Home Oral cavity A safe cough expectorant for infants - a list of medications with instructions. Expectorant and mucolytic drugs for children Sputum syrup for children from one year of age

A safe cough expectorant for infants - a list of medications with instructions. Expectorant and mucolytic drugs for children Sputum syrup for children from one year of age

Any mother should have expectorants for children in her medicine cabinet. Therefore, there are practically no children who manage to be healthy throughout their entire happy childhood. That is, they do not get sick from colds or ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections).

How does cough start in children?

Usually, when children have a cold, the “entrance gate of infection” is first affected. This is the throat, tonsils, nasal mucosa. Local Clinical signs depend on where exactly the enemy has infiltrated. If a sneaky virus has penetrated through the nasal mucosa, then the body begins to try with all its might to protect itself from its further penetration deep into the body. It cleanses itself by producing copious mucus. That is, the child begins to have a runny nose.

But the throat and tonsils cannot produce mucus in the same way as the nose. They react to the invasion of a foreign microorganism by turning red. As well as an increase in temperature at the site of inflammation. And fever throughout the body.

The brain receives a signal: “Pain, throat needs help.” At this stage, acute respiratory infections are prescribed treatment aimed at sanitizing the throat and nasal mucosa.

Conditions for dry cough

There are many varieties of acute respiratory infections viruses. One of them may insidiously infiltrate. And then capture new territories respiratory system your child. It actively multiplies and descends from the throat below. Into the trachea, causing tracheitis. If the virus along the way infects the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx, pharyngitis begins. If it is the larynx, laryngitis begins.

Due to irritation of the throat by the inflammatory process, the child begins to cough. It happens that a worried mother runs to the pharmacy, bypassing the doctor, to get expectorants for her child. After all, the cough seemed to be dry, there was no wheezing, and a visit to the doctor was not part of my mother’s plans.

What will help or not help with a dry cough?

The pharmacist will be happy to recommend the most modern medicine. Also, the newest, but expensive. And a very “effective” and safe expectorant. With good intentions, the mother will begin her treatment for the baby. And all in vain! Expectorants do not help with laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis!

With such a cough, it will be useful to treat the throat with a harmless aqualor for children .

And also drink plenty of alkaline drinks. Also I like healing effect with a dry cough from inhalations with mineral water. “Essentuki No. 17” has a high soda content. It softens dry cough very well. Makes it easier general state. Inhalations should be carried out with a nebulizer. Then your child will quickly get rid of a dry cough. And it will be safe!

Previously, mustard plasters were prescribed for dry coughs. calf muscles. This remedy still works. But not every child will agree to such a procedure.

Cough lozenges have a good expectorant, that is, cough softening effect. I like "Doctor Mom" ​​or "Pectusin". Although, they must be used as prescribed by a doctor. However, like other means too. Please note that the latter remedy must be stored in the refrigerator.

When is the use of expectorants necessary?

It’s a completely different matter when a viral (or microbial) infection takes over the territory of the bronchi. Then tracheobronchitis or bronchitis will begin. If you do not take it immediately upon initial entry of the virus into the child’s body. correct measures, tracheobronchitis can begin quite quickly.

The bronchi are protected from inflammation in the same way as the nasal mucosa. They produce mucus, that is, phlegm. , which happens not only during the day, but also at night. The cough can be paroxysmal; a coughing attack can occur from loud talking or laughter. This stage is an indication for the prescription of expectorants.

But before you run to the pharmacy, show your child to the children's doctor. The fact is that if expectorants are not given, the sputum will become thick and it will be difficult to cough up. The child will suffer from a painful, non-productive cough.

Why is it dangerous for a child to self-medicate?

Some expectorants dilute sputum very intensively, which is also fraught with consequences. Liquefied sputum, if a lot of it has accumulated, will come out, filling the lumen of the bronchus from the inside. This condition is called bronchial obstruction, which, of course, will not bring anything good for your baby.

The mother must understand that the baby cannot always talk about his feelings. This means that during treatment with expectorants, you need to see a doctor. The specialist will understand where your child’s pain is. Where did the inflammatory process develop?

Will resolve the issue of prescribing not only an expectorant needed for treatment in this moment. But also directed against a pathogen - a virus or microbe. As well as other symptomatic remedies that alleviate the general condition of your baby.

What expectorant is best to have at home?

It’s useful to have Ascoril in your mother’s medicine cabinet. This is a combination cough medicine. Ascoril contains three active ingredients: salbutamol, bromhexine and guaifenesin. Of course, these substances can be used one at a time. But in Ascoril they complement each other, relieving coughing attacks as quickly as possible.

Salbutamol dilates the bronchi, preventing an attack of bronchospasm. Bromhexine is a well-known expectorant that thins mucus well, facilitating its exit from the bronchi. Guaifenesin, which is part of Ascoril, is also included in the drugs Tussin, Coldrex Broncho, Terraflu KV. This substance also has an expectorant effect.

The medicine Ascoril cannot be used for a long time, more than 7 days. It should not be used simultaneously with antitussives. Before buying Ascoril at the pharmacy, mom should read the instructions for the drug, especially contraindications.

Herbs help too

It is also useful to have expectorant herbs at home. This may be breast collection No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, or No. 4. These mixtures include various combinations of herbs. All of them have not only an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, but also a general beneficial effect on the body.

If a child has allergies, then it is better not to use a collection of herbs, but to have one or two proven expectorant herbs in stock. These can be wild rosemary, licorice, marshmallow, pine buds and others. Expectorant herbs should be given to children in age-appropriate dosages and on the recommendation of a doctor.

Seemingly simple but effective pills

Another simple but effective expectorant: “Cough tablets.” This medicine has been prescribed since Soviet times. Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) provides alkaline environment, in which sputum is expectorated better. And thermopsis grass is an expectorant.

Cough tablets were prescribed for a dry cough to turn it into a wet cough and cure it. First you need to determine the dose. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor. Then, therapeutic dose It is brewed in boiling water like tea and taken in small sips.

Even these simple tablets have contraindications and are given to children only as prescribed by a doctor.

Medicine does not stand still; new medicines are being created to relieve cough. Combination expectorants are available. In any case, a competent doctor should help with the choice after examining the child, and not a pharmacy pharmacist.

Do you know a good expectorant? Write to us in the comments about its action and cost.

Hello. I am the author of this blog, Elena Gennadieva, nurse 1st category. My children are an adult son and a little daughter. When I started writing articles here, my daughter was only 4 months old. I was on leave to care for her. Often I had to face some problems that I dealt with competently and successfully. What I regularly wrote about on my blog. I am sure that my articles will help many parents solve similar problems just as easily. https://vk.com/club72813640

Currently, the domestic market offers a wide range of expectorants for children. Choose best medicine cough relief for each specific small patient is a difficult task not only for parents, but also for doctors. Medicines are produced in the form of tablets, syrups and drops intended for children of different ages. And folk remedies are presented in the form of preparations for decoctions and infusions.

For therapy to be as effective as possible, the course of treatment must be prescribed by a specialist. Self-medication may not only not give the desired result, but also cause a number of side effects.

Choosing medications on your own is highly discouraged, because there are many causes of cough. It can be caused not only by ordinary bronchitis, but also by other diseases of the bronchi, throat, etc. Even with ordinary bronchitis there is a cough various types– or dry, and in each situation you need to choose an effective remedy.

Types of cough suppressants

All expectorants for children, including medications for babies under one year of age, are divided into two main groups.

  • Mucolytic cough suppressants that help thin mucus. They are prescribed for coughs with thick, difficult-to-clear sputum. These medications thin it out, but do not increase the volume of sputum. Conservative and folk remedies of the expectorant type have a similar disadvantage.

Mucolytics are used in the treatment of pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis and other diseases lower parts respiratory tract. However, they should not be taken together with antitussive drugs. Such medications are not prescribed for wet and profuse cough.

  • Cough expectorants that facilitate the removal of mucus from the pulmonary tract by diluting it. An expectorant is indicated for children with prolonged inflammatory processes respiratory organs, not accompanied by the presence of difficult-to-separate, thick sputum.

Medicines in this group are represented mainly by herbal medicines. Many folk remedies for cough according to the type of action belong to this type of drugs.

Popular expectorants for babies

Expectorants for children, including babies under one year of age, most widely available in domestic pharmacies include:

  • Gedelix. This is a cough medicine, the main active ingredient of which is ivy leaf extract. It is available in the form of drops or syrup, perfect even for babies under one year old (it is recommended to give it to infants in a diluted form). Gedelix does not contain dyes, preservatives or alcohol.

  • Mukaltin. Cough tablets, known since Soviet times, and containing the medicinal marshmallow. This expectorant is prescribed for children aged 3 years and older; the drug is contraindicated for children under one year of age. The dosage is determined by the age of the child. Mucaltin should be taken every 4 hours.
  • Dr. MOM. This good remedy, which contains 11 medicinal plants. This syrup is prescribed to children aged 3-14 years, 0.5 teaspoon three times a day (for children over 6 years old, the dose can be doubled). Treatment usually lasts 2-3 weeks.

  • Liquorice root. Such an expectorant has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, bronchodilator and mucolytic effects on the child’s body for children. But when using it, overdose must be avoided, since the medicine contains ethanol. For children under 6 years of age it is given in a diluted form. The course of treatment with this drug is on average 7-10 days.
  • Pertussin. One of the most famous cough remedies in the post-Soviet space. Directions for use: 0.5-1.5 teaspoons of syrup up to 3 times a day.
  • Alteyka. This medicine is suitable for those who prefer to use folk remedies for cough. It contains amino acids, pectin, mineral salts, organic acids, provitamin A and many others useful material. This medication improves the functioning of the bronchi, and also increases the amount of mucus produced and reduces its viscosity.

The dosage of Alteyka for children under one year of age does not exceed 0.5 teaspoon, the frequency of administration is no more than 2 times a day. Children 1-2 years old can take the medicine in the same amount 3-4 times a day. Children 2-7 years old are advised to take the medicine up to 6 times a day, a teaspoon, and adolescents up to 14 years old - 2 teaspoons.

Traditional medicine

No less popular is the treatment of cough in children. The advantages of such drugs are their relative harmlessness to the child’s body.. Sage, plantain, marshmallow, coltsfoot, etc. are used as expectorants. Mint, oregano, licorice root and thermopsis are used in the form of syrup, and chamomile is an excellent folk remedy for inhalation.

Stimulates expectoration and baking soda, which is added to milk for drinking, is used for inhalation and rinsing. The use of soda is acceptable for treating babies under one year of age.

Folk remedies should be taken with great caution, because the child may have allergic reactions to them.

Massage helps remove mucus chest in children, as well as drinking plenty of fluids. The air in the room where the child is located should be slightly humid, as dry air increases irritation of the respiratory tract.

Please remember that before taking medicines, both synthetic and prepared from natural ingredients, you must definitely consult a specialist, since misuse medications can cause complications or increase the inflammatory process.

By virtue of negative influence atmosphere in children, immunity often decreases and a cough occurs, which needs to be treated.

In this regard, expectorant folk remedies and medical remedies are gaining popularity.

Let's figure out what can be given to babies and which drugs can be harmful.

Causes of phlegm in a child's throat

The reasons for the formation of mucus in the larynx in children can be very diverse. But all of them are the body’s reaction to inflammation or the proliferation of bacteria, which lead to disease.

The task of parents during this period is to act comprehensively, that is, to eliminate the phlegm itself and the cause of its appearance, in order to protect the baby from infection and clear his airways.

Looking ahead, I would like to note that with a dry cough, expectorants do not need to be given. They just won't help. But the cause of phlegm will remain the same.

The most common causes of mucus in a child’s throat can be:

  • Inflammatory process in the nasopharynx and larynx. The appearance of mucus is the body’s response to fight inflammation. Most often occurs with ARVI, colds, sore throat,. At this stage it is important to seek medical care to establish the exact cause of sputum and eliminate it before the disease gains momentum. If you miss this moment, you risk the child’s health. He may develop something else serious illness, for example pneumonia, the advanced form of which can be fatal.
  • Atmosphere. When you inhale contaminated air, your airways become continually irritated, which can result in a wet, hacking cough. It is important to wet clean the children's room daily and ventilate it. Under no circumstances should you smoke in the apartment where the child is. Thus, you will reduce the risk of your child getting sick tenfold.
  • Chronic diseases. As a rule, they rarely occur in children, but they can occur. With chronic rhinitis or sinusitis, mucus may appear in the throat. Depending on the disease, the nature of sputum varies. For example, with bronchitis, the sputum is viscous and causes a lot of discomfort when breathing. It is in this case that you need to give the child expectorants. If the mucus when coughing up has a reddish tint, this indicates pneumonia and requires immediate hospitalization.
  • . Often, a stuffy nose is a reaction to an irritant due to an allergy. The nasopharynx secretes mucus, which enters the throat and provokes a cough. In this case, you need to neutralize the cause of the allergy, then relieve swelling and inflammation, and then take medications that thin the mucus.

As you can see, there can be many reasons for the appearance of sputum in the larynx, ranging from common allergies to pneumonia. Accordingly, such symptoms cannot be ignored, because your child’s health is at stake.

You need to go to the doctor for precise definition diseases. Self-medication can have negative consequences.

Naturally, you can give your child milk with honey or tea with raspberries during this period, but if the cause of the cough is a virus, it must be killed with medication.

Treatment of phlegm in the throat in children

First of all, I would like to say that the method of treatment directly depends on the reason why mucus occurs in the nasopharynx and wet cough in children and on the age of the child. Not all medications can be taken from the first days of a child’s life.

Especially folk remedies. IN home medicine antiviral drug number one is honey. But you won’t give it to a child at 2-3 months.

If mucus occurs due to a cold (it usually occurs when the body is hypothermic), pharyngitis or bronchitis, then the doctor will prescribe mucolytics that remove phlegm. To speed up the healing process, a special massage will help to clear the airways.

For infants for whom medications are contraindicated, a special back massage is performed. It is advisable that the pediatrician show the parents how to massage the baby for the first time.

Such manipulations accelerate the removal of mucus from the throat and respiratory tract. small child.

You need to massage from the lower back to the neck. These movements will provoke the movement of mucus.

Redness of the baby's skin indicates that you are doing everything right and improving blood circulation in the small body.

How to relieve a child’s cough with massage is shown in the video:

Medication method

If a child has a sore throat and sputum production, it is necessary to visit a pediatrician or therapist (depending on the child’s age) to determine the cause of the disease. Then the doctor necessarily prescribes medical expectorants.

At home, you can speed up the healing process by using traditional methods– herbal decoctions, milk, honey, ginger, aloe and other natural antiseptics.

It is very important at this stage for parents to avoid making the most common mistake.

Under no circumstances should you give expectorant medications to a child with dry cough. Not only will they not bring desired result, but can also aggravate the situation.

When bacteria get on the mucous membrane, the body reacts with a runny nose, especially in small children under two years of age. If you ignore a runny nose, bacteria will multiply rapidly and begin to affect the throat and tonsils.

During this period, the child develops a sore throat and a cough (dry). If he takes an expectorant, there will be no result. First, you need to destroy the cause - the pathogenic infection that provokes the development of the disease in the baby.

For this you need antimicrobials, but not expectorants. Preparations for thinning sputum in children are divided into several types:

  • Reflex – they irritate the gastric mucosa and provoke a gag reflex. But vomiting does not occur, but instead respiratory tract All the mucus collects. The medication causes her to cough up when she coughs.
  • Mucolytic. This group is also aimed at thinning sputum. Important! They are contraindicated for children under two years of age. This is due to the observation of a high number of side effects.
  • Resorptive - irritate the bronchial mucosa and remove phlegm from the body.

The most popular drugs

List of the most effective and common drugs for children that thin mucus and provoke expectoration:

  • Fluimucil, according to experts, is the most effective drug, dilutes sputum and removes it.
  • Alteyka stimulates the removal of mucus and improves the functioning of the bronchi. Among the others similar drugs affordable.
  • Licorice root can be given to children in the first days of life. When taking licorice root, you should drink plenty of fluids. In addition to mother's milk, it should be tea or clean warm water.
  • Bromhexine is intended for children over three years of age. Recommendations for use: bronchitis, bronchial, tracheobronchitis and other lesions of the lower respiratory tract. Available in tablet form.
  • Pertussin relaxes the throat, relieves swelling and inflammation, and has an expectorant effect.
  • Doctor Mom. This is a cough syrup made from medicinal herbs. Has a minimum of contraindications and provides effective action at wet cough.

Before purchasing one of the products and starting treatment at home, consult your doctor, otherwise there may be negative consequences.


Parents can use expectorant folk remedies for children with a strong cough and to thin and remove mucus.

The main thing is to use it wisely healing properties plants so as not to harm.

Traditional medicine can be used as additional methods on the road to recovery.

First of all, see a doctor, and then you can prepare medications for treatment at home.

The peculiarity of products prepared independently is their 100% natural composition. At the same time, children take them with pleasure, because many of them have a pleasant taste.


These few simple recipes will help cope with phlegm in the throat and cough:

  • Fresh banana. To prepare it, you need to take a glass of water, a few tablespoons of sugar and two ripe bananas. All this needs to be mixed in a blender, and then the resulting mixture should be boiled for a couple of minutes. Give the child warm gruel. The properties of banana soothe the throat, reduce coughing attacks and have an analgesic effect. The advantage of this porridge is that it has a high energy value. You can replace a full dose, especially during illness, when the baby loses his appetite.
  • Radish. Regular radish juice is considered one of the most strong means traditional medicine for expectoration and quenching severe cough. You need to cut the radish in half and make indentations with a knife. Put a little honey in them and leave for a while. Within an hour, juice will appear in the recesses. It should be given to the child every 4 hours, a teaspoon. The bitterness of the radish is neutralized by the honey, so the taste will be mild.
  • Milk with honey. Mix a spoonful of honey in a glass of warm milk (cow or goat) and give it to your baby several times a day.
  • Tea with jam. Raspberry, currant or lemon jam perfectly relieves cold symptoms and has an excellent expectorant effect.
  • Juice . To do this, you need to finely chop the aloe leaf, after cutting off the spines from it. Add a spoonful of natural honey and mix well until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Give the child 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

Side effects of expectorants

In addition to all the beneficial actions, medical and folk methods may entail side effects.

In some cases, folk remedies for thinning sputum and expectorants for children can be much more useful medical supplies, since they consist entirely of natural ingredients.

The main thing is that before giving your child jam, honey and other ingredients, study their properties so that when treating a cough you do not provoke an allergic reaction.

You need to be extremely careful with bee products, as they can cause irritation. Taking medicines You must follow the dose and all doctor’s recommendations. Also remember to read the instructions before use.

If a child has a cough, runny nose and fever, then it is necessary to take several medications for different purposes: antiviral, antiviral, antipyretic.

To avoid loading children's body, it would be advisable to lower the temperature medicinally, and use traditional medicine as an expectorant.

This will significantly reduce the load on the liver and gastrointestinal tract, and the effect of treatment will not be long in coming.

The famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky gives a lot of advice to parents about treating children for cough:

  • Drink plenty of fluids, tea, water and herbal infusions. The main thing is not hot, so as not to provoke throat irritation.
  • Rinsing the nose will greatly speed up the process of washing out mucus and clear the airways.
  • The benefits of medicinal products that thin sputum over drinking plenty of fluids have not been proven.
  • Children under two years of age are strictly prohibited from taking mucolytic cough suppressants.

Komarovsky claims that expectorants dilute the viscosity of sputum and there is more of it. Accordingly, the cough becomes more frequent. And it's not side effect means, this is precisely the effect of an expectorant, regardless of whether it is folk or pharmacy.

In most cases, cough occurs as a result of ARVI, when viruses affect the upper respiratory tract (nose and throat), then an inflammatory process necessarily develops. It directly affects the mucus that collects in the lungs. But treating sputum and ARVI are completely different things.

In case of inflammatory processes in the lower respiratory tract, that is, bronchitis or pneumonia, parental treatment is out of the question. Here it is necessary qualified assistance specialist and there are expectorants.

Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky, addressing all parents, states that it is important to contact a pediatrician first. Because there can be no self-medication without a diagnosis.

Most parents make a grave mistake when they “stuff” their child with expectorants when the upper respiratory tract is affected.

This makes no sense! They won't work. In this case, you need to kill the virus that affects the mucous membrane.

In summing up, I would like to address the parents. Don’t ruin your children’s health, don’t make diagnoses yourself using Google, grandmothers and girlfriends. At the first cough or runny nose, go to the hospital.

A qualified doctor will be able to absolutely accurately establish a diagnosis, based on which he will prescribe.

When treating with traditional medicine, pay attention to the components from which you prepare the medicine. If it is milk, it must be fresh, if it is honey, it must be natural.

When it comes to herbs, you need to be careful as many herbs can cause side effects. And when treating a child for a wet cough, you need to drink a lot. A generous amount of liquid will remove all mucus and help the body cope with all bacteria.

And one more thing: if the doctor prescribed mucolytic drugs to a child who is not yet 2 years old, run away from this doctor. This is contraindicated. In European countries, back in 2010, mucolytics were officially banned for children, because they caused great amount complaints about side effects.

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Read for Health one hundred percent:

Today we’ll talk about which cough expectorants are best used to facilitate mucus discharge in diseases of the upper respiratory tract in adults and children. Everyone knows how exhausting a suffocating cough is, making it impossible to breathe normally. Accumulation of mucus in the bronchi - dangerous symptom, which creates conditions for the spread of infection and prolongs the course of the disease. Prevent possible complications Medicines with an expectorant effect help, which remove accumulated mucus as quickly and effectively as possible.

Cough expectorants: types and classification

Modern pharmaceutical industry issues a wide range of expectorant agents in a wide variety of dosage forms. On pharmacy shelves you can find syrups, regular and chewable tablets, solutions, lozenges and lozenges.

How to sort through this sea of ​​proposals and choose a truly effective cough expectorant? First, you need to consult a doctor who, after clarifying the diagnosis, will select the most optimal treatment option.

We do not recommend purchasing medications on your own, because coughs come in different forms. And if, with a dry cough, you take drugs that suppress the cough reflex along with drugs that dilute sputum, you can provoke undesirable consequences.

In this case, bronchial secretions will accumulate in the lungs, but will not be able to be released from the bronchial tract. Such thick, stagnant sputum becomes an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria and increases the risk of developing purulent complications.

If we talk about expectorants, they should be used after a dry cough turns into a more productive and wet one. In this case, taking medications will help the discharge of not too thick sputum and clear the airways as quickly as possible. All cough expectorants are usually divided into several main groups:

  1. Irritating drugs. This large group includes products based on medicinal plants (marshmallow, thermopsis, plantain, thyme, ivy, licorice). The mechanism of action of the drugs is based on irritation of mucosal receptors, resulting in stimulation of the bronchial glands and increased sputum production. An increase in the volume of bronchial secretions makes them less thick and speeds up their discharge.
  2. Preparations of the sulfhydryl group. Popular agents are ACC, Carbocysteine. Their action is aimed at oxidizing and breaking the disulfide bonds of mucopolysaccharides from which sputum is formed. Thanks to this, bronchial secretions are diluted and more easily removed from the lungs.
  3. Medicines based on vasicin. The most popular group, whose representatives are the drugs Bromhexine, Ambrobene, Ambroxol. These agents also contribute to the destruction of mucoproteins and mucopolysaccharides, which form the basis of bronchial secretions, making them less viscous. Additionally, vasicin preparations stimulate the airways to cleanse themselves.
  4. Medicines with a combined effect are an expectorant and mucolytic agent in one bottle. They help thin viscous and thick sputum and accelerate its removal from the respiratory tract. Additionally, they have an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effect, soothe sore throat, reduce swelling and relieve other symptoms colds. Prominent representatives of this groups - drugs Bronchicum, Codelac Broncho, Eufillin.

Herbal remedies with expectorant action

The largest group of cough medications, which is especially popular among patients due to its effectiveness, natural ingredients, minimum contraindications and side effects. Depending on the composition, these products can be divided into several main subgroups:

  1. Preparations marshmallow. Representatives: Mucaltin tablets, Alteyka syrup. They provide an expectorant effect by stimulating the peristalsis of the bronchioles, helping to liquefy thick secretions and remove them from the respiratory tract. Additionally, they exhibit anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Thermopsis preparations(Thermopsol and Codelac broncho tablets). Due to the high content of plant alkaloids, thermopsis grass exhibits pronounced expectorant properties, stimulates the bronchial glands, increases the production of sputum and reduces its viscosity. Codelac Broncho tablets have a combined effect, exhibit expectorant properties, help thin sputum and provide a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Funds based thyme They have an expectorant, mucolytic and antitussive effect, and are produced in combination with various plant components (ivy, primrose, plantain). Popular representatives of this subgroup are Pertusin syrup, which many have known since childhood, Gerbion syrup, Bronchipret drops, Bronchicum lozenges, Tussamag drops, and Bronchosept.
  4. Ivy-based preparations. These are syrups Gedelix, Prospan, Gerbion. They are popular due to their versatility; they can be used even with nonproductive cough in order to soften it and produce sputum. These are excellent expectorants for children that can be used almost from birth. Additionally, they exhibit a mucolytic effect and help thin the sputum.

Popular herbal remedies

Among other herbal remedies with expectorant properties, the following drugs are worth mentioning:

  • - Phyto (syrup based on plantain, thyme and thyme);
  • Cough syrup (its base is plantain extract, coltsfoot, eucalyptus and mint oil);
  • Amtersol (syrup with thermopsis and licorice root extract);
  • Breast elixir (based on anise oil and licorice extract);
  • Dry cough medicine for adults (composed of marshmallow root, licorice and anise oil);
  • Tablets (contain Eucalyptus oil and racementol);
  • Breast preparations based on medicinal plants (plantain, anise, oregano, marshmallow, wild rosemary, chamomile, calendula, licorice, etc.).

Concluding the list of expectorants based on herbal components, one cannot fail to mention preparations based on guaifenesin. This active substance It has vegetable origin, it is obtained from the bark of the guaiac tree. Preparations based on this active component have complex action, they stimulate the production of bronchial secretions, provide an expectorant effect, soften and soothe an irritated throat. For children, expectorants with guaifenesin are prescribed with 2 summer age. Popular representatives of this group are the drugs Tussin, Coldrex Broncho, Joset.

Effective expectorants based on ambroxol

Medicines in this group exhibit a powerful expectorant effect, but their use has some limitations. Thus, most drugs based on ambroxol can be used in children only from 2 to 3 years of age and only after consultation with a doctor. The same rule applies to pregnant and lactating women. Before using the drug, you must carefully read the instructions and take the medicine only if there are no contraindications.

Today, there are dozens of drugs on the market that contain ambroxol. They are produced in the form of tablets, lozenges, syrups, drops or solutions for inhalation. The list of the most popular representatives of this group includes the following drugs:

  • Ambrohexal;
  • Ambrobene;
  • Bronchoxol;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Flavamed;
  • Fervex.

In addition, ambroxol is included in the elixir for adults - Codelac Broncho with thyme from Russian company Pharmstadart. In addition to ambroxol, this product contains thyme extract and sodium glycyrrhizinate. The combined drug provides expectorant, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effects, promotes accelerated sputum discharge.


Even the well-known tablets, which are prescribed to adults and children as an expectorant, are metabolized and converted into ambroxol half an hour after ingestion. Therefore, indications, contraindications, pharmacological properties and the side effects of these drugs are identical.

The most popular are the drugs from the German, Israeli and Danish pharmaceutical concern, which are produced under the brand names Bromhexine Berlin Hemi, Bromhexine Teva and Bromhexine Nycomed. The drug Bromhexine, produced by Russian pharmaceutical companies, is in a lower price category, which makes it accessible to the general public.

Therapists prescribe medications with ambroxol at the most various diseases respiratory tract, accompanied by the discharge of viscous sputum (acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, COPD, bronchial asthma). In addition, medications containing ambroxol injection form used even in newborns and premature babies for respiratory problems accompanied by respiratory depression and hypoxia (oxygen starvation).

The list of contraindications that limit the use of expectorants with ambroxol includes individual intolerance, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and convulsions. You should not use these medications during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester.

Important! Preparations with ambrocosol, like other expectorants, cannot be used simultaneously with medications that block the cough reflex (Codeine, Caffetin, Oxeladin) to avoid stagnation of mucus in the lungs.

Medicines of the sulfhydryl group

These are modern expectorants based on carbocysteine ​​and acetylcysteine. Popular representatives:

  1. Mukobene;
  2. Fluimucil;
  3. Libexin-Muco;
  4. Bronchobos;
  5. Fluditek.

The drugs are released in the form effervescent tablets, powder, solutions for inhalation and injection, capsules and syrups. For children, the most convenient form is medicine in the form of a sweet syrup or suspension (Muco, Flutidek), with a pleasant fruit or berry taste. Children take such drugs with pleasure, they are easy to swallow and, unlike tablet forms, syrups do not cause a gag reflex in children.

The prescription of acetylcysteine-based products should be approached with extreme caution, as they can cause allergic reactions accompanied by difficulty breathing and shortness of breath. Therefore, if the patient has bronchospasm, these drugs should be taken together with bronchodilators. Contraindications for use are also peptic ulcer, renal and liver failure.

The standard dose for children should not exceed 300 - 400 mg of acetylcysteine ​​per day, for adults - no more than 600 mg.

When prescribing drugs based on carbocysteine adult dose The drug per dose is 2 capsules, for children - 2.5 ml of syrup.

The above expectorants act identically, breaking the disulfide bridges that form the basis of bronchial secretions. But medications with carbocisteine ​​are safer, since they do not cause bronchospasm and can be prescribed simultaneously with antibiotics. However, they are absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for kidney diseases, Bladder and stomach ulcers.

The best expectorants for children

The most effective and by safe means The following drugs provide sputum discharge in children:

  • Alteyka syrup. Natural and inexpensive remedy with a pleasant taste, helping to facilitate the discharge of sputum by diluting it and increasing its volume.
  • Bromhexine tablets. The drug has a pronounced expectorant effect and is prescribed to children from 3 years of age when acute bronchitis and tracheobronchitis.
  • Pertusin syrup. Sweet, dark brown syrup based on thyme extract. The dose of the drug depends on the age of the child. Children from 3 to 6 years old are prescribed 1/2 measuring spoon at a time, for children from 6 years old this dose is doubled.
  • Syrup. Herbal remedy based on marshmallow, hyssop and violet. Shows a combined expectorant, mucolytic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. The product is well tolerated and can be used in children from 6 months.
  • Syrup "Doctor Theiss". A preparation based on plantain with a pleasant, sweetish-mint taste. Effectively copes with poorly separated sputum and accelerates its discharge. Of the contraindications, the manufacturer indicates only individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Doctor Mom syrup. Contains extracts of 12 herbs, has a powerful expectorant effect, promotes rapid liquefaction and removal of sputum. It should be used with caution, as allergic reactions to the drug are possible.
  • Gedelix syrup and drops. All natural herbal preparation based on ivy with a pleasant taste. Does not contain preservatives, flavors, ethanol, so it can be used even in infants.
  • Ambrobene. Used for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases respiratory tract. Syrup based on ambroxol with a pronounced expectorant effect and has a sweet raspberry taste. The doctor selects the dosage individually, taking into account the age and weight of the child.

Good to know

Important! Most expectorants should not be prescribed to children under 2 years of age. This is due to the fact that babies have not yet learned to cough up mucus and its accumulation in the bronchi can lead to stagnation and unwanted complications.

For relax wet cough in children, it is recommended to use nasal rinsing and perform inhalation procedures.

Folk recipes

Proven folk remedies are considered an excellent addition to the main drug therapy. But before using them, be sure to consult your doctor, especially in cases where you are treating a small child. Here are some popular and simple home treatment methods.

  1. Black radish juice. It has a strong expectorant effect, thins and removes mucus. The black radish needs to be washed thoroughly, then cut off the top, make a depression in the pulp and put 1 tbsp in it. l. natural linden, buckwheat or flower honey. Soon the radish will begin to release juice, which, when mixed with honey, forms a sweetish liquid. In a few hours there will be enough of it for one dose. At one time you need to drink a large spoon of red juice with honey. The procedure is repeated three times a day. Within a few days you will feel significant relief.
  2. Milk. Warm milk is an excellent remedy for accelerating the discharge of sputum. To enhance the effect, you can add a little honey to a glass of milk, mineral water(alkaline) or baking soda(at the tip of the knife).
  3. Another potent milk-based remedy is prepared with the addition of honey, a small spoon of badger or goat fat and aloe juice. The resulting drink will have a very specific taste, but if you still decide to drink it, the coughing attacks will soon stop, and the bronchi will be cleared of thick secretions.
  4. Honey. Natural honey is an excellent antiseptic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent. For respiratory diseases, it is recommended to drink more fluids, so if you add a little honey to tea, milk or plain water, then soon breathing will become free, and coughing will be more productive.
  5. . They can be made from decoctions of medicinal herbs (plantain, licorice, marshmallow, sage, chamomile) or regular boiled potatoes. Such procedures will help ease breathing, clear the bronchi of sticky mucus and soothe an irritated throat.

In addition, you can breathe in the steam by first dropping it into hot water, a few drops essential oil mint, lavender, rosemary, cedar, orange or grapefruit. Of course, when carrying out inhalations, you need to be careful not to get burned by hot steam. Do not immediately cover your head with a towel over a pan that has just been removed from the heat. You need to wait a while until the steam stops being scalding and only then begin the procedure.

Medicinal herbs

Application folk remedies It is impossible to imagine without medicinal herbs. Among them, a special place is occupied by licorice, which was especially valued in China for its healing properties and occupied a place of honor in the recipes of Tibetan monks.

And now, based on licorice root, breast preparations are produced, which can be freely purchased at a pharmacy, and brewed at home as tea and used to treat coughs. For example, buy Breast collection No. 2 with an expectorant effect, which includes licorice root, leaves of coltsfoot and plantain. Or breast mixture No. 4 based on licorice, wild rosemary, mint and elecampane.

In addition, healers have long used a decoction of tricolor violet, popularly called “pansy,” to treat unproductive coughs. This plant was part of many chest and diaphoretic collections, as well as the inconspicuous inflorescences of mother and stepmother. Breast preparations can be prepared independently from herbs with an expectorant effect. These include:

  • Altey,
  • Plantain;
  • Sage;
  • Chamomile;
  • Thermopsis;
  • Calendula;
  • Oregano;
  • Thyme;
  • Ivy;
  • Thyme.

All of the herbs listed have an irritating effect on the bronchial mucosa and enhance contractility bronchial glands and contribute to the production and dilution of bronchial secretions. As a result, sputum comes out easier and recovery occurs faster.

Cough is defense mechanism the body, ensuring the removal of excess mucus and foreign particles from the respiratory tract. It is extremely necessary for the body for a speedy recovery.

Sometimes the duration of manifestation this symptom prolongs, or the cough becomes painful for the baby. In this case, it is recommended to use medications that will differ for wet and dry types. In the first option, mucolytics and expectorants are used for children.

In contact with

There are many cough expectorants. Self-prescription of medication by a parent without medical education, is fraught with the development of serious complications, including pneumonia and respiratory failure.

In addition, under a normal cough there may be hidden not only a complication in the form of whooping cough, diphtheria. The last two serious diseases are not uncommon nowadays, as the percentage of parents who refuse routine vaccinations against these infections is growing.

Parents treating their child on their own may miss the symptoms of whooping cough, diphtheria, pneumonia, which can be fatal!

Children's cough expectorants are divided into two subgroups, differing at the point of application:

  1. The action is direct resorptive. In case of a wet cough, the compounds enter the bronchi through the bloodstream and cause a cough.
  2. The action is reflexive. A remedy for phlegm for children acts on the gastric epithelium, the center of vomiting. Irritation spreads to the center of the cough.

Most products for removing phlegm in children have a reflex effect. Medicines with a direct resorptive effect contain sodium bicarbonate, ammonium chloride and other substances.

Up to 1 year

It is generally accepted that expectorant medications should not be prescribed for children under 1 year of age. Since it is possible that the child’s condition may worsen when taking medications for phlegm. The reason lies in the imperfection of the structure of the respiratory apparatus.

Newborns often develop a physiological runny nose. Mucus drips onto the walls of the throat, causing coughing. Therefore, the first priority measures for children under one year of age are measures to create conditions for a speedy recovery:

  • room temperature is about 21 degrees;
  • frequent ventilation of the room where the child is;
  • walks on fresh air, preferably twice a day, if body temperature is within normal limits;
  • rinsing the nasal passages with saline solutions and removal of mucus with an aspirator (up to 4 times a day);
  • raising the head end of the crib by 30 degrees to prevent mucus from flowing into the throat;
  • massage the child's back, use light tapping, vibration massage;
  • drinking plenty of fluids, including chamomile tea (if you are not allergic).

After reaching a year, the doctor may prescribe a good cough expectorant from those discussed below.

Preparation with ivy extract (Prospan, Gedelix)

It also has an antispasmodic and thinning effect. Features are due to the presence of saponins ( organic compounds, present in plants with surfactant properties). Admission is possible from birth. It is recommended to use after meals, dissolved in a small amount of water. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, but not less than 7 days. Whenever allergic reactions Immediate cessation of use and seeking medical help is indicated.


More often, dry is prescribed, which also contains licorice, sodium bicarbonate, ammonium chloride and anise oil. Dissolve the powder of one sachet in a spoon of water.

Medicine containing Ambroxol (Ambrobene, Lazolvan)

Use after meals, no more than five days. There is a form for inhalation. If the pediatrician allows, it is possible to inhale the solution through a nebulizer.

Thyme (Bronchicum C)

Another name for thyme is common thyme. It also has antispasmodic and bacteriostatic effects. It is approved for use from six months of age.

Remember that the drugs listed above cannot be combined with cough suppressants!

Classification of pharyngitis

At 2-3 years

In this age group, all of the above medications are used, with dose adjustment (see table below). The doctor’s arsenal includes an extended list:

  1. Ivy extract: , .
  2. Althea extract. This group includes: Dry cough syrup for children, Althea syrup, Alteyka syrup. Mucaltin tablets should be taken before meals, after being dissolved in liquid.
  3. Ambroxol: , .
  4. Thyme (thyme) extract: , Tussamag syrup.
  5. Plantain leaf extract. Has expectorant, anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic effects. These are expectorants for children over 2 years old: (combination with thyme).
Of the variety of solutions presented, only a doctor is able to determine effective remedy, suitable for your baby.

For children of senior preschool and school age

For children from 3 years old, all of the previous ones are prescribed age group. In addition, your doctor may recommend:

  1. Medicines from the herb Thermopsis. Take up to 5 days. These include Thermopsol.
  2. Licorice preparations. Typically this is combination medications: . In addition to licorice root, its composition includes: chamomile, wild rosemary, violet, mint, calendula. All other breastfeeding is not recommended for children due to the possibility of allergies.
  3. Plantain syrup, coltsfoot, is allowed from the age of six.
  4. Remedy made from plantain and thyme (Stoptussin, Eucabal). Allowed from three years. The duration of the course is a week, unless the attending physician prescribes a different regimen.
  5. Guaifenesin: Coldrex Broncho, Ascoril (combination with salbutamol and bromhexine). This is a semi-synthetic substance that has an expectorant effect.
  6. Products from thyme herb: use thyme herb (from 3 years), Bronchicum S in the form of syrup (from 6 months) and lozenges (from 6 years), Pertussin (course up to 2 weeks), Tussamag.

Many people know that every cough requires individual treatment. And certainly, if you have a nonproductive cough, you should not prescribe substances that promote expectoration. If there is no secretion in the respiratory tract, then there is nothing to cough up. As with wet conditions, antitussive drugs are contraindicated. Because they can provoke stagnation of sputum in the bronchioles, up to the development of edema and pneumonia!

Treatment medications must be prescribed by a doctor

When coughing is productive, doctors sometimes combine sputum thinners and expectorants. Sometimes only the first ones are prescribed:

  1. Acetylcysteine ​​is included in: , Acetylcysteine, Vicks Active Expectomed. Use from the age of two.
  2. Bromhexine: Solvin, Bronchosan.
  3. Bromhexine in combination with salbutamol and guaifenesin: Joset, Ascoril, Cashnol.
  4. Carbocisteine, from two years: , Bronchobos, Fluifort, .

Medicines for dry cough are called antitussives. They depress work cough center. These include: Sinekod (from 2 months), Panatus (from 6 months), (from 1 year), Glycodin (from 1 year), (from 3 years), (from 3 years), Bronholitin (from 3 years).

Top best products

Let us consider in table form the top best expectorants that can be used to treat cough in children.

A drug

Dose and frequency of administration

0-1 year1-3 yearsFrom 4 years
Gedelix2.5 ml once a day2.5 ml 3 times/day2.5 ml 4 times/day
overslept½ tsp. 2 r/day½ tsp 4 r/day1 tsp 4 r/day
Gerbion- one tsp 3 r/dayone tsp 3 r/day
Ambrobene½ tsp 1 r/day½ tsp 3 times a dayone tsp 3 r/day
Bronchicum S2.5 ml twice a day2.5-5 ml 3 times/day5 ml 3 times/day
Mukaltin- ½ tab 2 times a dayone tab 3 r/day
Althea syruphalf a teaspoon 1 r/dayHalf 3 times a dayOne teaspoon 4 times a day
AlteykaOne teaspoon 1 r/day2.5 ml 3 times/day5 ml 4 times/day
Thermopsol - - One tab. 3-5 r/day
Chest collection No. 4 - - 1 tbsp *3 r/day
Plantain and coltsfoot syrup - - From 6 years – 5 ml 3 times a day
Eucabalus - - From 5 years – 1 tbsp 2 times a day
Stoptussin phyto syrup - 1 tsp 3 r/day1-2 tsp. 3 r/day
Coldrex broncho - - 5 ml, can be repeated after 3 hours
Thyme herb - - 1 tbsp. 2 r/day
Bronchicum C lozenges - - From 6 years – 1 pc. 3 r/day
Pertussin - - ½-1 tsp. 3 r/day
Tussamag - 2 ml 3 times/day2 ml 4 times/day
Ascoril - 5 ml 3 times/day5 ml 3 times/day
The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, but, as a rule, it is no longer than 10 days.

The table above should not be taken as a list of drugs ranked by effectiveness. The variety of medicines presented in pharmacies is explained by their differences, therefore the most the best remedy does not exist. Moreover, sometimes it is necessary to experimentally establish which expectorant drug is more effective for a particular child.

The most effective options

The best expectorant for each baby will be individual, but, of course, combination drugs cope with their task more effectively: Ascoril, Joset, Kashnol, Codelac broncho.

Inexpensive medicines

In some cases, patients ask for an inexpensive cough medicine. Such medicines can also relieve the disease (listed in order of increasing cost):

  • Mukaltin;
  • Thermopsol;
  • Plantain herb;
  • Thyme herb;
  • Alteyka syrup.

All this - medicinal herbs, so be vigilant, do not leave your child alone. Allergic reactions are possible.

Among the new methods, recipes for warm milk with honey, cocoa, banana, and the use of black radish have earned particular popularity. Often all kinds of cakes are used on the child’s back, chest and feet. Not the last place steam inhalations with herbal decoctions.


  1. Treating a child for cough is sometimes not an easy task.
  2. Fortunately, there are medications that can significantly speed up his recovery. One of these are expectorants.
  3. Expectorants by themselves do not cure anything. Therefore, they should be used exclusively as part of complex therapy prescribed by a doctor.

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