Home Wisdom teeth Temperature on the second tooth. What to do if the temperature rises during teething in infants? What is the best way to bring down the temperature: candles or syrup?

Temperature on the second tooth. What to do if the temperature rises during teething in infants? What is the best way to bring down the temperature: candles or syrup?

The appearance of a baby's first tooth is a holiday for the whole family. Young parents are waiting for this moment with excitement and trepidation. And also with anxiety... After all, for a child this process is at least unpleasant. Very often, fever during teething is accompanied by lethargy and malaise. Although reactions are purely individual. One baby may not sleep all night long, while another may not even notice how the tooth has grown. Let's try to figure out why teething is accompanied by fever, how long the temperature lasts during teething, and how to help your child cope with it.

The process of teething in children

To finally appear, a small tooth must pass through bone tissue and through gum tissue. This is an extremely painful process. It causes the baby pain, discomfort and a lot of unpleasant sensations. Among other things, when teething, the gums become inflamed. At the same time, various microorganisms multiply at the site of inflammation. As a result, the baby's immunity decreases. Accordingly, the process of teething is accompanied by profuse salivation. This is peculiar defense mechanism. Saliva has bactericidal properties and prevents the spread of inflammatory processes. Often, against the background of these factors, the child develops heat during teething.

Signs of teething in a baby

The following signs indicate the beginning of teething:

  • the gums become burgundy-red and become noticeably inflamed;
  • the baby experiences itchy gums and constantly tries to put various objects in his mouth;
  • there is profuse salivation;
  • the child has a fever;
  • possible reddening of the cheeks.

During the teething process, the baby may change its behavior:

  1. He becomes more capricious, especially closer to night.
  2. The child shows anxiety in all known ways: whining, fidgeting, biting objects, etc.
  3. His mood changes sharply in the opposite direction.
  4. He refuses to eat, or eats sluggishly, without pleasure.
  5. The baby constantly hangs on the chest or sucks on the pacifier. At the same time, he is not so much interested in food as in the process itself, this calms him down.

In no case should the temperature be accompanied by coughing, vomiting or diarrhea, severe runny nose And sore throat. When these signs are combined, we are talking about an infectious or viral disease.

Maximum temperature during teething in infants

Usually, when teething in children under one year old, the temperature can rise to 38-39 degrees. How long the temperature lasts during teething is an individual question, this condition can last for 1-2 days until the cause is eliminated - in our case, a tooth appears.

Increased temperature during teething has a debilitating effect on the entire body as a whole. Therefore, the child must be provided good nutrition and rest.

When replacing teeth with molars at the age of 6-7 years, the temperature should not rise. If this happens, go to the hospital. Perhaps this is a sign of gingivitis - a gum disease that requires mandatory treatment.

Is it necessary to reduce the temperature during teething?

There are no uniform recommendations on what temperature during teething is the one that needs to be brought down. Focus on the child's well-being. If he plays good mood- this means that a high temperature during teething in a child in this case does not pose a health hazard.

The main thing is to provide your baby with the right conditions, at which it will lose less heat:

  • firstly, the air in the room should be cool, 18-20 degrees. At the same time, put warm clothes on your baby;
  • secondly, provide the child with plenty of fluids. This is necessary for thermoregulation and sweating. If these recommendations are followed, there is a high probability that the baby’s temperature will subside during teething.

It is not recommended to bring down the temperature with cold - cold diapers, applying ice. In this case, there is a high risk of skin vascular spasm. That is, the surface of the skin will cool, but the temperature internal organs, on the contrary, grow. Is it dangerous!

Our grandmothers had a popular method of rubbing their skin with alcohol or vinegar. Modern pediatricians do not recommend doing this. The fact is that when the skin is rubbed in this way, substances are quickly absorbed into the blood. As a result, you can not only not lower your temperature, but also get poisoned with alcohol or acid.

If it is not possible to keep the room cool, give your child plenty of fluids. The higher the room temperature, the more fluid the body requires. For these purposes you can use water, tea, herbal infusions, raisin broth, dried fruit compote. If the baby refuses the offered drink, give him what he wants. The main thing is to maintain fluid balance in the body.

Antipyretics for children for emergencies

  1. if the baby has illnesses nervous system;
  2. if the child reacts poorly to increased temperature during teething;
  3. if the child’s teething temperature exceeds 38.5-39 degrees.

Otherwise, experts advise refraining from using antipyretics. Give your body a chance to cope with teething fever on its own.

It is allowed to use solutions to replenish fluid balance. Such drugs include Orasan, Gastrolit, Regidron, etc. For use, it is diluted in a certain amount of water and given to the child to drink. These solutions replenish the loss of nutrients by the body.

Paracetamol and Ibuprofen-based drugs are most often used as remedies for fever during teething. Medicines containing one or another component must be present in the first aid kit. The form of release of drugs can be different: syrups, suppositories, tablets, drops, soluble powders, etc.

Funds in liquid form begin to act faster than others. To improve absorption into the blood, warm them to room temperature.

If a longer lasting effect is needed, for example, suppositories are recommended for use at night.

  • Paracetamol. For children single dose calculated per kilogram of the child's weight. For this drug it is 15 milligrams per kilogram of weight. That is, if a child weighs 7 kg, you can give him 105 mg of the drug. The break between taking Paracetamol is 4-5 hours. You can take the drug no more than five times a day.
  • Ibuprofen. The dose of this drug is calculated based on 5-10 milligrams per kilogram of the baby’s weight. You can take it once every six hours. The maximum daily dose is 25-30 mg/kg.

To avoid the body becoming accustomed to one of the medicines, it is recommended to use them alternately.

Remember, any medications should be given to children strictly according to the instructions after the doctor’s permission, without exceeding the indicated doses. Without a correct diagnosis, self-medication can lead to unpredictable results.

When is it necessary to seek the help of specialists?

  1. Definitely, if the baby is less than three months old, call the pediatrician. Can be severe consequences, if you neglect the help of doctors in this case.
  2. Teething fever lasts longer than expected. If after six to seven days elevated temperature and doesn't think about falling, consult a doctor.
  3. The temperature exceeds 39.5 degrees. Perhaps, in addition to teething, a virus or infection has settled in the body. Be sure to visit the clinic and get a blood test.
  4. Antipyretic drugs do not help. In this case, call a doctor at home or an ambulance. When the body temperature is very high, the body suffers!
  5. Other symptoms appear - vomiting, headache, pallor, chills.

Expert advice on what parents should do when their baby is teething

According to pediatricians, temperature during teething is a natural process. It does not require intervention from doctors or parents. But at the same time, it should be noted that teething affects the baby’s nervous system. It is quite natural that it is difficult for a child’s fragile body to cope with the symptoms that accompany the appearance of a tooth.

Thus, we will highlight several ways to help your baby:

  • Surround your child with affection and care. Now more than ever, he needs all your love and tenderness. Please be a little patient.
  • The stores offer a large selection of different teethers. They will help relieve itching of the gums and have a light massage effect. Buy several types and let your baby choose what suits him.
  • Don't forget that saliva has an irritating effect on the skin. Wipe your baby's face with napkins, especially the area around the lips and chin. Use bibs during the daytime, changing them as needed for dry ones to make your baby more comfortable.
  • Place a piece on your pillow while you sleep soft fabric. It will absorb dripping saliva, and the baby's pillow will remain dry and clean.
  • If your baby's temperature increases during teething, postpone walks.

How to correctly measure temperature during teething?

Firstly, it is worth remembering that the child’s body temperature may vary in different areas. The most effective way to measure it is mercury thermometer in the armpit area.

It should be taken into account that during the period physical activity baby, the temperature will be higher than real. This is explained by the imperfection of the thermoregulation system.

The temperature in the crease in the neck area will be lower than in the armpit. The same indicator will be higher in the mouth and rectum.

Summing up

During teething, discomfort, pain and fever are natural physiological phenomena. First of all, your help to the baby at this moment consists of showing love and care. Stay calm and sober minded. He is more dependent on you than ever. emotional state. If you are calm, the baby will be calm.

If you are afraid that you will not be able to cope on your own, seek the help of specialists. Your pediatrician will help you and give valuable advice on keeping your baby healthy. In an emergency, call emergency services.

The stage of the appearance of the first teeth in most cases is associated with difficulties, feeling unwell. The most common symptom is a high temperature in a baby during teething. In the process of the appearance of the first incisors or fangs in the baby’s body, two interdependent processes occur:

  • in the area of ​​tooth growth, many active substances begin to appear that soften the gum tissue, causing inflammation;
  • local immunity in the mouth weakens.

Such processes can become the reasons for the activation of the protective reaction of the child’s body - the temperature can actively rise to 37-37.5 degrees (periodically maximum performance can be 38-39 °C). This is a natural phenomenon that is characteristic of the stage of dental growth. Many parents are interested in how long the fever lasts and what remedies are best to use to combat this condition. We will try to answer these questions clearly and in detail.

How many days does the temperature last

When milk or molars begin to cut in, the temperature does not last long - from 1 to 4 days (this is within the normal range). It often rises gradually throughout the day or at night, without exceeding the 38-degree threshold. If a high temperature is observed for more than 4 days and is accompanied by severe weakness, vomiting, rash, convulsions, rapid pulse, then you must definitely call a pediatrician.

Is it possible to go for a walk?

If the baby feels well, the body temperature is low and quickly drops with the help of antipyretic medications, then a walk outside will not hurt. In all other cases, it is advisable to stay at home. The main thing is to dress your child according to the weather, do not bundle him up, and stay away from other kids (due to increased risk infection). It is also worth remembering that the walk should be calm, without active, tiring games.

How to reduce a child's fever

To combat a child’s temperature during teething, doctors recommend using two methods: physical and medicinal. It’s hard to say which method is more effective, it depends on the characteristics of the body of each individual little one. If, after consultation with a pediatrician, it turns out that fever in children under one year old and older was caused by teething, then therapeutic measures can begin.

Physical methods

Among the most famous and effective actions aimed at treating “dental” ailments are the following physical procedures:

  1. Elementary, but effective method, tested by our grandmothers - these are rubdowns. It is necessary to completely undress the baby and wipe him with warm water. If the baby's temperature has risen, then his body should be carefully wiped by moistening a piece of soft cloth. For older children, you can add a little vinegar to the liquid. Special attention is given to such areas of the body as armpits, hands, feet, groin area, elbows, knees. The procedure is repeated every 3 hours.
  2. Representatives of the older age category (from 2-3 years old) can benefit from a warm shower. This technique is used to normalize temperature and relieve tension during teething.
  3. During the period of growth of the first teeth, doctors recommend drinking plenty of fluids. Juices, compotes or fruit drinks made from sour fruits are best suited for drinks. This method helps quench thirst, reduce fever and prevent dehydration.

Medication methods

Medicines for teething are allowed to be used only after consultation with a pediatrician, and self-medication can worsen the condition. The most powerful medications for fighting fever are:

  1. Nurofen. The syrup has an analgesic effect and reduces fever. The medicine can be given to a child after 3 months of life and to babies whose weight is more than 6 kilograms. The syrup is consumed no more than four times a day (maximum 5 days). The permissible daily dosage is 30 mg of the drug per kilogram of weight.

  2. For fever, a child is often given Panadol (paracetamol-based). It is an antipyretic that relieves pain. Used to treat children from 4 months. The dosage of syrup is prescribed by the doctor. It is forbidden to take the medicine more than 2 times a day.
  3. Ibufen ( active substance ibuprofen) has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect during the growth of the eye or medial teeth. In addition, the drug reduces high fever well. Dosage of the drug: from 6 months to three years - 50 mg three times a day, in older children (from 4 years old) - 100 mg.
  4. Often for withdrawal pain, inflammation and reduction of heat during teething, Kamistad gel is used. Among other things, this product restores tissue. They can be used to lubricate the gums from 4 months, no more than three times a day.
  5. Tsefekon D suppositories based on paracetamol are recommended for use from three one month old. This medicine is a good pain reliever and helps lower the temperature. Doses: from 3 to 12 months – 1 pc. per day, from one to three years - 1-2 suppositories per day, from 4 years to 10 - one suppository.
  6. Another type of suppository, Viburkol, is used to reduce anxiety and moodiness in a child. Also herbal preparation effectively fights inflammation, acts as an antiseptic and has a slight antipyretic effect. Candles are used in this order: 2 times (up to six months) or 4-5 times per day (after 6 months).


Dates of appearance

Typically, children begin to develop teeth between 4 and 8 months. Each baby's body develops differently. As Komarovsky notes, “untimely”, in the opinion of parents, the start of teething of a child’s teeth is not a pathology at all. After all, it doesn’t happen that they don’t appear at all.

Advice. The first tooth can be “found” by paying attention to white stripe under the gum. Its appearance is a sure sign of the imminent appearance of teeth.


Komarovsky urges parents not to panic. The mother just needs to pay close attention to the condition, behavior, appetite of the baby and characteristic features appearance.

Main symptoms of teething:
1. Severe drooling;
2. Frequent whims, sleep disturbances. The baby cries and wakes up;
3. Redness or inflammation of the gums;
4. Worsening appetite. Growing teeth cause discomfort in children's mouths, so they refuse to take the breast or bottle;
5. Temperature. Contrary to the opinion of parents, this is not a necessary symptom. Many children do not have it at all. If it does occur, the mother needs to pay attention to the thermometer readings more often. When teething, the temperature during the day can vary greatly: from 37 to 39 degrees.

Komarovsky expresses the opinion that high thermometer readings may not be associated with the process of teeth appearing in the child. He recommends that parents pay attention to accompanying symptoms: appetite, activity, colds. At high values ​​(38 degrees and above), he advises consulting a doctor.

When to lower the thermometer readings

If a child develops a high temperature during teething, it must be lowered. Indicators of 38-39 degrees are considered critical. To reduce it, you can use candles and syrups.

Note. Before giving your baby fever-reducing medications, you should consult your doctor. Don’t be afraid to bother your pediatrician with seemingly trivial problems. He will recommend products suitable for the child.

Doctors advise mom not to worry if the temperature does not reach critical levels. Anxiety is transmitted to the baby. For infants, you can increase the number of applications. Mom’s warmth soothes, relieves pain, alleviates the condition. Also try to distract the baby: play, read a book to him, sing a song.

Basic Rules

Komarovsky recommends that parents of children who experience teething complications follow the following basic rules:
Calm down. There is no need to panic if the upper tooth appears first instead of the lower one. Medicine cannot influence the process of their appearance;
Do not listen to the advice of “experienced” relatives who claim that the child should have had teeth long ago. A deviation of six months during teething is considered normal;
For high temperatures, apply first available funds reduction: rubbing, airing. If the fever lasts for several days, you should consult a pediatrician.

Mom's helpers

Another sign by which you can identify emerging teeth is the child’s desire to put everything in his mouth. The baby tries to scratch his itchy gums in this way. Komarovsky recommends buying a special teether. The baby will not be able to bite through it, but will be happy to eliminate the annoying itch.

In addition to the teether, you can give your baby a carrot or an apple. However, this rule only applies if teeth have not yet appeared. With a grown tooth, a baby can bite off a piece of food and choke. Also, you should not give any crumbly foods: bread, cookies. To relieve pain during teething, they are useful special gels. They are made specifically for children, designed for different ages, and help relieve itching and pain.

Note. No matter how much the relatives would like to see and feel the first teeth, this is absolutely forbidden. There is a high risk of infection in the child’s oral cavity.

If children develop a fever during teething, Komarovsky advises giving them more fluids and ventilating the room well. It is also worth lightening the child's clothes. Wipe your face with a cotton swab moistened with water. Such rubdowns will reduce the thermometer readings and bring relief to the baby.

Emerging teeth can provoke changes in the child's condition. Temperature is a possible but not obligatory symptom. Its low-grade symptoms will disappear on their own as soon as the tooth erupts through the gum. High values ​​require medical advice. If nothing bothers the baby, Komarovsky assures: the less attention you pay to new teeth, the faster and easier they will appear.


How does teething occur in children?

Before the tooth hatches into the light, it passes first through the bone tissue and then through the mucous membrane of the gums. The process of teething causes inconvenience to the baby, because... is painful and leads to inflammation of the gums. At the site where the tooth grows, it begins to stand out great amount biologically active substances, resulting in a sharp decrease in immunity.

The combination of these factors is the main reason why a child’s temperature rises during teething. The baby experiences increased salivation (salivation), which serves as a natural reaction to protect the body from the inflammatory process. Saliva is a kind of bactericidal agent that reduces the spread of inflammation of adjacent tissues.


Typical symptoms of teething in babies are:

  • swollen, inflamed gums;
  • profuse drooling;
  • itching of the gums (which causes the baby to put various objects in his mouth);
  • possible increase in temperature;
  • redness of the cheeks.

When teething, a child experiences:

  • changeable mood;
  • anxiety;
  • moodiness (especially during night sleep);
  • decreased appetite;
  • frequent breastfeeding (with breastfeeding baby).

Many mothers are concerned about the question: how long does the temperature last during teething? Since this is a reaction of the body’s defense to the ongoing process, it is the norm. As a rule, body temperature is 37-38 degrees, lasts 1-3 days, then subsides. If the thermometer starts to rise, call an ambulance or your pediatrician.

How to help your baby with teething

The Association of Pediatricians is unanimous in the opinion that teething is a normal physiological process that does not require external intervention. However, even with a favorable course of the process, the child experiences enormous physiological discomfort, which puts a strong strain on the nervous system fragile organism. Then what to do if your baby has a high temperature? There are several ways to help your baby teething and relieve symptoms:

  • In children's stores and pharmacies you can find all kinds of teethers. These can be plastic or silicone rings, massage toothbrushes, toys designed to scratch the gums, thereby reducing itching.
  • To avoid irritation from saliva, you should regularly wipe your baby's face with a tissue, especially around the mouth and chin area. To prevent your clothes from getting wet, it will be convenient to use a bib and change them periodically.
  • During sleep, place a piece of soft cloth under the child's head to absorb the constantly flowing saliva. This will save you from changing your bed linen every day.
  • Increased attention, care and affection are irreplaceable ways to distract the baby from the discomfort and pain of inflamed gums.
  • If you have a high temperature, you should not go out for a walk.

Medicines for teething in children

To remove painful sensations and itching can be applied local anesthetics: gels or ointments. They are applied with a clean finger to the area of ​​the child’s inflamed gum. These medications are available in pharmacies without prescriptions, but you should not abuse them or use them frequently. Can be used homeopathic medicines and suppositories for teething in babies to relieve symptoms.


To relieve symptoms and relieve fever during teething, the following medications are suitable:

  • Nurofen. The main component is ibuprofen. It lowers temperature and has an analgesic effect. Indicated for children from three months of age and weighing more than 6 kg. Do not use simultaneously with other analgesics.
  • Efferalgan. The main active ingredient is paracetamol. Used at temperatures not exceeding 39 °C. Allowed for use by children from 1 month.
  • Panadol. The main active ingredient is paracetamol. Helps reduce fever and has an analgesic effect. Suitable for children over 3 months old.
  • Ibufen. Contains the active ingredient ibuprofen. Acts as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent.
  • Ibuprofen. Febrifuge. Prescribed to infants from three months of age. Do not use in children with kidney or liver problems.
  • Kalgel (and its analogs Dentinox-gel, Kamistad, Dentol). Effective gels with a slight freezing effect.
  • Pansoral “First teeth”.
  • Holisal.
  • Dantinorm.
  • Dentokind.

Before using the chosen drug, you should definitely consult your local pediatrician. The dose of the medicine is calculated by the doctor or by independently studying the instructions. For infants, it is better to use medications in the form of a suspension. Also easy to use rectal suppositories, which are inserted into the baby's anus at night. For a one-year-old child You can give the medicine crushed in a teaspoon of water.

How to reduce a child's temperature using folk remedies

Many parents rarely resort to medications to protect their child from unnecessary chemicals. In this case, you can use folk remedies for fever for children:

  • Rubbing. Make a weak solution of vinegar and water, moisten a cloth or gauze in it and wipe the baby’s entire body. Pay special attention to the groin and armpit areas. After some time, the body temperature will begin to gradually decrease.
  • Blowing. Cover the baby's body with a diaper, place a fan nearby and direct the air flow towards the baby, avoiding the head area. Extremities cool down faster, so you should constantly check to avoid hypothermia.
  • Application of compresses. On groin area, forehead and elbow joints apply gauze bandages soaked in sauerkraut brine.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Compotes and fruit drinks containing vitamin C can lower the temperature.
  • Enemas at room temperature. For children up to six months, the volume of administration is 30-60 ml, for children over 6 months to one year - 120-150 ml.
  • Some parents resort to rubbing the baby, which, according to Dr. Komarovsky, is prohibited when the temperature rises. It is strictly forbidden to cover the baby with cooling heating pads and cold sheets. When teething fever occurs, you should avoid diapers and excessive wrapping to avoid overheating your baby.

What temperature should be lowered in an infant?

Let us immediately note that you should not lower the temperature to 38 °C, allowing the immune system to cope with the change in the body on its own. Parents should monitor regularly general state baby. If the temperature has risen above this level and the child is constantly crying or lying exhausted, you should not ignore its increase, because protein begins to coagulate in the baby’s body.

Many mothers complain that their children’s teething temperature reaches 38-39°C. In these cases, you should monitor the thermometer readings at least once every 2 hours. A high temperature in an infant is a symptom not only of teething, but also of a cold or cold occurring in parallel. infectious disease. In any case, it is worth calling your local pediatrician to examine and listen to the child.

Find out more about the symptoms of teething in children under one year old.


Causes of increased body temperature during teething

When teeth begin to appear, they make their way first into bone tissue, and then in the gum. This process is not only quite painful for the child, but also leads to an inflammatory process in the gum area. In the tooth growth zone, a large amount of biologically active substances is released, local and general immunity decreases sharply. All these factors cause an increase in the child’s body temperature.

As teeth grow, the child's salivation increases sharply. In this way, the body naturally protects itself from the risk of infection during the inflammatory process. Saliva in its composition is an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent, and with increased separation, the risks of spreading inflammation and infection of neighboring tissues are sharply reduced.

As a rule, when teething, the thermometer mark remains at 37-37.7C. In such a situation, measures to reduce the temperature should not be taken. It is enough for parents to carefully monitor the baby’s condition and ensure that the fever does not exceed 38C

Many parents complain that The child is teething and has a fever at the same time it rises above 38, and in exceptional cases reaches 39C.

It is necessary to monitor the thermometer readings every hour, especially in evening time. If you cannot control your fever with the help of antipyretic drugs and rubdowns, then be sure to call a doctor, and when the temperature is above 39.5C, it is best to call the emergency service.

Typically, an increase in temperature during teething is observed within one to three days. But sometimes this process can take a long time. If the fever does not subside on the fourth day, be sure to call your treating pediatrician.

This measure is necessary for the doctor to determine the cause of the fever. Often parents believe that the baby is teething and a temperature of 38-39C is natural accompanying symptom, but in fact the baby is developing some kind of infectious disease. The doctor will assess the child’s condition and help determine the exact cause of the ailment.

But it’s best to invite a doctor on the first day, as soon as the fever appears. It is better to appear to your local doctor as too anxious and suspicious parents than to risk the health of your little child.

When you need to reduce the temperature during teething

Most often, children's first teeth erupt at about six to seven months. However, it is not uncommon for two-month-old babies to acquire teeth. Permissible temperature, which does not require drug intervention, strongly depends on the age of the child.

Very common in six month old babies teething and high fever(up to 38.5C) does not cause them serious discomfort. But if the baby is only three months old, then the fever needs to be brought down.

Pediatricians usually recommend taking action if children under three months of age have a temperature above 38C. It is necessary to use special children's antipyretics, which are sold in the form of suppositories or syrups; you can also rub them with diluted vinegar or vodka.

Older children do not need to lower their temperature to 38.5C. The exception is when the child reacts to extreme heat with convulsions, or the baby has serious illnesses, heart, lungs, central nervous system.

Parents need to know that they should not suddenly lower the temperature. You should not immediately achieve normal thermometer readings; it is enough if you reduce the fever by one to one and a half degrees.

In cases where the baby begins to have convulsions or the temperature rises above 40C, if the child’s health clearly worsens, or respiratory depression is observed, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance.

The same should be done if the baby is too passive, or, on the contrary, screams a lot, is constantly capricious, moans, if his skin has turned pale or gray, or his limbs have become cold.

How to reduce teething fever

As we have already found out, when a child is teething and has a high fever, and others painful symptoms, far from rare phenomena. Therefore, all young parents need to know how to lower the fever and keep everything in their first aid kit. necessary funds emergency care.

Methods of reducing fever can be divided into physical and medicinal. There is no consensus on which method to use first. Focus on your experience, advice from your doctor and the individual characteristics of your baby.

As a rule, if parents are firmly convinced that the child is teething and the temperature is a consequence of this process, they should start with physical methods.

First of all, it is necessary to create a comfortable and emotionally favorable environment for the baby. The temperature in the room where the unwell baby is located should not exceed 21C. The air should not be stale and dry. If the room is too dry, then you need to use a humidifier or at least hang wet laundry in the room and place bowls of water. Indoor flowers also help to humidify the air.

Remove all excess clothing from the baby; you should not wrap him up, this will lead to overheating of the body. It is best if the baby wears a light T-shirt or cotton shirt. It is also better to remove the diaper, as it interferes with normal heat exchange and sweating. Give your child more to drink. Sour fruit drinks, compotes, and juices are best suited. The drink should be neither cold nor hot. It is optimal if it is at room temperature. If the child teething and temperature 38-39 C, then most likely he will not want to eat. There is no need to force him; when his health improves, his appetite will appear.

The most common physical method of reducing fever is rubbing. This is carried out using a soft cloth, which is moistened in aqueous solution vinegar or vodka. Procedures can be carried out every two hours until the desired result is achieved. During breaks, you can apply a damp, cooling cloth to your baby's forehead.

At drug reduction fever in young children, medications based on ibuprofen or paracetamol are most often used. Many pediatricians advise using paracetamol first, and only in cases where suppositories or syrup do not give the desired result, use ibuprofen (for children you can buy Motrin drops or Nurofen syrup).

This recommendation is based on the fact that ibuprofen is a stronger drug and should not be used immediately. children's body to strong remedies. After taking an antipyretic, do not expect an immediate effect; as a rule, a decrease in temperature occurs after thirty to forty-five minutes.

When your baby is teething and has a high temperature, give him all medications only after you have read the instructions. Choose medications recommended for infants and in no case exceed the single and daily dosage indicated on the label, which may depend on both the baby’s age and weight.

If the temperature stays at 38C or higher for more than three days, accompanied by a rash, vomiting, or diarrhea, then you should contact your doctor as soon as possible. It is quite possible that such symptoms are not caused by teething, but by the development of an infectious disease. Symptoms and treatment of stomatitis in children can be found here in the article.


Why does the temperature rise

During the period of active teething, inflammation with swelling and hyperemia of the gums is observed in the growth zone.

This process is accompanied by:

  • significant decrease in local immunity in oral cavity;
  • a decrease in general immunological reactivity in children;
  • release of biologically active substances.

Therefore, when teething, general malaise, lethargy, drowsiness, moodiness and increased body temperature occur: from low-grade fever to 39 C and above.

The immaturity of all organs and systems of the baby - the immune, cardiovascular, nervous and thermoregulation systems and disruption of their interaction - play a certain role in the appearance of high temperature in children.

In infants, there is instability in the processes of heat release and accumulation, therefore, when any changes occur in the body (physiological or pathological), the temperature often rises during teething.

During active teething, children experience active salivation; this is due to the inclusion of another factor in the body’s natural defense against possible infection during the development of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity.

Saliva is an active bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent, and increasing its production salivary glands significantly reduces the risk of infection by various pathogenic microorganisms and viruses, as well as the transition of the inflammatory process to neighboring tissues.

The appearance of mucous discharge from the nose (runny nose or snot), loose watery stools, is associated with physiological changes in the nasopharynx and intestines, as well as damage to the nasal cavity, pharynx and intestines by pathogenic bacteria and viruses as a result of a significant decrease in the baby’s immune reactivity.

The complex of all these factors causes an increase in the baby’s temperature during teething.

In most cases, all pathological signs of teething do not require treatment, except for prolonged hyperthermic syndrome in children (high temperature) or a layer of active infectious process(respiratory viruses or intestinal infections).

To what maximum can the temperature rise?

Parents are often concerned about the question: “To what maximum numbers can the temperature rise, and how many days does it last? febrile temperature(39-40 C) during teething?”

Often, the period of active eruption of the first teeth at the age of 6 to 10 months (incisor group) and at 1.5 years (with the eruption of central molars), the temperature can rise to high figures and often reaches 38-39 degrees.

During this period, children experience pain, malaise, and weakness that were not typical before, so their behavior changes, sleep disturbances and refusal to eat are noted, which only aggravates the temperature reaction.

First of all, the child needs rest, calmness and healthy sleep, because temperature, on the one hand, is a protective reaction, and on the other hand, it is a debilitating process, which, if unfavorable, can cause overstrain of all organs and systems with the development of pathological reactions: vomiting, tachycardia and even febrile convulsions. Read more about seizures at high temperatures →

When the temperature rises to febrile levels (above 38.5 degrees Celsius) and tends to increase, it must be brought down by taking antipyretic drugs (Nurofen, Efferalgan, Panadol, Cefekon, Ibufen) in the form of syrup or rectal suppositories.

You cannot additionally stimulate the baby’s nervous system with games, loud music, laughter, or bright light - the body needs peace and rest during this period in order to cope with the load on its own.

If convulsive reactions appear against the background of an increase in temperature - tics, twitching or muscle contractions - the temperature must be brought down immediately at any level. IN home medicine cabinet There must be Nurofen or another antipyretic drug. You also need to call an ambulance or go to the emergency room.

How long can a fever last when a baby is teething?

On average, the duration of the temperature reaction during teething is from 1 to 3 days, but for each child this process occurs individually.

High fever lasts for a long time in children:

  • with pronounced local inflammatory reaction- persistent swelling, hemorrhages in the mucous membrane, hyperemia of the gums;
  • with active eruption of several teeth;
  • if there are other inflammatory or infectious-inflammatory diseases in the body - kidneys, lungs, blood, liver, heart, nervous system.

The temperature can also rise when another infectious-inflammatory process occurs:

  • in the oral cavity - stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • in the nasopharynx - pharyngitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, adenoiditis, which are manifested by a runny nose (snot) and dry cough;
  • V respiratory tract- laryngotracheitis, bronchitis;
  • in the intestines - enteritis, dysbacteriosis.

You need to invite a doctor to your home or see a pediatrician when the temperature is:

  • rises to high numbers (39 and above);
  • is poorly controlled by antipyretic drugs (Nurofen, Efferalgan, Ibufen) and/or increases again within a short period of time after taking them;
  • accompanied by local pathological signs - snot, cough, diarrhea, vomiting or regurgitation;
  • is manifested by a significant change in the baby’s well-being - weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, monotonous constant crying.

Do not hesitate to disturb the doctor once again, because timely diagnosis And correct treatment any pathologies in infants is a guarantee good health baby in the future.

If the temperature rises to high numbers, it is necessary to promptly reduce it with antipyretics (Panadol, Nurofen or Ibufen) before the doctor arrives or goes to the appointment, especially if it has been elevated for several days and is accompanied by other signs: snot, diarrhea, poor health.

When it is not necessary and you need to lower the temperature

Parents need to know the right tactics observations of the child and an algorithm for reducing the temperature reaction during teething in children, and for this you need to understand how long the period of temperature increase normally lasts.

When the temperature rises in a young child, first of all, it is necessary to determine why the baby has a temperature reaction - consult a pediatrician on the first day of the appearance of this symptom.

After examination, the specialist will determine the reason for its increase, the need to take medications, regime moments(Is it possible to bathe the baby and walk in the fresh air).

After the diagnosis of “teething syndrome” has been clarified, constant monitoring of the child and temperature control is necessary.

In most cases, an increase in temperature in the range of 37.3 - 37.7 ° C is considered normal during teething - there is no need to reduce it medications. Low-grade fever During teething, the normal period may be no more than 3 days, then a second consultation with a pediatrician is needed.

Additionally you need to create:

  • a calm, friendly environment;
  • good nutrition - breast milk or an adapted milk formula that the baby consumed previously;
  • drinking regime, if necessary, give special children's tea, boiled water;
  • conditions for good sleep and rest of the child;
  • constant ventilation of the room in which the baby is located and creating a comfortable microclimate in the room (air temperature, humidity);
  • remove all restrictive objects that interfere with normal heat exchange - synthetic clothing, diapers;
  • constant temperature control so as not to miss its rise to high numbers and bring it down by physical methods and/or antipyretics (Nurofen or Efferalgan in syrup or suppositories) if necessary.

Taking antipyretic medications to reduce fever during teething syndrome is necessary:

  • when the temperature rises above 38.5 -39 ° C;
  • if there is a history of convulsions or if the baby has a disease of the lungs, heart and central nervous system - the temperature drops when it rises to 38-38.5 ° C and/or at any number if the child’s well-being is significantly impaired;
  • if convulsions occur, the temperature must be reduced even at 37.5.

In pediatrics, only two active substances are approved for use: medicinal components antipyretics - paracetamol and ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibufen, Panadol, Efferalgan, Tsefekon - D).

Before using any medicinal product It is necessary to read the instructions, use only drugs in the pediatric form (syrups, suspensions, rectal suppositories), without exceeding the single and daily dose and frequency of administration.

In what cases should you urgently call a doctor?

Parents need to know in what cases, when the temperature rises due to teething syndrome, they urgently need to call a doctor or an ambulance:

  • when the temperature rises to 39.5 – 40 °C;
  • if, against the background of an increase in temperature, the child experiences passivity, capriciousness, pale skin, “marbled” coloring or an ashen tint skin, the baby groans, a feeling of cold extremities appears;
  • the high temperature lasts for more than two to three days, does not decrease well after taking antipyretic drugs (Nurofen or Paracetamol and its analogues), and there is a significant disturbance in the child’s well-being;
  • when convulsive readiness appears in children - muscle tension and twitching against the background of an increase in temperature or with a history of febrile convulsions;
  • when other temperatures appear against the background pathological signs: runny nose (snot), cough, diarrhea, regurgitation, vomiting, rash.

What you should never do:

  • if possible, do not interfere with the course of events - do not give the baby a cracker or a crust of bread to distract the baby - this can scratch the gums and cause infection of the wound;
  • do not massage the gums or try to make the tooth appear earlier; do not cut the swollen tissue;
  • Do not wipe the child with alcohol or vinegar - this can aggravate the intoxication of the body;
  • in order to reduce the temperature, use adult forms of antipyretic drugs, combination drugs, it is strictly forbidden to use “Analgin” or “Aspirin”; you can only take approved antipyretics (Efferalgan, Panadol, Nurofen).

Regular moments during the period of rising temperature

Most often, an increase in temperature during teething syndrome is observed during the eruption of molars, upper canines, or the simultaneous eruption of several incisors.

If unpleasant and complex manifestations appear during teething, the baby, first of all, needs:

  • Care, warmth, love and tenderness , parents should not be nervous and take it out on their child with increased moodiness, sleep disturbances and appetite.
  • Most babies calm down at their mother's breast, so You shouldn’t refuse if your baby wants to nurse frequently , even if the baby is not hungry. You need to feed the baby with regular food that he has already taken before (mother’s breast, adapted formula and complementary foods); nothing new should be introduced into the diet.
  • Walks in the open air are contraindicated only in case of a significant increase in temperature, severe disturbance of well-being and the addition of pathological signs indicating the layering of infectious and inflammatory processes (cough, snot, diarrhea, vomiting). Therefore, you need to walk more in the fresh air, using a stroller or ergo-backpack.
  • Comfortable conditions for sleep and relaxation – cool room temperature (17-20°C), optimal humidity and air flow fresh air, it is advisable to frequently ventilate the room.
  • Rubdowns With a tampon soaked in cool water, the face and entire body must be washed after defecation - when the temperature rises, bathing the baby is not advisable.

Most important points when an increase in body temperature occurs during “teething syndrome”, it is necessary to prevent the accumulation of respiratory and intestinal infections, determine their main symptoms: cough, snot, diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy and weakness of the child.

It is also necessary to develop a clear algorithm of actions. Remember that when a temperature reaction occurs, you need: timely consultation with a specialist, taking antipyretics (Nurofen or Efferalgan), creating a comfortable atmosphere and microclimate in the room where the child is constantly located.

Gel for teething in children When do babies' first teeth erupt?

The topic of teething in children under one year old is often associated with an increase in body temperature. For many parents, a high temperature in a child during teething is an expected phenomenon, and is often mistakenly taken as normal. However, often against the background of acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections, the baby’s teeth begin to grow. How to distinguish between a normal increase in temperature and the onset of inflammatory processes in a child’s body? How to properly reduce a high temperature? When do you still need a doctor?

As a rule, in infants up to one year old, body temperature is considered normal in the range from 36 to 37 degrees, provided that it is measured in the armpit. The whole point is that due to age characteristics Children are very sensitive to temperature changes environment and react to overheating or hypothermia by increasing or decreasing body temperature, respectively.

The ability of the body in children under one year of age to produce heat is very high, while some difficulties arise with heat transfer.

The body temperature of young children can jump if there is excessive physical activity: the baby cries for a long time, runs actively, sucks the breast, etc.

But the baby’s body does not give off heat so easily and in only two ways: with the help of sweat and the temperature difference between inhaled and exhaled air. That is, inhaling cool air below body temperature, the baby exhales air whose temperature is equal to the temperature of his body, warming him up, that is, lowering body temperature.

38-40 when teething

All children are different. One child does not have any problems when teething, while the other has a “full bouquet”: temperature 40, snot, diarrhea, etc. Very often, parents attribute many ailments to “teeth.” But in reality, you cannot do without the help of a doctor. After all, only after examination by a specialist can we say that the baby did not catch ARVI at the previous appointment at the clinic and that this is not an intestinal infection.

Parents of children under one year old should understand that common cause high temperature during teething is acute inflammatory process in the baby’s body, which proceeds in parallel. Children can easily catch a viral or intestinal infection only because they constantly put dirty hands and everything that comes to hand into their mouths in order to at least slightly soothe the itching of their gums.

You should not take an elevated temperature during teething lightly; it will never be superfluous to consult a specialist who can, after studying all the symptoms, make the correct diagnosis.

Or maybe it’s still teething

Of course, there are cases when fever in children during teething is not accompanied by other symptoms. In this case, the doctor is inclined to assume (precisely assume, not assert) that the cause of the fever is precisely the eruption of the tooth. In this case, the doctor may suggest waiting a day or two and observing the child. As a rule, there is nothing wrong with this, provided that the situation is controlled by an experienced doctor.

When to sound the alarm

  1. A prolonged increase in body temperature during teething at 39 degrees (when measured with a mercury thermometer in the armpit) is really dangerous for children under one year old. This temperature needs to be brought down. But you shouldn't do this for everyone. possible ways so as not to harm the child's body.
  2. Bad symptom - sharp increase body temperature to high levels against the background of the onset of diarrhea, rash, cough. In such situations, you should seek emergency medical attention.
  3. A warning sign if the fever does not subside when using children's paracetamol, provided that the correct dosage drug. It is worth seeking emergency medical help.
  4. Urgent measures should be taken if the child has diseases of the nervous system.

In any situation when it comes to an increase in body temperature in babies of the first year of life, you should contact your local doctor or pediatrician. Self-medication in children can lead to very bad consequences.

How to help your baby

Children tolerate high fever differently. Some people feel very bad at 37.5, and some kids are cheerful at 38.5. But be that as it may, fever in children during teething is not important. protective function for the body, so you can knock it down as soon as the mercury on the thermometer reaches 38.

If a child does not tolerate an increase in temperature very well, do not hesitate; you can regulate a slight increase in temperature.

Medicines for high fever

Suitable for children under one year old independent use just two medical supplies to lower body temperature, including during teething: paracetamol and ibuprofen. Modern pharmacological companies produce these drugs under different commercial names and in different forms. Syrups and suppositories are usually used for children under one year of age. It is highly advisable to always have two in the refrigerator. different means V various forms. For example, ibuprofen syrup (under any name) and paracetamol suppositories (Panadol, etc.).

It often happens that it is not possible to bring down the fever with the help of one drug, then another is used. Often children tend to vomit syrup at high temperatures, then it is worth using the drug in suppositories.

You should not exceed the dosage of the drug indicated in the instructions on your own; this can be dangerous for the child’s health.

Always carefully read the instructions for use of any antipyretic drug before giving it to your baby.

How to properly reduce fever in children

A child under one year old should have a fever by following certain safety rules.

  1. You shouldn’t try to suddenly reduce your baby’s fever by a few degrees.
  2. It is unacceptable to exceed the dose of the drug indicated on the packaging.
  3. The effectiveness of the drugs will be reduced to zero if the child is in a hot, stuffy, unventilated room, he has nothing to sweat with and, accordingly, to give off heat.
  4. Do not rub a feverish child with vinegar, vodka, or alcohol. This is very dangerous and threatens to poison the child’s body with acid or alcohol, respectively!
  5. You can't put a child in cold water, undress in a cold room, put a cold cloth on your forehead. Such actions by adults will lead to vasospasm, which is very dangerous for the baby’s health!
  6. You can’t “stuff” the baby with all kinds of antipyretics!

What to do if your baby has a high temperature

First of all, parents should calm down and assess the baby’s condition. If it is possible to wait for a doctor at home, we wait for him, while helping the child:

In any case, it is worth contacting the doctor who is observing the baby. If you cannot eliminate your child’s fever on your own within 2-3 hours, you should seek emergency medical help.

A huge number of different thermometers does not guarantee their quality. The experience of many parents and pediatricians proves the advantage of a proven mercury thermometer

Parents should be aware that body temperature various organs and areas of the body differs significantly.

When measuring the body temperature of children in the armpit with a mercury thermometer, you are unlikely to get confused, because most sources indicate standards for measuring temperature in the armpit. Perhaps the only significant drawback of mercury thermometers is that you need to hold it for at least 5 minutes, which is often difficult to do with restless children.

It is also worth considering that the reading on the thermometer will be much higher than the real picture at a time when the child is actively running, crying for a long time, and suckling.

What parents need to know

  1. Body temperature in the fold of skin on the neck is slightly lower than in the armpit.
  2. The values ​​will be higher when measuring t̊ in the rectum and mouth than in the armpit.
  3. You should not trust your feelings and try to determine whether a child has a fever by touching his legs, arms, or forehead. The temperature of the feet and hands is much lower than the body temperature of the armpit.
  4. A common occurrence in children under one year of age is pathological hypothermia. In this condition, the forehead and limbs are cold, and the t̊̊ can be about 40 degrees.

If we talk about fever in children under one year old, even if we are talking about teething, the child must be shown to a doctor who can adequately determine the causes of this condition. You should not self-medicate infants. If your baby’s condition worsens, you should seek emergency medical help.

High fever during teething is not uncommon in children. Young mothers and fathers have a hard time enduring this period, as they do not always understand why the temperature rises and when to bring it down.

Yes, teething is a difficult time for both the baby and his parents. But you need to survive it and try to alleviate the child’s suffering. How to do it? How to bring down the temperature and prevent it from rising again? Read more about this.

Teething symptoms

First of all, it’s worth saying a few words about the timing and symptoms of the appearance of the first teeth in babies.

This usually happens at 5-6 months, but this does not always happen. Some babies erupt their first tooth at 3-4 months, others only at 8-9 months. It all depends on individual characteristics body. For example, teeth appear later in children with a lack of calcium in the body, as well as in children with signs of rickets.

As for the symptoms accompanying teething, these include:

  1. increased salivation;
  2. frequent crying;
  3. irritability and anxiety;
  4. poor sleep;
  5. facial redness;
  6. poor appetite;
  7. a constant desire to put something in your mouth.

Also quite a common symptom The reason for teething is high temperature. This is what we will talk about.

Why does the temperature rise during teething?

The human body is a system where all organs represent a single mechanism. When teething, the inflammatory process in the gums contributes to a decrease in immunity in the entire nasopharynx, which can cause a number of diseases: stomatitis, sore throat, etc. These lead to an increase in the temperature of the whole body.

As a rule, the temperature does not rise much - up to 37-37.5 degrees. But each body reacts differently, so there are cases of greater increases.

Increased salivation can also be considered a protective reaction caused by decreased oral immunity.

What temperature is possible during teething?

As mentioned above, when the baby’s first teeth peck, the temperature can rise to 37-37.5 degrees. This is normal, so don't worry or panic. Moreover, you should not bring down such a “heat” by stuffing your baby with medications. But it is important to constantly monitor the child’s condition and prevent further increases in temperature.

Sometimes, when teeth are being cut, the thermometer can rise to 38 degrees. This temperature is also normal, but you can begin to bring it down. For this you need to use only soft safe means. Especially if the baby is only 3-4 months old.

In very rare cases, the temperature when the first teeth appear can rise to 39 degrees or higher. In this case, the fever may be accompanied by convulsions, difficulty breathing, and other dangerous symptoms. You must call an ambulance immediately.

How many days can a fever last?

No doctor can answer this question exactly, since the timing is different for all babies. One person's temperature rises for one day or even several hours, another suffers from fever for a week.
An increase in temperature for 1-4 days is considered the norm, but this does not mean that if a child’s temperature lasts longer, then something is wrong with him. Quite often, babies cut two teeth at once, so the fever lasts longer.

Is it necessary to lower the temperature?

It has already been said above that there is no need to bring the temperature down below 38 degrees, even using relatively safe means.

In general, a temperature of 38-39 degrees does not always require that it be brought down, especially when it comes to six-month-old babies.

There is no need to give your child an antipyretic if he is alert, active and nothing is bothering him.

Before lowering the temperature, make sure that this is a consequence of teething. It may be that the child’s body is fighting an infection that arose in parallel with the appearance of teeth. In this case, urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary.

When to call a doctor?

You should call a doctor if your baby’s high temperature is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe loss of strength;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • rash;
  • convulsions;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • frequent heartbeat.

What are the dangers of high temperature?

It is difficult to accurately assess the dangers of high fever in young children. Often it is only the body’s protective reaction to infections and viruses. But this doesn't always happen.

A fever in a child can be quite dangerous, as it negatively affects the functioning of the heart and liver. Also, high temperature is dangerous for brain activity, and why younger child, the greater this danger.

It is important to monitor the child’s condition and prevent a rapid rise in temperature.

When teething, heat can have dangerous consequences:

  • convulsions;
  • dehydration;
  • malfunction of the nervous system;
  • slow or rapid breathing.

How to reduce fever in babies?

There are two ways to bring down a fever in a baby: medication and folk methods. The first method is faster, but it is not as gentle as the second. Each mother decides for herself what to use, but before lowering the child’s temperature, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Medication method

This implies the use of mild antipyretics. It is worth clarifying once again that only a doctor can prescribe them.

For children they usually prescribe:

  1. "Kamistat";
  2. "Doctor Baby"
  3. "Kalgel";
  4. "Ibuprofen";
  5. "Panadol";
  6. "Solcoseryl";
  7. "NIZES";
  8. "Cefekon";
  9. "Efferalgan."

For children who are teething, it is worth choosing the most convenient forms of medication.

  • Candles are the most acceptable dosage form. The candles last quite a long time - about 5-6 hours. But you need to wait about half an hour for the result.
  • Gels and pastes - many of them have a cooling effect, so they not only reduce fever, but also relieve discomfort in the child’s gums.
  • Syrup – it is convenient because it has a pipette dispenser. In addition, the syrup tastes good, and the baby will swallow it without resistance.

It is better to choose medications that are based on paracetamol, an antipyretic that is safe for babies.

But giving aspirin and analgin to children is prohibited.

Folk way

If you're not a supporter pharmaceuticals and want to do without them, try the following ways to bring down the temperature when teething.

  1. Provide your baby with plenty of fluids. It is better to give him warm compote, milk, Herb tea or just water.
  2. Ventilate the room. Make sure the room is not stuffy or hot.
  3. Don't wrap the baby up. Let him be dressed lightly and comfortably.
  4. Wipe your baby with warm water, and you can also bathe him in a bath, the water in which is a couple of degrees lower than the temperature of the human body.
  5. Make a cabbage wrap. Dip fresh cabbage leaves into boiling water for a few seconds, beat them, cool them and apply them to the baby’s body and head. The sheets can be secured with clothing.

These and other actions can be performed both in combination and separately. The main thing is to carefully monitor the child’s condition at all times and, if it worsens, consult a doctor immediately.

What not to do?

Many parents, wanting to help their child, make many mistakes and take actions that are completely unnecessary. Remember that the appearance of teeth is a natural process that has existed from time immemorial. Nature is wise, and there is no need to help her.

  1. Do not give your baby crusts of bread, cookies or other foods that can crumble and injure the baby's gums.
  2. There is no need to rub your gums with your finger or use other methods to “help” teeth erupt.
  3. Do not overtire your child by distracting him with toys and exhausting him with games.
  4. Do not give your baby objects that could scratch the mucous membrane.
  5. Do not wipe your baby with alcohol or vinegar.
  6. You cannot “bundle” the baby.
  7. Do not give your baby strong antipyretics.


High fever in children during teething occurs quite often, but all parents are always scared and worried when they feel that the baby’s forehead has become hot. Well, not without reason.

But before calling a doctor and giving a teething child an antipyretic, watch the baby. If he is happy and active, there is nothing to worry about.

The appearance of the first incisors and molars is a difficult time for a child. The baby whines and requires extreme attention because Teething in children is accompanied by malaise and fever, which usually lasts up to 3 days. To make your baby feel better and not confuse teething syndrome with another ailment, you should know the main symptoms, why and how high the temperature can rise, and when and how to bring it down.

Teething symptoms

Between 4 and 8 months of age, most children's baby teeth emerge. It happens that a baby is born with teeth. And sometimes this process begins after a year.

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky says that his little patients can experience completely different sensations during teething, among which common signs are identified:

The following video shows the order in which baby teeth erupt:

Reasons for rising temperature

When teeth are cut, changes occur in the bodies of infants that provoke temperature:

  • In the place where teeth come in, active substances are produced that are necessary to soften the gums and jaw bone.
  • All the forces of the body are directed towards solving the “dental problem”. The immune system weakens, and infections that appear in the body at this time provoke fever.
  • The body’s full defenses have not yet been formed. Because of poor appetite and lack of sleep, it loses strength, immune function decreases, and a favorable environment arises for the development of harmful bacteria. To prevent their population from growing, the temperature rises.

Danger signs

Temperature during teething in babies is one of the body’s defense mechanisms, a manifestation of the wisdom of our body. However, it is important not to overlook the symptoms that signal ailments hidden behind teething syndrome:

  • Stuffy nose. Colorless, odorless discharge is recognized as natural. Greenish-purulent snot and a severely stuffy nose suggest the development of rhinitis.
  • I have a stomachache. If diarrhea is accompanied by cutting pain in the abdomen, an intestinal infection is predicted. Gnawing on everything, the baby could bring it into his mouth.
  • Painful cough. There is so much saliva that the child does not have time to swallow it. After choking on saliva, the baby coughs, this is normal. But mucus discharge and wheezing accompanying cough may be associated with respiratory problems.
  • Redness of the throat. During the process of teething, swelling of the gums is not able to spread to the throat. If the palate and throat turn red, the baby may develop pharyngitis.
  • Vomit. In children, the gag reflex can be triggered by heat. Vomiting also accompanies damage to the nervous system and poisoning. Therefore, you will need to call a doctor to rule out these ailments.
If the described signs are present in the baby at the moment when he is teething, medical care is required at any temperature.

Standard and permissible temperature

Temperature norms in infants and adults are very different:

Temperature during teething

On average, the temperature in the armpit rises to 37.5–37.7 °C. The child hardly notices this increase. During teething, the permissible temperature is 38 °C. If the temperature has risen to 38–39 degrees, measurements are taken every hour, but do not intervene, because hyperthermia promotes increased production of antibodies.

Acceptable deadlines

It is normal if the body temperature is elevated when the teeth come out and lasts up to three days. You need the help of a doctor if the fever does not subside on the fourth day and reaches a maximum of 40 °C.

It happens that with severe inflammation of the gums and the eruption of several teeth at the same time, the temperature lasts for 5 days. Maximum temperature It is also possible during the eruption of molars and upper canines.

When the second molars are cut, discomfort can last up to several weeks. At about six years old, when they grow up permanent teeth, the process goes much easier.

Symptoms that require lowering the temperature

Urgently bring down the fever if the following signs occur:

  • temperature during teething above 39 °C;
  • convulsions occur;
  • breathing quickens;
  • the child sleeps too long;
  • the baby constantly cries and cannot calm down;
  • with other signs of deterioration: cheeks turn red, lips dry, eyes shine unhealthily.
If the baby has already experienced convulsions, then the fever is brought down at readings above 38 degrees or at the first signs of convulsive readiness: muscle tension and twitching.

Risks of high temperature

As a result of hyperthermia, the natural course of many processes in the body changes, which leads to the following consequences:

  • the water-salt balance is disturbed;
  • convulsions occur that can cause respiratory arrest;
  • blood may clot in the vessels.
When the fever, despite the measures taken, continues to persist or quickly returns to its previous value, you must call an ambulance.

Ways to reduce fever

An increase in temperature is a natural process during teething in children. You should not correct it without special reasons. But in a critical situation, quick action is necessary.

There are two ways to normalize temperature in young children:

  • drug;
  • folk

Medicinal method

In pediatrics to normalize temperature The use of two substances is permitted: ibuprofen and paracetamol. Ibuprofen is effective against fever and pain. It is suitable for babies over 3 months. From the first days of life you are allowed to take paracetamol. The drug is suitable for pain relief, but is not effective at 39 °C and above. These medications are given to infants strictly as prescribed and in the exact dosage.

Preparations in the form of syrup quickly relieve fever, but have a short-term effect. Suppositories affect the body more slowly, but the effect of their use lasts longer.

As a result of the actions taken, the temperature cannot always be reduced to normal. It is enough if it drops by at least one thermometer division.

Folk remedies

Simple traditional methods make it possible to reduce the fever by 1-2 degrees. These include:

  • Wrapping the baby in a wet diaper.
  • Drying the baby with warm water. Use a wet sponge to wipe the baby’s feet and hands, groin and armpits, elbow bends and under the knees.
  • Linden blossom. Children over one year old can make tea from linden flowers. Thanks to it, sweat production increases, which leads to cooling of the body.
  • Cabbage leaves that are pre-soaked in boiling water, beaten, cooled and applied to the body help.

One folk remedy sometimes it's not enough. You can use it as an aid between medications.

Unacceptable methods

When a baby is teething:

  • You should not allow him to chew crackers or a crust of bread. He may choke or scratch his gums.
  • It is forbidden to massage the gums, cut or do other manipulations in the baby’s oral cavity, because there is a high chance of infecting it. If something bothers your parents, you should see a dentist.
  • Do not use alcohol or vinegar for wiping. Evaporating, they cool the skin, and the increased temperature inside remains. Alcohol and vinegar can cause intoxication.

Activities to alleviate the baby's condition

The love and patience of the parents will help the baby survive the painful process. Make you feel better:

  • frequent skin-to-skin touching;
  • frequent breastfeeding;
  • distracting games;
  • walks, if general condition allows;
  • drinking a lot;
  • Lightweight clothing;
  • a break from the diaper;
  • coolness in the room (17–18 °C).

A high temperature in a child during teething is a natural response of the body to the release of biologically active substances and swelling of the gums. A child may react to teeth with temperatures up to 39 °C. But since he is poorly protected at this time from respiratory, intestinal infections, dental ailments can hide serious illnesses, so you need to carefully monitor the child. A clear plan will help you care for your baby with confidence: consultation with a doctor, antipyretic drug and drinking plenty of fluids.

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