Home Pulpitis ACC – cheap analogues (list), instructions, comparison of effectiveness. Fluditek, ACC, Ascoril: which expectorant to choose? Is it possible to drink Ascoril together with ACC?

ACC – cheap analogues (list), instructions, comparison of effectiveness. Fluditek, ACC, Ascoril: which expectorant to choose? Is it possible to drink Ascoril together with ACC?

There are contraindications, use only as prescribed by a doctor.

Active substance ACC - acetylcysteine, this substance has an expectorant and mucolytic effect, country of origin: Germany. Available in several dosage forms Oh:

  • Packets of powder for dilution in water, in dosages of 100 mg (20 pcs.), 200 mg (20 pcs.) and 600 mg (6 pcs.).
  • Effervescent tablets for dissolution in water: 100 mg (20 pcs.), 200 mg (20 pcs.) and 600 mg (10 or 20 pcs.).
  • Syrup with a dosage of 20 mg per ml in volumes of 100 and 200 ml.

In turn, Ascoril is a combination medicinal product produced in India, combining three active components:

  1. Guaifenesin 100 mg is a mucolytic.
  2. Salbutamol 2 mg - bronchodilator.
  3. Bromhexine 8 mg is an antitussive.

It can be found in tablet form, 10, 20 and 50 tablets per package, as well as in the form of syrup, 100 and 200 ml.

Both drugs are aimed at relieving and eliminating coughs with difficult-to-clear secretions; when choosing based on effectiveness, it is worth deciding on the etiology of the cough. So acetylcysteine ​​is most effective for diseases respiratory tract caused by inflammation - laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, and is also indicated for otitis and sinusitis, as it is able to dilute viscous secretions, including purulent ones. All active ingredients of Ascoril, despite the combined composition, work unidirectionally, but potentiate each other’s effect. Thus, salbutamol, which is included in the composition, eliminates bronchospasm, bromhexine dilutes and increases secretions, and guaifenesin facilitates the discharge of sputum and promotes the transition to a productive cough. Therefore, the drug is more effective for dry or spasmodic cough (whooping cough), pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and bronchotracheitis.

Which is better for children?

These drugs are indicated for use in children from two years of age (in the form of syrup) and from 6 years in other forms, however, ACC is sometimes prescribed to children younger age, when Ascoril is usually not used at this age. To answer the question of which is better, you need to understand the nature of the cough. If it is accompanied by a large amount of secretion (“wet” cough), acetylcysteine ​​would be more appropriate (in tablets/powder for dilution in water at a dosage of 100 mg or in the form of syrup 20 mg/ml - for patients under 6 years of age, and 200 mg for older), it will dissolve the secretion and help effectively cleanse the bronchi.

Guaifenesin, which is part of Ascoril, is itself contraindicated for coughing with copious department frost (“wet”), so it is more advisable to use it for other types. One way or another, any cough in a child (even obvious reasons like a cold) should not be the subject of self-medication. Timely diagnosis to prevent chronicization of the process or the manifestation of complications, it should only be within the competence of a specialist during an in-person examination.

Is it possible to take them together?

IN medical practice combinations of medications are often used to achieve the best results, but in in this case simultaneous use of drugs is inappropriate. Because the ingredients included in their composition have different pharmacotherapeutic effects. So, with a wet cough, additional use of an antitussive agent (blocking the cough reflex) will simply lead to stagnation of secretions in the lungs, which is fraught with consequences and even dangerous for small children. And with a dry cough, additional use of an expectorant is completely useless. The only one possible variant the use of both means is a transition from one to the other (only in the case of whooping cough with difficult to separate sputum). So, after a course of a combined antitussive and the transformation of a dry cough into a productive one, you can replace it with a mucolytic. Although monotherapy will be sufficient.

Pros and cons

What is better and more effective in fighting cough? The only one cardinal difference It will be that ACC is not used for coughs accompanied by attacks of suffocation and obstruction (in this case it will simply be useless), and due to the content of guaifenesin in the composition, it is better not to use a competitor for diseases with copious sputum discharge.

For a mild “wet” cough, both medications will be effective to improve its productivity. However, the fewer active ingredients the drug contains, the less likely it is side effects, plus in this case the reason for choosing one of them may be the convenience of reception. Thus, ACC for adults at a dosage of 600 mg is used only once a day, which is its significant advantage for people who tend to forget about their next medication intake.

An important factor that can influence the choice medicine, is its cost. ACC 200 mg (20 tablets per package) is approximately 25% more expensive than Ascoril in the same packaging, and 100 ml syrup is approximately 20% cheaper.

Quite often a companion various diseases coughing occurs - a natural reaction of the respiratory tract to irritants and inflammatory processes. There are various medical supplies, which help eliminate not only the cough, but also its cause. Among such drugs are Ascoril and ACC.

The main differences between the drugs

ACC and Ascoril have a number of features that distinguish these drugs from each other. Medicines differ partly in the form of release, but significantly in composition and pharmacological action. In addition, there are differences in indications, contraindications and possible reactions body.

  • Composition of drugs.

A significant difference between medications is their composition. The active components of Ascoril are guaifenesin, salbutamol, bromhexine hydrochloride, and in ACC - acetylcysteine, ascorbic acid.

Ascoril eliminates spasms, increases lung volume, and improves air permeability by expanding the bronchi. The liquefaction and removal of sputum occurs, while the intensity of the cough decreases.

Acetylcysteine ​​is a good mucolytic agent that dilutes secretions. The substance has antioxidant properties, which can significantly improve protective functions cells. Active ingredient has a detrimental effect on purulent sputum, and ascorbic acid strengthens the body's protective properties.

  • Indications for use.
  1. Contact your doctor with a complaint for advice and regarding the appropriateness joint reception ACC and Askoril.
  2. Read the instructions for use in detail, which contains a list of medications with which compatibility is prohibited.
  3. Compare indications for use, pharmachologic effect medications specified in the instructions.

ACC and Ascoril, according to information provided by the manufacturers, are not prohibited for simultaneous use. Both drugs have mucolytic as well as expectorant properties, that is, drugs taken together help thin and remove mucus. At the same time, an adult or a child may have a health disorder, each of which requires its own drug.

Having compared the main characteristics of ACC and Ascoril, as well as the differences between these medications, it can be noted that the simultaneous use of medications is not prohibited, but the decision on the advisability of such therapy is made only by a doctor.

Askoril and ACC are two effective, modern and medicinal products who have wide range actions in the treatment of various respiratory diseases.

You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead healthy image life and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing your hands and face, clearing your respiratory tract).

  • It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, Gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, be in nature as often as possible and fresh air. Don't forget to go through your scheduled annual examinations, treat lung diseases initial stages much simpler than in a neglected form. Avoid emotional and physical stress; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by specialists such as a therapist and a pulmonologist; you need to take radical measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and reduce contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immune system as much as possible spend more time in the fresh air. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.

  • This drug is used for acute and chronic respiratory diseases. Most often, such phenomena are accompanied by cough and bronchial obstruction. Simply put, these are the following diseases:

    Basically, this drug has no contraindications or side effects, so it is allowed for everyone. But in some cases, an additional examination by a doctor is still recommended. This is explained by the fact that Ascoril may not be suitable for some due to the presence of individual intolerance.

    Ascoril tablets

    The pharmacological effect is determined primarily by the composition of the drug and its therapeutic effect, in accordance with the active components.

    The active substance in Ascoril is salbutamol sulfate. This component stimulates the work blood vessels. As a result, bronchospastic phenomena are reduced. Thus, it is restored vital capacity lungs and improves heart function.

    The drug also contains bromhexine hydrochloride, which has a direct mucolytic effect, which helps reduce the viscosity of expectorated sputum.

    Guaifenesin - promotes the destruction of sulfide bonds of mucopolysaccharides, which helps thin the sputum and relieve cough.

    The composition also contains menthol, which acts as a mild analgesic, antitussive and antispasmodic component.

    Are there analogues of ascoril?

    Today there are many different medications that are aimed at treating coughs and as first aid for symptoms that appear. Such funds include:

    All of them, including Ascoril, after oral administration are absorbed into small intestine, and the presence of components in the blood becomes visible within 30 minutes after administration. Complete removal from the body occurs after approximately 8 hours.

    Ascoril and its cough analogues

    Ascoril is as effective for dry coughs as for wet coughs. Therefore, its use may be appropriate in both cases. This also applies to the tablet form of treatment. To achieve maximum effect and Get well soon It is better to consult a doctor. This also applies to the choice of drug, since their number is quite large, and some constituent substances may not correspond to the patient’s individual tolerance. Today, such a medicine is prescribed to everyone - both adults and adolescents. But we should not forget about the individual origin of the cough and the course of the disease. Any mucolytic drug can have different effects, in particular, on an adult body.

    For a severe dry cough, Ascoril's analogue, syrup, will be more effective than tablets. This could be Antigrippin, Lazolvan, Bronchicum, Angin-Green, as well as many others. Standard course Treatment with Ascoril or any other similar medications should not exceed more than seven days. If after a week of taking the drug there is no improvement in your well-being, or other symptoms are added, it is important to as soon as possible contact a specialist.

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    The best substitutes for Ascoril

    What are the analogues of the drug Ascoril? Today there are many drugs that can replace Ascoril Expectorant. However, analogues should be selected exclusively by the attending physician based on the severity of the disease and individual characteristics patient. In addition, you will need instructions for use for the drug Ascoril, analogues of which should have the same effect.

    Which generics of Ascoril are worth buying?

    Experts believe that the best alternative Ascoril is Agri tablets. This medication is advisable to use for symptomatic treatment acute respiratory diseases. In addition, Agri can be taken for preventive purposes. This remedy should not be used if a person has increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. Doctors say that Agri has no side effects. This medication is also much cheaper. The dosage of the medicine is determined solely by the attending physician based on the goals of treatment and the age of the patient.

    Another good analogue Ascoril - Analgol. The medicine is available in the form of an ointment. Analgol is used to treat symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, rheumatism, arthritis, and radiculitis. In addition, the medicine can be used for laryngitis, tracheitis or rhinitis. It is prohibited to use Analgol if a person is prone to allergic reactions. The ointment should not be used to treat children under 3 years of age. If a person has mechanical damage in the chest area, it is also not advisable to use Analgol. In some cases, the patient may experience skin irritation where the ointment is applied.

    Sometimes Ascoril Expectorant is replaced with Gripout. The medicine is available in the form of a special powder. Gripout is used for the symptomatic treatment of ARVI, if the disease is accompanied by fever or muscle pain. It is not advisable to use the medicine if a person has hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug.

    The medicine has a large number of side effects. For example, the patient may experience skin irritation, migraines, insomnia, disorders digestive system, anemia and tachycardia. In rare cases, vision problems or anaphylactic shock may occur.

    Bronchomed and Gamma

    IN Lately Bronchomed lollipops became very popular. This drug is prescribed for the treatment of symptoms of acute respiratory diseases and laryngitis. Sometimes Bronchomed is prescribed for mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane of organs respiratory system. The medicine should not be used to treat children under 3 years of age. For people who are prone to allergic reactions, the product is also contraindicated. During pregnancy or lactation, Bronchomed is prescribed extremely rarely. The medication may cause itching, redness of the skin and rash.

    A good analogue of Ascoril is Gamma syrup. The medicine contains exclusively herbal ingredients. The syrup has a good anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effect. Gamma is prescribed for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, pneumonia, bronchial asthma and laryngitis. For people who are hypersensitive to herbal components, use this medicine it is forbidden. If you have diabetes, it is also undesirable to use this product. No side effects have been identified with Gamma syrup. The dosage of the medication is determined by the doctor based on the patient’s age and the severity of the disease.

    What other medications can be used?

    In rare cases, the patient may be prescribed Gerbion, Doctor Mom or Kodarex.

    Herbion is available in the form of syrup. It is advisable to use this remedy for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, pharyngitis, tracheitis or inflammation of the respiratory tract. Herbion should not be used if a person is allergic to plant components or has inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The medication contains sugar, so patients with diabetes mellitus The use of syrup is strictly prohibited. Gerbion is also contraindicated for children under 4 years of age. The dosage will vary depending on the age of the patient. Sometimes Herbion can cause diarrhea and vomiting.

    Doctor Mom is prescribed if a person has acute diseases upper respiratory tract. The product should not be given to children under 5 years of age. This is due to the fact that the medicine contains menthol, which can provoke spasms in the bronchi. During pregnancy or lactation, Doctor Mom is rarely prescribed. The medicine causes side effects extremely rare, but in some cases the patient may develop a rash on skin And severe itching. Dosage will vary depending on availability chronic diseases at the patient.

    Kodarex syrup is prescribed for treatment allergic cough, ARVI, pharyngitis, tracheitis and infectious bronchitis. The medicine contains codeine and chlorpheniramine, so the drug is contraindicated for people suffering from bronchial asthma. In addition, if the patient has increased intracranial pressure, pneumonia, alcohol intoxication, tachycardia or epilepsy, the use of Codarex is prohibited. The syrup is contraindicated for the treatment of children under 6 years of age. The drug is also not used during lactation and pregnancy, as it can cause irreparable harm to the health of the child.

    Codarex has a number of side effects. For example, the patient may experience tachycardia, migraine, lethargy, and digestive disorders. In rare cases it is observed allergic reaction on the skin, increased sweating and frequent urination.

    How to replace Ascoril? Cheap analogues of Ascoril?

    Ascoril is a good drug. I remember buying it for my children three years ago for 60 rubles, then it was one of the cheapest and effective drugs from a wet cough. Facilitates the process of getting rid of a protracted debilitating cough.

    But now Askoril has become very expensive.

    Instead of Ascoril, I would like to suggest a simple, but very effective remedy.

    This is black radish juice with honey. Anyone can easily prepare it themselves.

    The center of the radish is taken out and filled with honey.

    After a couple of hours, the radish will float in the medicinal syrup. Take a spoonful three times a day, and soon the cough will be a memory.

    By the way, such syrup is also sold in pharmacies, but is it worth buying something that is so easy to make yourself?

    I treat children with homeopathy, which does not use sweet cough syrups. Therefore, we learned to make do with improvised means.

    Onions boiled in milk also help a lot.

    Half a glass of warm milk with onions and radishes with honey, and in a day you will feel better.

    A decoction of raspberry branches also helps a lot.

    Ascoril is a cough medicine that is available in the form of syrup for children and tablets for adults. The composition of the drugs differs slightly. The tablets contain salbutamol, bromhexine and guaifenesin. In addition to these substances, the syrup also contains menthol.

    Ascoril is most often indicated for wet coughs. Therefore, it can be replaced both with drugs with a similar composition and those that have a similar effect. Joset syrup is similar in composition to Ascoril.

    A drug with expectorant and mucolytic components - Lavozlan, Bromhexine, Ambroxol, Bronchostop and others - has a similar effect. But if you have a spastic cough, they will not be as effective as Ascoril.

    Ascoril is usually offered to those patients whose symptoms do not go away for a long time. moist cough with discharged sputum. The drug is a bronchodilator, quite effective. IN last years its price has risen sharply.

    Seeing that I was unpleasantly surprised by the price of Askoril, the pharmacist offered me its analogue JOSET, which cost 50 rubles more. cheaper. I didn't notice any difference in action. After 6 days of using the drug Joset, the child’s cough almost went away.

    Ascoril is a good drug, you can buy cheaper substitutes, but the effectiveness of treatment will suffer from this, I think that you can’t save on medicines, you have to let yourself be treated expensive medicines, but more effective than substitutes, which will take longer to treat and if they help at all. Drugs with similar effects: Pertussin, Bronchicum, Lavozlan, Bromhexine, Ambrocosol. Choose good drugs for treatment and you will be healthy and happy.

    "Ascoril": instructions for use, analogues and reviews from doctors

    Nowadays, the choice of expectorants is huge, and sometimes, when you go to a pharmacy, it is very difficult to decide, because your eyes run wide from the many offers. Today we will consider effective drug called "Ascoril": its composition, instructions, side effects, contraindications for use, as well as reviews from patients and doctors about the effect of this medicine.

    Medicinal components of the product

    The main elements that help get rid of dry cough and are present in the drug we describe are:

    Menthol. The task of this component is to expand the bronchi and, as a result, improve breathing, as well as the discharge of sputum through the respiratory tract. Another advantage of this element is that it is of natural origin and not chemical.

    Guaifenesin is a special plant substance that is obtained from the bark of the guaiac tree. The effect of this component is as follows: it significantly reduces the viscosity of sputum. The substance makes it less thick and thanks to this it comes out faster and easier.

    Bromhexine is another important component of the syrup or tablets called “Ascoril” for children and adults. It has a mucolytic, expectorant effect.

    Salbutamol. This is a bronchodilator that causes muscle relaxation and widens the airways. As a result, the patient’s breathing quickly returns to normal. But the downside of this component is that it can cause various side effects. It could be headache, tachycardia, dizziness, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, sweating, etc.

    Composition and release form

    1. In the form of tablets. Small pills - round, white, with special half markings for easy separation. Sold in cardboard packaging of 10 or 20 tablets.

    Composition: main elements – salbutamol, bromhexine hydrochloride, guaifenesin. Additional substances: a small dose of calcium hydrogen phosphate, corn starch, methylparaben, propylparaben, purified talc, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate.

    2. In the form of a carrot-colored syrup with a characteristic odor and bittersweet taste. The volume of the bottle is 100 or 200 ml. The composition is similar to the contents of the tablets, the active substances are similar, but the additional components are: a small dose of sucrose, sorbitol, glycerol, propylene glycol, sodium benzoate, lemon acid, sorbic acid, dye, menthol, blackcurrant, pineapple flavoring, purified water.

    In what cases is it prescribed

    The medicine "Ascoril", the instructions for use of which provide accurate and detailed information, is prescribed in a number of such cases:

    1. Diseases of the bronchi, as well as the lungs, which are accompanied by coughing attacks and sputum production: pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma.
    2. For whooping cough - severe infectious disease respiratory tract.
    3. For pulmonary tuberculosis - dangerous illness, which is very difficult to treat.
    4. For cystic fibrosis - congenital pathology, in which the functions of the respiratory organs are disrupted.

    The drug "Ascoril": instructions. Syrup for children and tablets for adults

    Very good effect provides medication for the treatment of dry cough in children. Only in different children's age categories the form of release of the medicine is different. So, children under the age of 6 years are prescribed “Ascoril” - cough syrup, and from 6 years old you can give the same medication, only in tablets. Little toddlers are not prescribed pills because possible risk overdose. The dosage of the medicine for children is as follows:

    In the form of a mixture:

    Up to 6 years – 5 ml three times a day;

    From 6 to 12 years – 5–10 ml per day;

    From 12 years – 10 ml three times a day.

    From 6 to 12 years – half a tablet three times a day;

    From 12 years - a whole pill three times a day.

    For adults, the medicine is also prescribed in the same dosage as for the younger generation after 12 years.

    It is advisable to take the medicine on a full stomach, about half an hour to an hour after eating. It is not recommended to drink the drug mineral water with bicarbonate or milk and soda, as this reduces the effectiveness therapeutic effect. It is best to use ordinary purified water for this purpose.

    The standard course of treatment is 5–7 days.

    Use during pregnancy

    Pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers, should not treat dry cough with this remedy. In this case, therapists prescribe different effective medicines of natural origin, which definitely will not cause side effects to the pregnant woman and her unborn child.

    Storage conditions

    The medicine should be stored at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees. The expiration date must be indicated on the packaging, and it is 2 years from the date of manufacture of the drug. It is advisable to store the suspension and tablets in a dark place, with low air humidity and always away from children so that they cannot reach and drink the contents of the bottle or swallow the pill after removing it from the blister.

    Contraindications for use

    A mixed product of plant and chemical origin that copes well with coughs is Ascoril syrup. The instructions for use of the drug state that it should not be used by persons with the following health conditions:

    Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;

    Pregnancy and the period when a woman is breastfeeding her baby;

    Liver or kidney failure;

    Gastric or duodenal ulcer in the acute stage;

    If a person has one of the diseases described above, then the patient needs to replace the medication “Ascoril”. You won’t find tablets or syrup with a similar composition, but there are many effective alternatives for treating dry cough, which we will discuss below.

    Drugs with similar effects

    Many people are interested in what can replace the medicine “Ascoril”. Analogs of this mixture are as follows: syrups “Lazolvan”, “Ambrobene”, “Erespal”. But there are still differences in composition. If the cough medicine “Ascoril” is an expectorant, that is, it helps to cope with a dry cough, then the “Lazolvan” solution can be used at any stage of the disease. If we compare our medicine with the Ambrobene mixture, there is no difference in their effects. The only difference is the cost of the drugs. “Ascoril” (syrup) is much more expensive than its analogue. The medicine Erespal has the same effect, but the remedy to which the article is devoted is much cheaper.

    Analogues of Ascoril tablets can be:

    Dragee "Mukaltin". It is an expectorant, increases the amount of sputum and reduces its viscosity. The drug is much cheaper than the drug described. Prescribed for children over 12 years of age, as well as for adults.

    Tavipex capsules. It is too inexpensive analogue Ascoril tablets, which can only be taken by adults, children up to three years you can't give it.

    Gedelix capsules. They have a minimum of side effects, are cheaper than the drug described, and are prescribed from 12 years of age.


    Taking large doses exceeding those recommended in the instructions, as well as using the drug for longer than prescribed, can cause an overdose of the drug. In this case, you must immediately stop drinking the drug and take measures aimed at alleviating the condition: rinse the stomach and take enterosorbents, for example: Enterosgel gel, tablets activated carbon. Symptoms of an overdose may include: nausea, vomiting, cardiopalmus, low blood pressure, confusion. If a person has any problems with the heart, then he definitely needs a consultation with a therapist, as well as monitoring by a cardiologist.

    Side effects of taking the drug

    Taking medication does not always lead to positive result. It happens that side effects occur in people; negative consequences are mainly associated with the use of salbutamol, which is part of the drug Ascoril. The instructions for using syrup or tablets state that unexpected effects of the medicine on the human body may occur. The most common reactions observed are:

    Unhealthy rapid heartbeat.

    Less commonly, the following may occur:

    Decreased potassium concentration in the blood.

    Very rarely, but still such reactions occur:

    All these negative aspects can be observed in adults after treatment with Ascoril. The use of the suspension to treat children can also cause various side effects, such as:

    Formation of red spots on the skin (usually on the face, less often on the torso and limbs);

    Blisters on the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, eyes, genitals;

    Taste disorder (in this condition, food seems bitter to babies);

    Feeling of numbness, tingling in the mouth;

    Decreased or increased blood pressure;

    An increase in insulin levels in the blood.

    Interaction of the drug with other medications

    There are certain rules according to which Ascoril tablets or cough syrup cannot be prescribed with other drugs. The instructions for use indicate that in the following situations you should refrain from using this medication:

    1. If the patient is taking medications containing theophylline. They can enhance the effect of salbutamol, which is part of the medicine described in this article. And this, in turn, threatens a number of side effects.
    2. Ascoril expectorant should not be taken simultaneously with other medications that contain codeine or any other cough medicines, as this makes it difficult to clear liquefied sputum.
    3. It is not recommended to take this medicine at the same time as drinking an alkaline drink.
    4. The use of the drug together with non-selective beta-adrenergic blockers, such as propranolol, is excluded.

    Doctors' opinions on the use of medicine

    Many parents are concerned about the fact that the drug contains a lot of dyes and flavors. Is it possible to use Ascoril (syrup) for children in this case? Pediatricians have different opinions on this matter. Some say that only safe additives are used in the manufacture of the medicine, so you can safely buy the product at the pharmacy. Other doctors are not so positive about the drug Ascoril. They leave reviews of the following nature: they say, even with an abundance of such additives, the taste of the syrup is bitter and not all children like it. In this case, they advise choosing a more “tasty” and effective analogue, for example, the Erespal potion.

    Another exciting question that parents ask when they come to see a pediatrician or go to the pharmacy for another expectorant is how safe this remedy is and will Ascoril syrup harm the patient? Reviews are again different. Some doctors reject unnecessary fears and concerns, even though the instructions for the medicine describe all possible side effects. Other doctors answer this question differently: the individual active ingredients of the drug have been studied thoroughly and their effectiveness has been experimentally proven, and the risks of negative consequences not tall. But in the case of complex drugs, which also include Ascoril cough syrup, it almost always happens that the combination of several elements not only enhances the positive effect of the drug, but also increases the number of contraindications. It follows that the drug can somehow harm a person, but it all depends on the specific characteristics of the body and certain conditions. Some patients take this medicine and tolerate it well, while others complain of various negative effects. But still, doctors recommend trying the medicine “Ascoril” first. Buying tablets or syrup at a pharmacy is at your discretion, but you should not be afraid of this drug in advance. Even if you experience any side effects, you can easily replace the medicine with a similar one, especially since there are a lot of options.

    Parents' opinions about the drug "Ascoril"

    Reviews from mothers about treating their children with this medicine are different. But still, the majority of adequate parents have positive opinion about him. According to their practice, the syrup really effectively helps to cope with a dry cough; the child begins to cough up mucus the very next day. After a week, their symptoms of the disease completely disappear. The price of this medicine, although not low, is worth paying for a good result, parents believe, and there is no need to save on the child’s health. The opinions of other parents are negative. Firstly, they speak poorly of the drug because it allegedly does not cope with a wet cough, but only aggravates the situation. But the fact is that this syrup treats a dry cough, but not a wet one, in which case another medicine is prescribed. Secondly, some do not monitor the dosage of the drug and, instead of the prescribed 5 ml, give children more or more often, as a result - the appearance of a lot of negative consequences. Therefore, before reading such negative comments on the Internet, you should seek advice from a specialist who will give his recommendations on the use of the drug or prescribe another treatment. In any case, it is possible to treat a child for a dry cough with suspensions from a pharmacy only after consulting a pediatrician who will examine the baby, listen to him, and diagnose him. accurate diagnosis and will assign the appropriate correct treatment. Perhaps the doctor will recommend Ascoril as the main drug, or maybe he will recommend other syrups or tablets, but this will in no way mean that the medicine described in this article is bad or ineffective.

    Now you know how good remedy You can cure a dry cough in a child or an adult. We found out the possible side effects of taking the drug, found out what the consequences of an overdose may be, and also remembered other analogues of this medicine that can replace syrup if for some reason it is not possible to be treated with Ascoril suspension or tablets. The instructions for use of the medicine fully provide all the information regarding the medicine. Reviews about the drug are mostly positive, but there are also negative reviews that you can read, but not really delve into them, because without trying the effect of the product on yourself, it is impossible to say whether it is effective or not.

    Ascoril syrup - cheap analogues (list), instructions

    All medicines exist for something, some suppress the symptoms of diseases, others try to “deal with” the cause of the disease. Ascoril – combination remedy, which contains three active ingredients, each performing its own task. The combination of all these substances fights cough, viscous sputum, and obstructive changes in the bronchi.

    A normal cough does not last long, the period of inflammation is replaced by sputum production, and the mucous membrane is completely cleared of viruses and bacteria. Unfortunately, such an optimistic picture is not always observed, and you have to seek help from traditional methods or medications.

    Our article will present a brief description of Ascoril, we will find out whether cheaper analogues exist, and whether they can completely replace the drug in question. We will also conduct a comparative assessment of ascoril and its popular analogues.

    Instructions for use of Ascoril syrup


    • salbutamol is a bronchodilator that dilates the lumens of the bronchi (suppresses asthma attacks);
    • guaifenesin - thins thick and viscous secretions;
    • Bromhexine - helps with antibiotics to cope with bacteria, removes phlegm, and relieves coughing attacks.

    Thanks to this combination, the drug is classified as an expectorant, mucolytic and bronchodilator.

    What is Ascoril produced in and its price?

    You can find only two forms of the product on pharmacy shelves:

    • tablets – pack of 10 or 20 tablets;
    • syrup - bottles of 100 or 200 ml.

    You won’t find other forms of the drug, don’t look. The syrup is more often used in pediatrics, but children sometimes refuse to take it because of its specific bitterness.

    In any case, the cost of the drug needs to be clarified, and reasonable prices can most likely be found in online pharmacies.

    For what diseases is Ascoril prescribed?

    First of all, these are all pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system, in which there is difficult to separate sputum, cough, difficulty breathing and attacks of suffocation. Let us list these pathologies:

    • tracheobronchitis and bronchitis;
    • cystic fibrosis;
    • pulmonary tuberculosis, accompanied by sputum and breathing problems;
    • pleurisy and pleuropneumonia;
    • bronchopneumonia;
    • pneumonia;
    • chronic obstructive bronchitis in the acute stage;
    • pneumoconiosis;
    • emphysema;
    • whooping cough (with attacks of convulsive cough);
    • bronchial asthma (in the presence of viscous sputum and asthma attacks).

    Note! Ascoril is not used for a normal cough. Remember that the drug contains salbutamol, which dilates the bronchi when they spasm (obstruction). Therefore, the product is not used independently, although it is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Ascoril requires special indications - cough with complications.

    How is ascoril dosed?

    Ascoril tablets, one at a time, are used three times a day. This is the dosage for adults. Children in age group from 6 to 12 years half is recommended adult dose, i.e. 0.5 tablets per dose. Ascoril tablets are prohibited for children under 6 years of age.

    Syrup is used 10 ml three times a day (for adults). Children from 6 to 12 years old take 5 or 10 ml, depending on the severity of the disease. Children (up to 6 years old) are prescribed 5 ml. The dose of the drug and the duration of treatment are always regulated by the doctor.

    Can Ascoril cause harm?

    The drug has its contraindications, and the list of these restrictions is not so short:

    • hypersensitivity to all components of the product;
    • heart rhythm failure;
    • inflammatory processes in the myocardium;
    • rapid pulse;
    • hypertension of 2 and 3 degrees;
    • glaucoma;
    • ulcerative processes of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • severe organic and functional damage to the kidneys and liver;
    • hormonal imbalances;
    • diabetes mellitus (hard-to-treat forms);
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • age up to one year (for syrup), up to 6 years (for tablets).

    If the patient has contraindications to taking it, or side effects appear, Ascoril is replaced with analogues, selecting syrup or tablets that replicate the action of the main drug, and substitutes can be either cheaper or more expensive.

    Cheap analogues of Ascoril - list

    Whether analogues are cheaper or more expensive, whether they are for children or adults, the main task of substitute drugs remains to provide therapeutic effect similar to ascoril.

    Prices today change quickly, and often one of the products was cheaper than Ascoril yesterday, but today it has become more expensive. Therefore, the selection of the drug by price is carried out directly on the day of purchase.

    Is there a list of cheaper Ascoril analogues? Let's try to make such a list and determine the difference in price.

    • erespal (syrup) – 240 rubles (150 ml);
    • codelac broncho (tablets) – 130 rub. (10 pieces.);
    • pertussin (solution) – 30 rub. (100 g);
    • ambroxol hexal (syrup) – 100 rub. (100 ml);
    • cashnol (syrup) – 160 rub. (100 ml);
    • stoptussin (syrup) – 220 rub. (100 ml);
    • lazolvan (syrup) – 200 rub. (100 ml);
    • Doctor Mom (syrup) – 160 rub. (100 ml);
    • broncholithin (syrup) – 90 rub. (125 g);
    • Ambrobene (syrup) – 120 rub. (100 ml);
    • jocet (syrup) – 190 rub. (100 ml);
    • Lorkof (syrup) – price to be confirmed.

    All the drugs presented are cheaper, and the price of some of them is 6 times less, for example, like pertussin.

    Which drug to choose - a comparative assessment of Ascoril and its analogues.

    Top 6 cheap cold medicines

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    Ascoril or Erespal?

    The purpose of the drugs is the same - to relieve the patient of cough, sputum and inflammation, but the ways to achieve this goal are different.

    Erespal is filming inflammatory reactions, tissue swelling, inhibits exudation. Ascoril releases mucus, cleanses the bronchi, eliminates obstruction in bronchial asthma and the initial stages of obstructive bronchitis.

    The drugs differ in their composition. Ascoril is a combination of drugs, erespal mono drug, active substance which is fenspiride hydrochloride. Ascoril has more side effects and contraindications.

    Ascoril is allowed from one year onwards, Erespal is prescribed to children only from two years of age. The drugs can be used simultaneously to enhance the therapeutic effect.

    Please note that earlier Erespal was more expensive, now, on the contrary, Ascoril has become more expensive. The price of erespal (150 ml) is 240 rubles, askoril (200 ml) is about 350 rubles and more.

    Ascoril or Ambrobene - which is better?

    Ambroxol hydrochloride is active substance Ambrobene. Therefore, when comparing drugs, it is clear that their composition is different. Ambrobene is much cheaper, has less adverse reactions and prohibitions - this is his advantage. Disadvantages - lack of bronchodilator properties, the range of applications is smaller, the therapeutic effect is weaker.

    In pediatrics, both drugs are prescribed only from 12 months of a child’s life.

    Ascoril or ambroxol?

    Ambroxol completely replicates the composition of Ambrobene, therefore, the indications, contraindications, and other components of these drugs are identical. The price is also low, so patients often prefer ambroxol and ambrobene to ascoril.

    When choosing one of the products - ascoril or ambroxol, you need to consider clinical picture diseases and condition of the bronchi. Only after a detailed diagnosis can you make a choice in favor of one of the remedies.

    Ascoril or lazolvan?

    Bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases are the pathologies for which the drugs in question are often used. Lazolvan contains the main substance – ambroxol hydrochloride, so the drug belongs to the structural analogues of abroxol and ambrobene (only the manufacturers are different).

    In order not to confuse patients, I would like to immediately draw attention to the fact that Ascoril includes a bronchodilator - salbutamol, the action of which distinguishes the drug from other mucolytics and expectorants medicines. Salbutamol dilates the bronchi and relieves spasms. After using Ascoril, literally 20 minutes later, patients note that they can breathe freely and the feeling of tightness in the chest has gone away.

    Therefore, if a patient is diagnosed with bronchial asthma, a pre-asthmatic condition, or obstructive bronchitis, it is better to use Ascoril.

    Often drugs are prescribed simultaneously in complex treatment pathologies of the lower respiratory tract.

    The price of lazolvan is slightly lower, which is its advantage.

    Ascoril or Fluditec?

    Fluditec has a mono composition, its main substance is carbocisteine. The drug belongs to the group of mucolytic drugs, it is used both for bronchopulmonary pathologies and for inflammatory processes nasopharynx (adenoiditis, sinusitis, sinusitis).

    Carbocysteine ​​thins mucus and relieves inflammation. It is not prescribed for glomerulonephritis, ulcerative processes of the gastrointestinal tract, in children under 2 years of age, in the first period of gestation (up to 12 weeks of pregnancy).

    Fluditec is gentler and safer. Available only in syrup. Many pediatricians prefer this particular drug, because it does not contain bronchodilators.

    Ascoril and Fluditec have almost the same cost. Fluditeca syrup 50mg/ml 125ml ( adult dosage) costs approximately 380 rubles.

    Comparing Ascoril and Fluditec, any doctor will say that the first remedy is stronger, because it contains three active ingredients, but this is not a reason to treat a common cough a strong drug. Therefore, a competent doctor will first conduct a diagnosis, and perhaps none of the remedies will be needed at all.

    Ascoril or Joset?

    Let us immediately note that the drugs are structural analogues, i.e. identical in composition. Differences are observed only in the auxiliary components. The company that produces the spruce is also different. Unlike Ascoril, Joset is available exclusively in the form of syrup.

    In principle, there is no point in comparing these drugs, because they have the same “filling”. The only advantageous parameter in the direction of the Joset is the price. A 100 ml bottle of Ascoril costs 300 rubles, and the same amount of Joset syrup costs 190 rubles.

    Ascoril or ACC what to choose?

    The drugs have different composition, the active substance of ACC is acetylcysteine. The main purpose of ACC is to reduce the viscosity of secretions, as well as to dilute mucus and remove it from the tracheobronchial tree. Acetylcysteine ​​also exhibits pneumoprotective and antioxidant effects. Used as an antidote for aldehyde poisoning.

    Acc is a product of Slovenia, Germany, Ascoril is a product of India. Unlike ascoril, ACC has more dosage forms, which makes it possible to use the drug in children in early age. Yes, fizzy ACC tablets are used from the age of two weeks in newborns.

    The price for 200 ml of syrup for Askoril and ACC is almost the same.

    The selection of analogues should not be based only on pricing policy, as often happens. Unfortunately, many citizens buy analogues, leaning towards the low cost of drugs, and this is certainly not justified. ACC or Pertussin cannot relieve bronchospasm, although according to certain criteria they are analogues of Ascoril.

    From this it follows that even the simplest antitussives should be used strictly for their intended purpose, because coughs come in different forms. Each cough has its own remedy.

    Independent selection of analogues can lead to a decrease in the therapeutic effect or its complete absence. Unnecessary experiments lead to additional waste, worsening the condition of patients and bringing pathology to the point of chronic forms. A clear diagnosis and prescription of the drug by a doctor is the surest way to eliminate all forms of cough. Be healthy!

    And a little about secrets.

    If you or your child are often sick and are treated with antibiotics alone, know that you are only treating the effect, not the cause.

    So you simply “spare” money to pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies and get sick more often.

    STOP! Stop feeding someone you don't know. You just need to boost your immunity and you will forget what it’s like to be sick!

    Review of cheap analogues of Erespal. If erespal syrup is not suitable, a doctor should select an analogue. . Instructions for use and cheap analogues of Ascoril.

    Cheap analogues of Amoxiclav - a list with prices, which ones are better. . 1 Characteristics of the drug. 2 List of cheap analogues of Amoxiclav. 3 Amoxiclav or amoxicillin.

    Cheap analogues of Cetrin - list with prices, which replacement to choose. . Syrup in a 60 ml bottle will cost approximately 110 rubles. After using the product, it is quickly absorbed.

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    Don't self-medicate! The information on the site is for informational purposes only! It is prohibited to start treatment without consulting a doctor!

    Volyk Larisa Vladimirovna

    Reading time: 7 minutes

    A A

    All medicines exist for something, some suppress the symptoms of diseases, others try to “deal with” the cause of the disease. Ascoril is a combination product that contains three active ingredients, each performing its own task. The combination of all these substances fights cough, viscous sputum, and obstructive changes in the bronchi.

    A normal cough does not last long, the period of inflammation is replaced by sputum production, and the mucous membrane is completely cleared of viruses and bacteria. Unfortunately, such an optimistic picture is not always observed, and one has to turn to traditional methods or medications for help.

    Our article will provide a brief description of Ascoril, we will find out whether there are cheaper analogues, and whether they can completely replace the drug in question. We will also conduct a comparative assessment of ascoril and its popular analogues.

    Instructions for use of Ascoril syrup


    • salbutamol is a bronchodilator that dilates the lumens of the bronchi (suppresses asthma attacks);
    • guaifenesin - thins thick and viscous secretions;
    • Bromhexine - helps with antibiotics to cope with bacteria, removes phlegm, and relieves coughing attacks.

    Thanks to this combination, the drug is classified as an expectorant, mucolytic and bronchodilator.

    What is Ascoril produced in and its price?

    You can find only two forms of the product on pharmacy shelves:

    • tablets – pack of 10 or 20 tablets;
    • syrup - bottles of 100 or 200 ml.

    You won’t find other forms of the drug, don’t look. The syrup is more often used in pediatrics, but children sometimes refuse to take it because of its specific bitterness.

    The price of Ascoril ranges from 200 to 450 rubles, depending on the form of release and volume of the drug. Tablets (10 pieces) can be found for 180 rubles, the most expensive is 200 ml syrup, about 450 rubles.

    In any case, the cost of the drug needs to be clarified, and reasonable prices can most likely be found in online pharmacies.

    For what diseases is Ascoril prescribed?

    First of all, these are all pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system, in which there is difficult to separate sputum, cough, difficulty breathing and attacks of suffocation. Let us list these pathologies:

    • tracheobronchitis and bronchitis;
    • cystic fibrosis;
    • pulmonary tuberculosis, accompanied by sputum and breathing problems;
    • pleurisy and pleuropneumonia;
    • bronchopneumonia;
    • pneumonia;
    • chronic obstructive bronchitis in the acute stage;
    • pneumoconiosis;
    • emphysema;
    • whooping cough (with attacks of convulsive cough);
    • bronchial asthma (in the presence of viscous sputum and asthma attacks).

    Note! Ascoril is not used for a normal cough. Remember that the drug contains salbutamol, which dilates the bronchi when they spasm (obstruction). Therefore, the product is not used independently, although it is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Ascoril requires special indications - cough with complications.

    How is ascoril dosed?

    Ascoril tablets, one at a time, are used three times a day. This is the dosage for adults. For children in the age group of 6 to 12 years, half the adult dose is recommended, i.e. 0.5 tablets per dose. Ascoril tablets are prohibited for children under 6 years of age.

    Syrup is used 10 ml three times a day (for adults). Children from 6 to 12 years old take 5 or 10 ml, depending on the severity of the disease. Children (up to 6 years old) are prescribed 5 ml. The dose of the drug and the duration of treatment are always regulated by the doctor.

    Causes and treatment of cough

    Can Ascoril cause harm?

    The drug has its contraindications, and the list of these restrictions is not so short:

    • hypersensitivity to all components of the product;
    • heart rhythm failure;
    • inflammatory processes in the myocardium;
    • rapid pulse;
    • hypertension of 2 and 3 degrees;
    • glaucoma;
    • ulcerative processes of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • severe organic and functional damage to the kidneys and liver;
    • hormonal imbalances;
    • diabetes mellitus (hard-to-treat forms);
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • age up to one year (for syrup), up to 6 years (for tablets).

    Sometimes, as a result of taking the drug, patients note the appearance of symptoms such as: tremor, discomfort in the stomach, nausea, increased heart rate, bronchospasm, tremors in the limbs, skin rash.

    If the patient has contraindications to taking it, or side effects appear, Ascoril is replaced with analogues, selecting syrup or tablets that replicate the action of the main drug, and substitutes can be either cheaper or more expensive.

    Cheap analogues of Ascoril - list

    Whether analogues are cheaper or more expensive, whether they are for children or adults, the main task of substitute drugs remains to provide a therapeutic effect similar to Ascoril.

    Prices today change quickly, and often one of the products was cheaper than Ascoril yesterday, but today it has become more expensive. Therefore, the selection of the drug by price is carried out directly on the day of purchase.

    Is there a list of cheaper Ascoril analogues? Let's try to make such a list and determine the difference in price.

    List of cheap analogues

    • erespal (syrup) – 240 rubles (150 ml);
    • codelac broncho (tablets) – 130 rub. (10 pieces.);
    • pertussin (solution) – 30 rub. (100 g);
    • ambroxol hexal (syrup) – 100 rub. (100 ml);
    • cashnol (syrup) – 160 rub. (100 ml);
    • stoptussin (syrup) – 220 rub. (100 ml);
    • lazolvan (syrup) – 200 rub. (100 ml);
    • Doctor Mom (syrup) – 160 rub. (100 ml);
    • broncholithin (syrup) – 90 rub. (125 g);
    • Ambrobene (syrup) – 120 rub. (100 ml);
    • jocet (syrup) – 190 rub. (100 ml);
    • Lorkof (syrup) – price to be confirmed.

    All the drugs presented are cheaper, and the price of some of them is 6 times less, for example, like pertussin.

    Lorkof, Joset, Cashnol are three drugs produced in India that are structural analogues of Ascoril. Their advantage is more low price than that of the drug in question.

    Which drug to choose - a comparative assessment of Ascoril and its analogues.

    Top 6 cheap cold medicines

    Ascoril or Erespal?

    The purpose of the drugs is the same - to relieve the patient of cough, sputum and inflammation, but the ways to achieve this goal are different.

    Erespal relieves inflammatory reactions, tissue swelling, and inhibits exudation. Ascoril releases mucus, cleanses the bronchi, eliminates obstruction in bronchial asthma and the initial stages of obstructive bronchitis.

    The drugs differ in their composition. Ascoril is a combination of drugs, erespal mono drug, the active ingredient of which is fenspiride hydrochloride. Ascoril has more side effects and contraindications.

    At prolonged cough with viscous sputum, it is recommended to use erespal, especially if low-grade fever is observed. If the patient notices that breathing is “blocking”, suffocation appears, the choice will fall towards Ascoril, because. it contains a bronchodilator (salbutamol), which helps relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi.

    Ascoril is allowed from one year onwards, Erespal is prescribed to children only from two years of age. The drugs can be used simultaneously to enhance the therapeutic effect.

    Please note that earlier Erespal was more expensive, now, on the contrary, Ascoril has become more expensive. The price of erespal (150 ml) is 240 rubles, askoril (200 ml) is about 350 rubles and more.

    Ascoril or Ambrobene - which is better?

    Ambroxol hydrochloride is the active substance of ambrobene. Therefore, when comparing drugs, it is clear that their composition is different. Ambrobene is much cheaper, has fewer unwanted reactions and prohibitions - this is its advantage. Disadvantages - lack of bronchodilator properties, the range of applications is smaller, the therapeutic effect is weaker.

    In pediatrics, both drugs are prescribed only from 12 months of a child’s life.

    Ascoril or ambroxol?

    Ambroxol completely replicates the composition of Ambrobene, therefore, the indications, contraindications, and other components of these drugs are identical. The price is also low, so patients often prefer ambroxol and ambrobene to ascoril.

    When choosing one of the remedies - ascoril or ambroxol, it is necessary to take into account the clinical picture of the disease and the condition of the bronchi. Only after a detailed diagnosis can you make a choice in favor of one of the remedies.

    Ascoril or lazolvan?

    Bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases are the pathologies for which the drugs in question are often used. Lazolvan contains the main substance – ambroxol hydrochloride, so the drug belongs to the structural analogues of abroxol and ambrobene (only the manufacturers are different).

    In order not to confuse patients, I would like to immediately draw attention to the fact that Ascoril includes a bronchodilator - salbutamol, the action of which distinguishes the drug from other mucolytic and expectorant drugs. Salbutamol dilates the bronchi and relieves spasms. After using Ascoril, literally 20 minutes later, patients note that they can breathe freely and the feeling of tightness in the chest has gone away.

    Therefore, if a patient is diagnosed with bronchial asthma, a pre-asthmatic condition, or obstructive bronchitis, it is better to use Ascoril.

    Often, drugs are prescribed simultaneously in the complex treatment of pathologies of the lower respiratory tract.

    The price of lazolvan is slightly lower, which is its advantage.

    Ascoril or Fluditec?

    Fluditec has a mono composition, its main substance is carbocisteine. The drug belongs to the group of mucolytic drugs, it is used both for bronchopulmonary pathologies and for inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx (adenoiditis, sinusitis, sinusitis).

    Carbocysteine ​​thins mucus and relieves inflammation. It is not prescribed for glomerulonephritis, ulcerative processes of the gastrointestinal tract, in children under 2 years of age, in the first period of gestation (up to 12 weeks of pregnancy).

    Fluditec is gentler and safer. Available only in syrup. Many pediatricians prefer this particular drug, because it does not contain bronchodilators.

    Ascoril and Fluditec have almost the same cost. Fluditec syrup 50 mg/ml 125 ml (adult dosage) costs approximately 380 rubles.

    Comparing Ascoril and Fluditec, any doctor will say that the first remedy is stronger, because it contains three active ingredients, but this is not a reason to treat a common cough with a strong drug. Therefore, a competent doctor will first conduct a diagnosis, and perhaps none of the remedies will be needed at all.

    Ascoril or Joset?

    Let us immediately note that the drugs are structural analogues, i.e. identical in composition. Differences are observed only in the auxiliary components. The company that produces the spruce is also different. Unlike Ascoril, Joset is available exclusively in the form of syrup.

    In principle, there is no point in comparing these drugs, because they have the same “filling”. The only advantageous parameter in the direction of the Joset is the price. A 100 ml bottle of Ascoril costs 300 rubles, and the same amount of Joset syrup costs 190 rubles.

    Ascoril or ACC what to choose?

    The drugs have different compositions; the active ingredient is acetylcysteine. The main purpose of ACC is to reduce the viscosity of secretions, as well as to dilute mucus and remove it from the tracheobronchial tree. Acetylcysteine ​​also exhibits pneumoprotective and antioxidant effects. Used as an antidote for aldehyde poisoning.

    Acc is a product of Slovenia, Germany, Ascoril is a product of India. Unlike ascoril, ACC has more dosage forms, which makes it possible to use the drug in children at an early age. So, effervescent tablets ACCs are used already from two weeks of age in newborns.

    The price for 200 ml of syrup for Askoril and ACC is almost the same.

    So what to choose – Ascoril or ACC? In the absence of bronchospasm and obstruction, it is not recommended to use Ascoril. There is no point in influencing the bronchi with dilating agents if they are not “squeezed.” Sticky sputum can be eliminated even more by simple means, such as acc. A therapist or pulmonologist will help determine exactly which remedy is suitable for each individual patient.


    The selection of analogues should not be based only on pricing policy, as is often the case. Unfortunately, many citizens buy analogues, leaning towards the low cost of drugs, and this is certainly not justified. ACC or Pertussin cannot relieve bronchospasm, although according to certain criteria they are analogues of Ascoril.

    From this it follows that even the simplest antitussives should be used strictly for their intended purpose, because coughs come in different forms. Each cough has its own remedy.

    Ascoril, Joset, Cashnol are complex drugs that contain salbutamol, and they need to be managed skillfully. Therefore, antitussives with a bronchodilator effect should be prescribed by a pulmonologist after diagnostic procedures.

    Independent selection of analogues can lead to a decrease in the therapeutic effect or its complete absence. Excessive experiments lead to additional waste, worsening the condition of patients and bringing the pathology to chronic forms. A clear diagnosis and prescription of the drug by a doctor is the surest way to eliminate all forms of cough. Be healthy!

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