as a sunken heel or a high arch of the foot, sometimes cause bone formations. Such disorders are often inherited. Their signs become noticeable in early childhood.

It is worth paying attention to calluses without starting to treat them, since there is an assumption about their influence on the occurrence of bone growths.

To distinguish Haglund's deformity from other diseases, you need to know its symptoms. First of all, a bone growth should appear on the foot, protruding beyond its boundaries. Its formation is accompanied by pain and redness skin in the affected area, swelling of adjacent tissues. In this case, the heels may increase in size. In addition to pain, a person may feel a burning sensation. A characteristic feature It is believed that there is a change in the color of the foot at the back, as well as the formation of calluses.

Methods for diagnosing and treating the disease

Before starting therapy, it is necessary to determine whether the bump on the heel is Haglund's deformity. To do this, an X-ray examination is performed to establish the predominance of the bone composition of the neoplasm. If there is a problem with a negative result, additional magnetic resonance imaging will be required. This procedure allows you to find out the nature of the bones on the foot. The purpose of MRI is explained by the fact that one of the prerequisites for the formation of a growth may be the presence of fluid inside the mucous bursa.

Doctors often resort to a diagnostic method such as palpation. However, with its help you can only make an assumption, and it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is made, the lump above the heel is treated immediately. If the solution to the problem is delayed, a complication may arise, for example, a ruptured tendon in the foot. This circumstance can lead to immobilization of the patient for a long period, and treatment methods will be more radical.

Establishing the suspected causes and stage of the disease allows the doctor to draw a conclusion on how to remove the bone tumor. There are several methods. Depending on the severity of the problem, you can resort to the use of medical or folk remedies, or surgical intervention. The operation is prescribed if conservative methods do not provide desired result. In some cases, the operation can be replaced:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • shock wave therapy (the method of application of which is shown in the photo).

It is important to know that sometimes it is not possible to completely remove a heel growth. Then these procedures are prescribed to improve the condition. Under their influence, blood circulation in the affected area improves, cell restoration improves, and salts are absorbed. In addition, sessions of such effects relieve pain, eliminate swelling and inflammation. In addition, the bump on the leg becomes softer due to the softening of the bone tissue.

From pharmaceutical drugs The doctor may prescribe treatment:

  • Levomekolem;
  • Indovasin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Voltaren;
  • Fastum gel;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Ketorol.

Apply various ointments in combination is not recommended, since the instructions indicate contraindications for complex use. The prescribed ointment should be applied in a thin layer to the problem area of ​​the heel. To avoid spreading of the ointment, it is secured with a bandage. This dressing should be changed twice a day.

In addition to ointments, therapeutic patches Compeed and Hyperosteogeny are also prescribed. By gluing them onto the bone, a person partially gets rid of pain. At the same time, the problem area is protected from damage.

There are also non-drug ways to combat growths. Good effect gives a massage of the entire foot in combination with gymnastics. In this way, you can improve blood flow at the site of the lesion and speed up the resorption of the lump. It is also recommended to wear comfortable shoes and use ice packs. It has been proven that with cold water and ice can eliminate inflammation, thereby preventing the growth of cones.

Sometimes your doctor may prescribe a technique that immobilizes the heel tendon.

Traditional medicine methods

There are many known ways to get rid of tumors on the feet using unconventional means. However, it should be remembered that positive result in most cases you can get it if the lump above the heel has initial stage development. Regular use of folk recipes helps to forget about the disease forever.

The affordable antiseptic iodine in undiluted form will become an indispensable assistant for combating bumps that have formed on the heel itself or on the side of the foot. Iodine mesh should be applied daily. In combination with iodine, it will have a positive effect laundry soap. It is grated, applied to the growth and left for a while. After this, wash it off. After drying your foot, you can apply an iodine mesh.

The lump above the heel will decrease or disappear completely when using camphor oil. Its properties help eliminate pain and inflammation. Yes, oil in pure form applied to the bone, a mesh of iodine is drawn on top.

These manipulations must be performed every day for a month, only then the effect will be obvious.

To make the lump disappear and stop appearing in the future, potato peels are also used. The procedure will require boiled peel, previously peeled from the vegetable. The broth, cooled to a comfortable temperature, is poured into a basin and the legs are steamed. When cooling, you need to add more hot water. This method is very convenient to deal with bumps located on the bottom of the foot. In addition, this method has no contraindications or restrictions.

Propolis has a good analgesic effect. In addition, it fights inflammatory processes. You can buy it at the pharmacy and rub it on the bump, after kneading the ball. This must be done daily. The method is convenient because it can be used to treat the bone, no matter where it is located: on the side of the heel, below, or vice versa, slightly above the heel. If it is not possible to use propolis in its pure form, it is permissible to use its alcohol tincture.

Let's sum it up

Thus, heel bumps can be treated. To prevent them from causing pain and discomfort, it is necessary to deal with the problem at the first signs of its manifestation. To avoid complications, you should not self-medicate; it is recommended to seek help from a qualified specialist.

If there is pain in the heel, what could it be and how to treat it? A limb in the heel area can hurt for many reasons. This symptom is very common and can occur both with banal fatigue and with more serious pathologies, including heel spurs. You cannot ignore heel pain when walking and at rest, because in this case it will not go away on its own. In addition, you can call irreversible consequences, which will be impossible to eliminate without surgery.

Why do my feet hurt in the heel area on the left, right, middle or above the foot? This article will talk about this and other issues.

In what cases can your heel hurt?

Why do the heels of my feet hurt? There are many reasons for pain in the left or right leg, but the most common of them are:

  • heel spur;
  • calcaneal paratendinitis;
  • posterior calcaneal bursitis;
  • arthritis of the supratalar joint.

The legs do not always hurt in the heel area due to the development of the disease. Thus, this symptom can occur when the foot is systematically overstrained due to wearing uncomfortable shoes or shoes with heels. The heel can also hurt when standing for a long time, due to sharp increase weight and obesity.

Heel spur

Pain in the left leg or in the right leg in the heel area may signal the development of heel spurs– degenerative inflammatory process in the plantar fascia. The development of a spur is associated with injury to the soft tissues that surround the bone. As a result, a growth occurs on the bone. The growth also occurs when there is systematic load on the foot.

Symptoms are expressed in the development of pain in the foot of the left leg or right leg (depending on where the growth appeared), and as a result, in a change in the person’s gait. The pain intensifies in the morning, as well as when walking, when a person steps on the heel. During the day this symptom becomes less intense, but returns again in the evening. No less rarely, even the ankle hurts, that is, pain occurs in the leg above the heel.

Considering that the center of gravity is transferred from the heel to the forefoot and its outer edge, the high arch of the limb begins to deform, lowering towards the support. As a result, - transverse flatfoot, which requires a different treatment.

To diagnose a heel spur and determine how to treat it, the doctor carefully examines the person’s complaints and also performs an x-ray, which will help determine the diagnosis. If the x-ray does not show a growth on the bone, all measures are taken that are aimed at excluding or confirming another disease that is accompanied by heel pain. These diseases include rheumatoid arthritis and Reiter's syndrome.

How to treat heel pain due to a spur? Treatment primarily involves unloading the heel area. Thus, it is recommended to wear orthopedic insoles and heel supports. Physiotherapy is also prescribed, which eliminates the inflammatory process and softens the bone growth itself. If you cure this disease with conservative methods impossible, an operation is performed to remove the spur, as well as excision of the altered tissue.


Heel paratendinitis or Achilles tendonitis is damage to the tendon associated with inflammation and mechanical stretching. Such pathological processes can be caused by a sports injury and severe overload of the tendon, as well as wearing the wrong shoes. If treatment for tendinitis is not started in time, the tendon may be torn from the bone.

Symptoms of the disease can be divided into 2 groups, depending on the form of tendinitis. So, acute form characterized by pain with increasing intensity. Exercise and training cause pain in the left leg or right leg (depending on where the disease develops), and after they are over, it goes away. At rest it is not observed at all. Untimely treatment will lead to the development of a chronic form of tendinitis.

Chronic tendinitis is accompanied by constant pain, which is present even at rest. Along with the pain, tension occurs in the ankle, as well as in the calf muscle, redness of the skin, limited mobility of the foot, and swelling.

To make a correct diagnosis, a physical examination is prescribed, radiology diagnostics, MRI, ultrasound. No less important is radiography, which will help detect existing inflammation and degenerative changes.

Treatment is aimed at limiting all stress on the heel. To eliminate swelling and redness of the skin, you can apply a cold compress, and to eliminate pain - a bandage (elastic bandage). If there is a high-intensity pain syndrome that cannot be eliminated even with rest, it is recommended to visit a doctor. In this case, the doctor may prescribe surgery.

Posterior calcaneal bursitis

Posterior calcaneal bursitis is an inflammatory process that involves the bursa behind the Achilles tendon. Such bursitis, if not treated in a timely manner, can develop into chronic form. Any injury or microtrauma of the bone and tendon of the heel can lead to this disease. The female gender is most susceptible to the disease, as women prefer to wear high-heeled shoes. In this case, the bursa increases in size due to the fact that the volume of fluid in it increases.

Symptoms of the disease are expressed as follows:

  • painful swelling in the legs (or one leg);
  • periodic pain and muscle spasm higher up the leg (at the same time, the leg muscles hurt even above the back of the heel);
  • thickening of the skin in the tendon area.

Treatment for such a disease consists of providing the affected area with rest, as well as physical therapy. Casual shoes should be comfortable, not tight or too wide. In particularly severe cases bursa It is punctured, the fluid is removed, after which hydrocortisone is injected into it.

During an exacerbation of the disease, apply to the affected area pressure bandage and warm compresses. If diagnosed purulent form illness, puncture and cleanse the bursa from purulent masses.

Arthritis of the supratalar joint

As a rule, damage to the joints of the legs is observed when rheumatoid arthritis. Heel arthritis is an inflammatory process involving the subtalar and talocaleonavicular joints, as well as the ligaments that connect the heel and toes.

The causes of arthritis of the supratalar joint are the same reasons that cause any type of arthritis. The most common of them are:

  1. Exposure to excessive stress on the heel. As a rule, this includes excess weight and professional activity which involves heavy loads on the limbs.
  2. Any injury to the foot can cause inflammation, that is, arthritis.
  3. Any foot deformity, such as flat feet or valgus, can cause arthritis.
  4. Leading an unhealthy lifestyle (alcohol abuse, smoking, unhealthy diet). Especially, poor nutrition can cause excess weight, an additional risk factor for the development of the disease.
  5. Shoes with heels. Such models cannot be worn for more than 4 hours a day.

Pain in the left leg or right leg occurs already at the 1st stage of the disease. During this period, rather, there is no pain, but only discomfort. As the disease progresses, the discomfort intensifies, and if treatment is not timely, permanent pain occurs. At the beginning of the development of the disease, pain occurs after prolonged exercise, and subsequently, at rest. Along with the pain, numbness of the heel is observed, and even the ankle area can become numb, making it difficult for a person to move.

The attending physician will select individual treatment, which is based on what stage of the disease is diagnosed. Typically, painkillers are prescribed to relieve pain, which can be in the form of tablets, ointment or gel. If bursitis is accompanied by a complication in the form of a heel spur, injections are performed.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are also carried out, such as magnetic resonance, laser, and shock wave therapy. Thanks to physical therapy, the blood circulation process in the affected area improves and normalizes. Not only physiotherapy is effective for bursitis. So, swimming and gymnastics in water, massage, which also improves blood circulation in the heel of the foot, are effective.

How to prevent heel diseases?

Why the feet hurt and how to treat the corresponding diseases has been clarified. But, nevertheless, you can take care of the prevention of such ailments. In this case, it is enough to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Bringing your weight back to normal. In the presence of extra pounds It is urgent to get rid of them, because they are a heavy burden for the feet, especially the heels.
  2. A healthy lifestyle is an excellent method of preventing any disease. Thanks to smoking and alcohol, many organs and systems in the body are destroyed.
  3. If you regularly harden your body, you can significantly increase your immunity and prevent further development any disease.
  4. A proper diet is the key to the health of all joints in the body.

For any disease of the heel, when pain occurs in the left leg or right leg, only a specialist doctor should prescribe medications. The doctor will also tell you how to treat the disease at home. Not only untimely, but also incorrect treatment heel disease can cause negative consequences.

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